What did the Caldwell Enterprises team expect to find when they set out toward the Cavatica? Find out in PRELUDE TO MUTINY, a bonus miniseries consisting of five 10-minute episodes starring Kai, Chen, Dani, and more — BEFORE they meet X!
This episode is part 1 of PRELUDE TO MUTINY. Unlock the full miniseries when you become a $5+/month patron on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/girlinspace
I hope you enjoy this special bonus sneak peek! Oh, and Season 2 is (still) in the works!
Voice of Chance: George Telonis
Voice of Councilor Van Gaal: Thoreau Smiley
Voice of Fixer Breckenridge: Sarah Golding
Voice of Dr. Keane: Stacy Thomas
Written, Directed, Sound Designed, and Edited by: Tim Krause
Executive Producer: Sarah Rhea Werner
Episode 113: Welcome to the Season One finale! In this special hour-long feature, Captain Miles Chen undergoes an unexpected medical procedure, X negotiates a problematic cease-fire, Ra speaks out, and we find out what happens when you damage something you don’t own. As always, thanks for listening, and keep being awesome.
Transcript: https://www.girlinspacepodcast.com/episodes/2019/8/18/season-1-episode-13-force-of-nature
Voice of Dr. Singh: A.R. Olivieri
Voice of Dr. Elizabeth "Liz" Rousseau: Kay Krause
Voice of X: Sarah Rhea Werner
Voice of Kai: Josh Crute
Voice of Charlotte: Kay Krause
Voice of Cyrus: A.R. Olivieri
Voice of Dani: Jamie Killen
Voice of Thor: Tamara Parliament
Voice of Frost: Hayley Armstrong
Voice of Chance: George Telonis
Written, Directed, Sound Designed, Edited, and Produced by: Sarah Rhea Werner
Become a patron on Patreon at: https://www.patreon.com/girlinspace
For sweet, sweet Girl In Space MERCH, visit: https://www.teepublic.com/stores/girl-in-space-podcast?ref_id=5159
Thank you as always for listening! <3 X will return in Season 2. :)
Episode 112: While this may look like the finale to Season One, it is actually the penultimate episode! Surpriiiiise. At wit’s end and on her last nerve, X can't even mourn a fallen comrade without constant interruptions. Swarms of insects, hostile corporate takeovers, and sibling rivalry abound!
Transcript: https://www.girlinspacepodcast.com/episodes/2018/12/26/season-1-episode-12-find-me
Voice of X: Sarah Rhea Werner
Voice of Dr. Singh: A.R. Olivieri
Voice of Kai: Josh Crute
Voice of Charlotte: Kay Krause
Voice of Cyrus: A.R. Olivieri
Voice of Dani: Jamie Killen
Voice of Thor: Tamara Parliament
Voice of Council Member Van Gaal: Thoreau Smiley
Written, Directed, Sound Designed, Edited, and Produced by: Sarah Rhea Werner
Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/girlinspace
For sweet, sweet Girl In Space MERCH, visit: https://www.teepublic.com/stores/girl-in-space-podcast?ref_id=5159
Thank you so much for listening! <3
Episode 111: Oh gosh… there’s just a LOT going on right now. From echoing screams to an appropriately science-fiction-y orange mystery goo, the Cavatica and its inhabitants are in for a real treat/doom. Plus, X makes a new friend, gets a call from an old friend, and tries to keep the murdering to a minimum.
Transcript: https://www.girlinspacepodcast.com/episodes/2018/09/14/season-1-episode-11-we-are-everything-we-are-nothing
Voice of X: Sarah Rhea Werner
Voice of Dr. Singh: A.R. Olivieri
Voice of Kai: Josh Crute
Voice of Charlotte: Kay Krause
Voice of Cyrus: A.R. Olivieri
Voice of Dani: Jamie Killen
Voice of Thor: Tamara Parliament
Voice of Council Member: Thoreau Smiley
Written, Directed, Sound Designed, Edited, and Produced by: Sarah Rhea Werner
Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/girlinspace
For sweet, sweet Girl In Space MERCH, visit: https://www.teepublic.com/stores/girl-in-space-podcast?ref_id=5159
Thank you so much for listening! <3
Episode 110: As X and the crew of the Enforcer One continue to deal with THE HAPS, darker secrets about the Ra Initiative, X's parents, and even X herself begin to surface. (Quite literally.) Listen in for scintillating conversations, startling revelations, and perhaps even a mild descent or two into madness.
Transcript: https://www.girlinspacepodcast.com/episodes/2018/07/09/season-1-episode-10-when-did-you-last-experience-fear
Voice of X: Sarah Rhea Werner
Voice of Dr. Singh: A.R. Olivieri
Voice of Council Member: Thoreau Smiley
Voice of Captain Miles Chen: Lincoln Donovan
Voice of Frost: Hayley Armstrong
Voice of Dani: Jamie Killen
Voice of Charlotte: Kay Krause
Voice of Kai: Josh Crute
Written, Directed, Sound Designed, Edited, and Produced by: Sarah Rhea Werner
Additional Direction by: Jon Krause
Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/girlinspace
For sweet, sweet Girl In Space MERCH, visit: https://www.teepublic.com/stores/girl-in-space-podcast?ref_id=5159
Thank you so much for listening! <3
Episode 109: FUN FACT: Everything is totally super okay! Well, except for all of the alarms going off. But who cares about alarms when you have coffee, friendship, vacuum-sealed coffins, and many, MANY glass tanks full of spiders?
