

The Mansfield University Podcast looks at college life through the eyes of freshmen who share their thoughts, experiences and advice. Admissions Director Brian Barden shares tips on how to the college right for you and Financial Aid Director Chris Vaughn makes the complex world of financial aid understandable and sometimes even fun! The Mansfield University Podcast is for high school seniors, juniors and parents.

  • Max Brooks:Zombie Expert

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    In this episode of Conversations, Mansfield University Public
    Relations Director Dennis Miller talks with Max Brooks, author of The Zombie
    Survival Guide and World War Z, about the history and types of zombies and how
    to survive in the event of a zombie pandemic.

    29 November 2012, 7:13 pm
  • Max Brooks:The Personal Side

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    In this episode of Conversations, Mansfield University Public
    Relations Director Dennis Miller talks with author and lecturer Max Brooks
    about writing, the movie based on his book, World War Z, and growing up as the
    son of Mel Brooks and Anne Bancroft.


    29 November 2012, 6:58 pm
  • Wal-Mart Orchid


    Award-Winning poet Judith Sornberger came to visit Dennis Miller today to discuss her latest collection of poems, Wal-Mart Orchid.

    Sornberger not only shares some of her poems from her new chapbook, but also talks of the writing process and inspirations.

    Dr. Sornberger  is a Mansfield University English professor who teaches in the English and Modern Languages Department and directs MU’s Women’s Studies Program. Her poems and essays have appeared in many anthologies and literary magazines.

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    27 April 2012, 9:55 am
  • One Womans Vengeance

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    Dennis Miller has published his second novel, One Womans Vengeance. The plot of the book revolves around  Nora Hawks, whose home is invaded by a 12-member gang that murder her husband, rape her and leave her for dead. She finds the physical and spiritual strength to exact revenge.

    Christie Martin sits down with the author and they discuss topics such as his inspirations, his writing process and favorite authors.

    All profits from One Womans Vengeance and his first novel, The Perfect Song, are put into a scholarship fund for future MU students.

    The book is available at the MU campus bookstore and its online store. The print and ebook versions are available on Lulu.com and the ebook version on Barnes and Noble,    Amazon.com and on iBooks on the iIunes store.

    The first chapter of One Woman’s Vengeance is available for free on Miller’s blog at onewomansvengeance.wordpress.com

    Read the Transcript


    6 February 2012, 7:17 pm
  • Mary Asaba and her Special Mission:Part 1

    Mary Asaba is a Graduate Assistant with the Education and Special Education Department at Mansfield University. Her quest for educational knowledge began in her native home of African Country, Cameroon. In this discussion, Mary talks with Dr. Kathleen Carico about the history of her country, the educational environment and what triggered her mission to seek special educational change in Cameroon.  Listen to this Podcast

    22 November 2011, 12:20 pm
  • Mary Asaba and her Special Mission:Part 2

    In Part 2 of this podcast series, Mary tells of her mission to get to the US from her native African home, to study Special Education. Mary’s story of being a mother with an autistic child and living within a country that has no support for children with special needs is truly inspirational.

    21 November 2011, 7:44 pm
  • Poetry in Translation:Dr.Judith Sornberger

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    Poet and Mansfield University Professor Judith Sornberger talks to Dennis Miller about ‘Poetry in Translation,’ a seminar offered , in which students read, discuss and write about poetry in English by important poets from around the World. Dr. Sornberger tells of the lively discussions that occurred during the semester as students had their views altered about poets and poetry.

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    3 May 2011, 1:52 pm
  • Cooking Bachelor Style:An Interview with Terry Miller

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    Dennis Miller sits down with Author Terry Miller to discuss his new book, Cooking Bachelor Style; Life Beyond the Freezer Section. Terry serves up a treat with his signature dash of humor, making cooking in the man’s world hilarious, easy and fulfilling. This interview includes the author’s reading of one of his wilder fictional adventures.

    14 April 2011, 2:17 pm
  • Civil Rights in Fiction: Part 1

    Dennis Miller talks to Dr. Lynn Pifer, professor of English and Director of the Frederick Douglass Institute at Mansfield University in Part 1 of Civil Rights Fiction. They discusses novels that revolve around the civil rights movement and how the emotional element of these novels, often outweighs the intellectual underpinnings of the movement.  Listen to this Podcast

    16 February 2011, 12:03 pm
  • Civil Rights in Fiction:Part 2

    In Part 2 of Civil Rights in Fiction, Dr. Lynn Pifer begins the discussion by talking about the Civil Rights Movement images that normally go through our minds, and just how sanitized they are.

    Listen to this Podcast

    14 February 2011, 11:06 am
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