Coach's Corner is for coaches who hate selling, but still want more high-dollar clients! Coaches need coaching on how to attract, close, and maintain clients in order to create a successful coaching practice. Robert Imbriale has been coaching since 1995 and has served as the Head Coach and Coaches Trainer for Anthony Robbins and Associates in Chicago, IL. During his time in Chicago, he coached more than 2,000 people face-to-face and honed his coaching skills, and more importantly learned how to sell coaching without the hard sell. He created a system that allowed him to close better than 80% of the clients he met with and has been training coaches on that system ever since. Subscribe to this podcast if you're a coach and want to know how to build a better coaching practice fast!
Lessons of Success: Kurek Ashley is a long-time success coach and a person I met way back in 1996. He became one of the first people to introduce me to the world of healthy eating.
He’s an example of what it takes to be the best you can be and create the kind of success in all areas of your life that you desire.
Follow Kurek
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Fear. We all experience it. It can be below the surface. And it can interfere with our lives in ways that we may not even be fully aware.
What if you could live without fear? What would you attempt? How much farther would you go in life?
We answer that question on this episode of Coach’s Corner!
My special guest is Kellan Fluckiger who is an executive, speaker, performer, and catalyst.
Kellan is dedicated to helping others tap their gifts and talents to allow them to effectively serve and grow in their own lives.
His coaching is renown for the powerful results and growth. He continues to speak, write and perform regularly.
See more about living without fear here:
Society has changed a lot over the last 3 years. Gone are the days when people were extra patient, kind, respectful, and even caring.
As these last 3 years have been rough on just about everybody, we are seeing the impact it has had, and it’s not always pretty.
So how do you keep your head up, stay hopeful, and dare I say even feel positive about life?
While it’s creatinly not easy to do, it can be done, if you’re willing to do a few small things each day to help keep yourself in a great space.
On this episode of Coach’s Corner, we’ll talk about all of this and much more!
We are at a turning point right now. No matter which way you look, you see things that are not as you’d expect them to be.
Many of us have been silent. We’ve been watching it all unfold and we hope that things will turn back in the right direction soon.
But is that the right approach?
Is being silent really being part of the problem at this point?
It’s our complacency that is keeping this all going.
Today, I want to invite you to take a step in the right direction. I want to encourage you to be part of the solution.
I’d like you to be a LEADER. This is your call to action!
It’s time to step up, to make new decisions, to take new actions, and to have those difficult conversations.
Let’s dig into this on today’s Coach’s Corner.
We all want things to be calm out there. We all want a strong society. We want health. Happiness. And we want to be able to create a life that makes us proud and happy.
The question is, how do we get there when right now so much seems to be off the rails?
There is a path forward that we can take, but it will take some different thinking. What we have been doing has been taking us in the wrong direction.
Too many relationships have ended, families are broken apart, friendships have ended, and the fighting between otherwise sane people has got to end. They are not your enemy!
How do we do that? Where do we start?
That is what I’ll share with you on today’s Coach’s Corner.
Selling. We all have to do it, but there is a much more effective way to get people to notice you, find out more about you, and ultimately buy from you!
My guest on this episode is Dr. Angela Mulrooney, an expert at using LinkedIn in a powerful way to attract the perfect buyers to you!
We have an amazing conversation on many facets of marketing and promotion and she shares her story on how she went from being a successful Dentist to creating 3 businesses to now just being focused on 1 business that gives her the freedom to enjoy her life while earning more and working less.
Unleash your Influence!
You’ll enjoy what she has to share and we will have her back on Coach’s Corner in the near future!
If you don’t yet have a business plan for your business, you are at high risk of failure. Statistics show that businesses without a plan, fail at an astoundingly higher rate than businesses who have created and are following a business plan!
Today, my guest is Burke Franklin, a man with decades of experience helping businesses get funded and get sold to larger organizations. His experience runs deep and he’s now in a position where he can help you to get your plan done, and yes, even if you’re a solopreneur!
What if you want to get some financing to take your vision to the next level?
Or what if you want to borrow money from that rich uncle of yours?
Maybe you’ve been in business and have a great idea and are looking to sell?
If you have a vision for creating something bigger and having a much bigger impact in this world, this is an interview you’ll want to watch and share!
To find out more about Burke and his company:
You get to choose how you will handle the period of time in which we now find ourselves.
Looking at the state of the world, you would not be wrong to be feeling much less than optimistic about it all right now. And like you, I too can get bent out of shape and can lose my usual positive stance in life.
Speaking with a friend earlier today, he brought up what seems to be a very common question these days: what can I do?
There is something each and every one of us can do, but most won’t, others will think it’s not worth doing, and still others won’t be aware enough to even know that they should be doing something!
Today, I share some of the things you can do to be part of the solutions we need now more than ever. And, I’ll share with you what I think will happen to you (in a good way) when you decide to be part of the solution! You get to choose!
It’s a choice we all have to make and the time to make that choice is right now!
Let’s talk about it on today’s Coach’s Corner!
Conversations create clients!
Social media. Some people love, it. Most hate it. Others are indifferent. I might fall into the indifferent category myself.
Yes, I’ve heard all the ways we can use social media to build a massive business. I’ve attended the seminars, watched the videos, read the books, and hired the coaches.
Through it all, it still never quite clicked for me. Sure, I’d sign up a client here and there, but nothing was consistent. And when you don’t have consistency, you have a hobby and not a real business.
So I went all in and made it my primary goal to figure this out. I wanted to see how I could use social media to find and book new clients.
And, I didn’t want to spend all kinds of money testing ads for months and months on end.
What I found surprised me.
Hint: Conversations Create Clients
You see, I’ve been classically trained in marketing by the likes of Jay Abraham and Dan Kennedy, among many others. Now, I wouldn’t trade that education for anything since I’ve used it to help my clients make hundreds of millions of dollars in sales over the course of my career!
What I found is that making social work today is less about marketing and more about something even more fundamental. Something that we tend to overlook. And something we can all learn to do better.
I’ll share more about what I have figured out that is working exceptionally well right now and I expect it to continue to work far into the future too!
The good news is that it won’t cost you money, but you will need to set aside time each day to make things happen on your preferred social media platform.
Enjoy this episode of Coach’s Corner!
Challenges bring opportunity!
Everybody I speak with these days still talks about how their lives have changed since 2020. Seems the impact of all that has gone on since that time continues to weigh on so many of us.
I know it does for me, for many of my clients, and for family and friends too.
Heading into this summer, the 3rd summer in a row now where things are still not back to normal, how will you use this time to build a stronger version of yourself?
How can you use it to rebuild your business into something better than it was before.
Remember, that challenges bring opportunity.
Our focus now has to be on seeking out and finding those new opportunities that have been presented to us because of the challenges we have faced.
For instance. Many people I know how found a new strength or resilience within themselves that they didn’t know even existed.
Others, and I include myself in that, have found a voice inside of them they never knew was there.
Others have found new ways to re-formulate their businesses to serve their clients and new ways. Again, they found ways of doing things that they would never have found had we not gone through these last nearly 3 years of non-stop challenges.
I’ve made many new friends. I’ve tripled my social media following. I’ve been able to help a new group of clients, and I too have innovated my business to align with the market the way it is today.
Growth does not come from doing the same thing over and over again for 40 years. It comes when we face challenges and find ways to overcome them using our skills, knowledge, and experience in new ways.
As we go into this summer, how are YOU growing? How are you changing your approach to benefit from the changes we are experiencing now?
On this episode of Coach’s Corner, I’ll share some ideas on where to look and how to navigate the rough waters that surely lie ahead of us.
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