My Podcasts

Ben Ebel

This is a feed of all podcasts I complete. Any podcast with a substantial number of episodes will have its own feed, but it will still be in here. Published from Canton, Ohio, USA.

  • Podcast Promo
    My friend Kyle is starting a new podcast about the band The Offspring.
    6 March 2008, 9:05 am
  • LibriVox
    I have recently begun volunteering for LibriVox, a project to read public domain literature and post it on the internet as audio. My first contribution will be a collection of fables by Jean de la Fontaine, translated into English. I will also publish my works as part of this podcast. Any works created for LibriVox are in the public domain and will be identified as such within the audio.

    I should also note that I canceled the BuckeyeCast show for several reasons, foremost of which is that there was not enough material or enough time to collect material to do a regular show.
    26 January 2008, 4:57 am
  • New Podcast: BuckeyeCast
    This new podcast that I am creating will be all about The Ohio State University. It will have its own site at, so I will not put any more episodes in here. The feed is It will be in iTunes very soon.
    7 September 2006, 8:10 pm
  • Quick Update
    This is just a quick update regarding my summer activites.  I forgot to mention it in the audio, but I guess my idea for a collage of listeners' voices didn't appeal to anyone since no one sent me anything.
    9 June 2006, 8:01 pm
  • Idea for new show
    Yeah, so I was sitting here thinking and all of a sudden I thought, "Wouldn't it be cool if I could get input from my listeners and then combine it all together into one show?"

    So, if this idea appeals to anyone, and if you have a microphone, record me an audio file, it doesn't matter what type, and if I get enough participants, I will make a show from it. Just talk about anything that comes to mind. Don't be afraid to ramble because I will edit for length. If you have a Windows machine, you can use the sound recording program under accesories, and then I think communications or something. Please don't edit anything, because you might delete something I deem important.

    Alternatively, you can send me text and I'll read it, but I would really like to get different voices on here. When you send anything, either text or audio, please give me your name (or an alias) and, if you're okay with it, you city and state.

    Send either text or audio by clicking here.

    I have added a link to myself reading this post for those of you who don't come to the site because of auto-updating audio programs.
    21 March 2006, 1:23 pm
  • Pi- 1000 Digits
    I gave you a hint yesterday, and here it is: Pi. If you don't want to hear me talk for 1000 digits, fast-forward to the end because there is some important stuff in there. There is also new intro and conclusion music. Enjoy!
    16 March 2006, 4:09 pm
  • 3-14 is a special day
    If you know why March 14th is special, send me an e-mail or leave a comment and I will mention you on the next episode, which is on the topic of March 14th. Here's a hint: it goes on forever.
    15 March 2006, 4:03 pm
  • New features on the site
    I would like to call the readers' attention to some new features on this site.  If you are reading this from a feed aggregator, you might want to go to the site to see what I'm talking about.  First of all is the link right after the title, labeled, "Subscribe."  If you click on this link, it will take you the feed page where you can subscribe using a number of programs or just copy the link for your own program. Second is the subscriber counter at the right of the title bar.  This also contains a link to the feed, but more importantly, it shows how many programs are subscribe to this feed.  Third of all is the e-mail subscription link further down on the right side.  If you enter you e-mail here (it will be kept completely private, in fact, I won't even see it), you can receive e-mailed updates of new items in the feed.

    Thanks for subscribing.
    9 March 2006, 1:58 pm
  • To Be or Not to Be
    This is the famous "To Be or Not to Be" soliloquy from Hamlet. After I read it, I read a paraphrased version that I wrote. This was an AP English assingment.
    6 March 2006, 4:09 pm
  • Up and running
    Well, we're up and running with the podcast, and the feed is now in iTunes, if you search for it by name or by my name or "canton ohio". I hope to put out some more quality content now that I know it works.
    24 February 2006, 3:49 pm
  • Public Service Annoucement- Homelessness
    A 30 second public service announcement about homelessness, created for an English project.
    23 February 2006, 1:10 pm
  • More Episodes? Get the App