New wrestling podcast network that ranges from incredibly insightful to actively making you less knowledgable about professional wrestling.
After a hiatus, the Psychology is Dead top 50 wrestlers of the year has finally returned. Follow Quentin and Tim as they run down their top wrestlers of 2024
After a hiatus, the Psychology is Dead top 50 wrestlers of the year has finally returned. Follow Quentin and Tim as they run down their top wrestlers of 2024
The Royal Rumble is a Rorschach test for how much you expect from WWE, DPW watch up also make sure to check out Corwo’s 2024 Year-End Awards and join the VP Discord
Christmas has come late, joined but a very special guest co-host Daniel Makabe and an even more special guest (not a competition) Nicole Matthews (two Ts you idiot) to talk about Nicole's incredible 2023 match by match. Some of the best matches of the year and we get into all the details not just in the ring but also behind the scenes.
It's that time and we're listco guys of course we are doing random catch up. Odd and ends from japan to start then the main even AEW Whirld's End. Ospreay really is that guy sorry violent folks.
We are joined by the legendary Kris Zellner (no he was not hit in the head with a brick) to talk about the WON HOF case of CM Punk. Make sure you are familiar with Kris' "best work" over at the BTS patreon. Then q&t get into reviewing the two big women's matches of the week Athena/Billie & Mone/Hazuki, and the focus of the week DPW 3rd anni show. Adam Priest is the gd man roll tide blitz bama blitz. If that's not enough listen to find out the real deal when it comes to Baltimore's scrapple intake.
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We are joined by the legendary Kris Zellner (no he was not hit in the head with a brick) to talk about the WON HOF case of CM Punk. Make sure you are familiar with Kris' "best work" over at the BTS patreon. Then q&t get into reviewing the two big women's matches of the week Athena/Billie & Mone/Hazuki, and the focus of the week DPW 3rd anni show. Adam Priest is the gd man roll tide blitz bama blitz. If that's not enough listen to find out the real deal when it comes to Baltimore's scrapple intake.
Wrestle Kingdom preview (I swear guys it's real) Dragon's Gate King Of Gate, and AEW Continental Classic
Is Drake a bitch? Fine out here. DPW World's Strongest review primarily
Back after a little extendo break and we talk about it all: AEW, Sendai Girls, King of the Indies, NOAH, and The Observer Hall Of Fame
After a little extendo break we are back to get caught up on all the goings on of good wrestling, don't expect WWE/AEW/TNA/MLP or whatever chat naw, we are talking DDT, Hard Hit, KT Dan 2, DPW and the only WON HOF candidate that matters. Get in here asap or else you're going to look dumb at Thanksgiving dinner. Donate to Bailey's surgery fund give until it hurts