I found myself sitting around reminiscing about my many blurry nights in Miami every year and I started getting a little passionate about progressive and tribal house, I always do about this time every year when I'm gearing up for WMC. So I decided to put together a soundtrack of blurry memories of bouncing around some huge dark club on South Beach with 3000 other sweaty intoxicated people. This is what I came up with! Not in the genre of the stuff I usually play when I spin, but I love it! These are a collection of songs that take me back to some drunken night in Miami. This mix starts out slow, monotonous, and relaxing and then just gets absolutely twisted!! It goes from some dark progressive stuff into some Miami and NYC classics. So, if you haven't been to sleep in 24 hours or so, have some alcohol or anything else in your system, or you're getting ready to go out..download this, pump it up loud, and get ready for Miami!! Part II will be coming at ya when I get back!
Enjoy and hit me with the feedback,
[email protected]http://www.djkeibot.com