Transcript: https://www.girlinspacepodcast.com/episodes/2018/05/21/season-1-episode-9-did-you-come-into-contact
Voice of X: Sarah Rhea Werner
Voice of Captain Miles Chen: Lincoln Donovan
Voice of Charlotte: Kay Krause
Voice of Dani: Jamie Killen
Voice of Council Member: Thoreau Smiley
Written, Directed, Sound Designed, Edited, and Produced by: Sarah Rhea Werner
Additional Direction by: Jon Krause
Additional Sound Design by: A.R. Olivieri
Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/girlinspace
For sweet, sweet Girl In Space MERCH, visit: https://www.teepublic.com/stores/girl-in-space-podcast?ref_id=5159
Thank you so much for listening! <3
Episode 108: Things are still... well, we'll say MILDLY HAYWIRE. Also, Thor has a secret(s), X and a certain dashing figure try to out-hero each other, and X contemplates the simultaneously infinite and singular possibilities of fate.
Transcript: https://www.girlinspacepodcast.com/episodes/2018/04/15/season-1-episode-8-what-is-this-you-feel
Voice of X: Sarah Rhea Werner
Voice of Kai: Josh Crute
Voice of Chance: George Telonis
Voice of Dani: Jamie Killen
Voice of Council Member: Thoreau Smiley
Voice of Thor: Tamara Parliament
Voice of Captain Miles Chen: Lincoln Donovan
Written, Directed, Sound Designed, Edited, and Produced by: Sarah Rhea Werner
Additional Direction by: Jon Krause
Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/girlinspace
For sweet, sweet Girl In Space MERCH, visit: https://www.teepublic.com/stores/girl-in-space-podcast?ref_id=5159
Thank you so much for listening! <3
Episode 107: The great thing about mutinies is that they always go super smoothly with no problems at all! Also, Kai shares a not-so-fun fact, X makes another new friend, and everyone agrees the Councillor still sucks.
Transcript: https://www.girlinspacepodcast.com/episodes/2018/03/05/season-1-episode-7-you-will-never-leave-this-place
Voice of X: Sarah Rhea Werner
Voice of Kai: Josh Crute
Voice of Thor: Tamara Parliament
Voice of Chance: George Telonis
Voice of Council Member: Thoreau Smiley
Voice of Dani: Jamie Killen
Voice of Captain Miles Chen: Lincoln Donovan
Written, Directed, Sound Designed, Edited, and Produced by: Sarah Rhea Werner
Additional Direction by: Jon Krause
Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/girlinspace
For sweet, sweet Girl In Space MERCH, visit: https://www.teepublic.com/stores/girl-in-space-podcast?ref_id=5159
Thank you so much for listening! <3
Episode 106: After another unpleasant run-in with bureaucracy, the Girl In Space stubs her toe, identifies a body, and learns about Kai's mysterious past while disclosing portions of her own. Because everyone needs a mysterious past!
CONTENT WARNING: This episode of Girl In Space features mild sci-fi violence. Listener discretion is advised.
Transcript: https://www.girlinspacepodcast.com/episodes/2017/12/19/season-1-episode-6-high-functioning-flesh
Voice of X: Sarah Rhea Werner
Voice of Captain Miles Chen: Lincoln Donovan
Voice of Council Member: Thoreau Smiley
Voice of Dr. Keane: Stacy Thomas
Voice of Charlotte: Kay Krause
Voice of Chance: George Telonis
Voice of Kai: Josh Crute
Voice of Thor: Tamara Parliament
Written, Directed, Sound Designed, Edited, and Produced by: Sarah Rhea Werner
Additional Direction by: Jon Krause
Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/girlinspace
For sweet, sweet Girl In Space MERCH, visit: https://www.teepublic.com/stores/girl-in-space-podcast?ref_id=5159
Thank you so much for listening! <3
Episode 105: In the aftermath of — well, let's not spoil anything — the Girl In Space contemplates her life goals and takes charge to find answers. Strange data pads, violent welding, poetry, and bioluminescent fungi abound.
Transcript: https://www.girlinspacepodcast.com/episodes/2017/11/22/season-1-episode-5-valuable-human-resources
Voice of X: Sarah Rhea Werner
Voice of Charlotte: Kay Krause
Voice of Captain Miles Chen: Lincoln Donovan
Voice of Thor: Tamara Parliament
Voice of Pilot Bae (a.k.a., E1 Comms): Jon Krause
Voice of Chance: George Telonis
Voice of Kai: Josh Crute
Written, Directed, Sound Designed, Edited, and Produced by: Sarah Rhea Werner
Additional Direction by: Jon Krause
Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/girlinspace
For sweet, sweet Girl In Space MERCH, visit: https://www.teepublic.com/stores/girl-in-space-podcast?ref_id=5159
Thank you so much for listening! <3
Episode 104: Things are not going well. (But when are they ever?) The Girl In Space faces an unpleasant revelation, clashes with a bureaucrat, makes a friend, and begins a new cloning project... all while attempting to fix the sun. Like you do.
Transcript: https://www.girlinspacepodcast.com/episodes/2017/10/30/season-1-episode-4-nothing-gold-can-stay
Voice of X: Sarah Rhea Werner
Voice of Captain Miles Chen: Lincoln Donovan
Voice of Council Member: Thoreau Smiley
Voice of Dr. Keane: Stacy Thomas
Voice of Charlotte: Kay Krause
Voice of Chance: George Telonis
Voice of Kai: Josh Crute
Written, Directed, Sound Designed, Edited and Produced by: Sarah Rhea Werner
Additional Direction by: Jon Krause
Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/girlinspace
For sweet, sweet Girl In Space MERCH, visit: https://www.teepublic.com/stores/girl-in-space-podcast?ref_id=5159
Thank you so much for listening! <3