Laying The Smackdown With Brad and Nick!

Bradlee Hunt

Wrestling Review Podcast featuring TNA, WWE, news, show reviews, and DVD reviews.

  • Episode 3 The New Age Podcast!
    ITS OFFICIAL, Episode 3 The New Age Podcast has been relesead! I'm very excited about this podcast guys. Nick and I are BACK as a tag team and we are better than ever. We are now organized and officially went over one hour this week! I can't wait to hear this show myself, I added music before every segment and I'd like to think DA Sharpshooters for that, I got the idea from them. Anyway we discussed a lot this week, I dont want to give too much away, so check out Episode 3 The New Age Podcast! Also leave comments and feedback on our forums! Thanks for listening!
    16 March 2006, 4:24 am
  • Forums Created
    HEY everyone, Nick has created our forum which is avaliable at the previous link. Please check it out and sign up!
    10 March 2006, 2:12 am
    Ladies and Gentlemen, Laying the Smackdown has come to realize that they cannot do Episodes of the podcast without Nick, whether he is on the show or helps with news and reviews behind the scenes, his input is MUCH needed and I'm happy to welcome him back and can't wait to work with him again.
    10 March 2006, 1:08 am
  • Nick has been released
    Bradlee Hunt and Nick Daly have come to terms on his release. I wish that he grows up and stops being so jealous of people in his future and stops making things up and being a "jerk" for lack of being able to use a meaner term, he has finally proven to me that he is 16, and I was foolish to think that he was mature enough to handle this. I apologize to everyone for this bit of "drama". Oh and I guess I wish him the best in all future endeavers...yadda yadda yadda....blah de blah de blah.
    5 March 2006, 7:38 am
  • Episode 2
    Episode 2 has now been uploaded and should be avaliable soon. This is my first solo show as the audio in Episode 1 with Nick wasn't all that great, and him and i were never wanting to do it at the same time, so I did it alone, and he has given me a lot of grief over it...but that's another story for another time...anyway this episode features last weeks Smackdown, this week's RAW, this week's Smackdown, TNA and some news, and plugs for my favorite podcasts and a couple of games. Get Episode 2 here
    5 March 2006, 6:43 am
  • Official First Episode!
    Nick joins me on the official first episode! I think if it sounds good enough and people can hear him, he will ne joining me for every episode, but if it doesnt, i might just have him send in recordings to me and ill put them into the podcast, or something like that. Well everyone this is something him and I threw together tonight, enjoy! You can listen here.
    17 February 2006, 6:05 am
  • Test Run Avaliable
    This is my test run you can download it here and yes i realize it may be bad, but as i stated in it, this is my first time using recording equipment and editing and all this stuff, so everything about this is new to me, so please bear with me, i can only get better.
    12 February 2006, 1:03 am
  • RSS Feed Up
    There is a link to my RSS Feed for my podcast, now i just need to figure out how to get what i recorded onto the link so people can begin listening to my podcast! i will do a test recording tomorrow night or saturday night after TNA.
    10 February 2006, 4:35 am
  • Hey Its Nick
    Hey Its Nick. I will be contributing to this podcast by helping Brad with the news, the show recaps etc. I might be on a few shows as a special guest but mostly ill be the behind the scenes guy making sure the show goes smoothly.
    10 February 2006, 12:58 am
  • NEW Podcast
    Hello everyone, my name is Brad im 19 years old and I live in San Antonio, Texas i'm going to be starting my own Podcast that deals with Wrestling News, Shows, and Reviews and all things wrestling, since im easily distracted and miss Smackdown! and TNA Impact! every week, im going to have my friend Nick from NY help me with the News and Reviews from those shows, as well as his opinions and predictions on RAW. Since this is my first Podcast EVER I ask that everyone please be patient with me as im still learning to use everything, and I promise it will get better as i go along. Thank you in advance for everything.
    9 February 2006, 11:18 pm
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