
The Nintentalk Crew

Nintentalk is a new Podcast about Nintendo. It brings you the latest news and reviews straight to your hard drive. Every week we bring you a review exclusive to the "UK", and we also bring you many weekly segments including Link's Listener Challenge, Viewtiful Joe's Joke of the Week and Mario's Memory!

  • 1 hour 15 minutes
    Episode #26
    In Episode #26... - No news this week, but a mega main topic! - Get signed up to the Mario Kart DS Tournament if you haven't already! - We need your help! Donate $1 every month to [email protected] - A double epic of Kirby's Question this week, with some strange answers... - We think of some ideas of how the WiiPoints are put onto your Wii. - Main Topic: September 13/14/15 Event!! - There's some heated discussion between the hosts about release date and price. - We discuss every Wii channel that has been annouced up to yet. - We also talk about the Box Contents, and whether it's worth it or not. - As well as lots of other great stuff!! - Weekly Segments... - New Link's Listener Challenge - No Letters =( - Ben does the Joke this week! - No Hints and Tips... Matt was too hyped up!! - Marti is absent, so no Pikachu's Pokemon Peice... - But there is Raichu's Release Dates! - Unfortunately, there is no Post Show Entertainment this week... ... and that is Episode #26!! Link to the 'Buy a Wii' Music Video:
    17 September 2006, 9:27 pm
  • 1 hour 49 seconds
    Episode #23
    In our 23rd episode, we are bored. And annoyed. That the Leipzig event didn't reveal any major news. And we are struggling with things to talk about. But we did have one interesting thing to talk about. Listen to find out more. There is no Wiiview this week, and as usual, we have all your favourite segments. Enjoy. Link to Fansite:
    28 August 2006, 12:14 pm
  • 41 minutes 42 seconds
    Episode #20
    In our 20th anniversary episode, we are pathetic. Matt isn't here and without him, it seems we can't hold a show up. The Main Topic is some of the most recent Pokemon news, and the review is Pokemon Link. We have all the weekly segments, except the ones that Matt does. And there is a high pitched version of the 'Buy a Wii!' song at the end. Enjoy one of our most terrible episodes to date...
    25 July 2006, 1:06 pm
  • 1 hour 58 seconds
    Episode #17
    In our 17th episode, we are DS lite crazy! For our main topic, we discuss things that could be improved on the DS lite, and things that could be included on the next-gen DS. Our review is of the DS lite. And of course, we have all your favourite weekly segments, which this week, are packed full to the top with stuff! There is also a performance of the PokeRap by me and Marti, as well as some exclusive Twilight Princess music!! Enjoy! XD OMG!! I almost forgot... we had... A VOICEMAIL!!!
    25 June 2006, 8:54 pm
  • 15 minutes 25 seconds
    Episode 16.5/DS lite Q&A
    On this short podcast, we cover all the main aspects of Nintendo's new console, the Nintendo DS lite. Listen to find out more!
    23 June 2006, 6:43 pm
  • 51 minutes 52 seconds
    Episode #16
    In our sixteenth Episode, we are organised. Well, sort of. Our main topic is Wii WiFi, which, I will just point out, is our sixth recording of. The Wiiview is Red Steel and of course, we have all our usual weekly segments. Email us! Send us your LLC entries!! Comment on my singing!! Link for Logo:
    17 June 2006, 8:56 pm
  • 1 hour 59 seconds
    Episode #12
    In our twelfth episode, we are all over the place. Tom's Skype wasn't having a very good day with him and every five minutes or so, it kicked him off. However, luckily for us, it only did it once during the Podcast. Rob had to go for his dinner, Tom had to leave early, you get the picture. Our main topic is carrying on where we left off last week, discussing the Wii games that are going to be featured at E3. Matt's review is a NON-exclusive one this week, of LostMagic, the new Wi-Fi game. And, as usual, we have all your favourite weekly segments delivered straight to your hard drive. Enjoy our E3 hyped-up slightly scrambled episode!!!
    7 May 2006, 10:05 pm
  • 58 minutes 26 seconds
    Episode #11
    On our eleventh episode...we are ON TIME!! I have finally got back on top of the editing, so there will be no more late episodes. Our main topic this week is the Revolution name change to...Wii. We talk about how good the name change is and how it works well with the console. Our review is no a review but a preview this week, of Super Princess Peach. And of course we bring you all of the weekly segments. Hope you enjoy our 11th episode!
    1 May 2006, 5:54 pm
  • 30 minutes 18 seconds
    Episode #6
    In our sixth show, we talk about a few upcoming games. The first is the recently announced Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass, the second is the highly anticipated New Super Mario Bros. and the third is every Pinball/Metroid fan's dream, Metroid Prime Pinball. Our exclusive review reall is exclusive this week as it has only been out in the States for 5 days. Metroid Prime Hunters is the game in question this week. And to top of the show we have 2 new segments AND a new host. Listen to Episode #6 to find out more. Enjoy the show!
    25 March 2006, 10:33 pm
  • 26 minutes 9 seconds
    Episode #5
    In our fifth episode, we talk a little about LoZ: Twilight Princess and Pokemon Diamond and Pearl. Our exclusive review this week is Brain Training: How Old is your Brain. We have our usual weekly segments: Link's Listener Challenge and Viewtiful Joe's Joke of the Week, but we have, as promised, a brand new segment. Listen to find out what it is. Hope you enjoy Episode #5! Oh and email us!! We need feedback, and Challenge entries. Thanks!!
    19 March 2006, 11:09 am
  • 28 minutes 33 seconds
    Episode #3
    In our third episode, we discuss the Revolution in general. We talk about a few games that are coming out for it, and speculate on some controller add-ons and more. We finally have a good challenge. And Matt's joke is good. Well quite good. Hope you enjoy episode 3! PS: Send us some feedback. We can't improve the show without it. Thanks!
    5 March 2006, 7:07 pm
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