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Pain and setbacks can derail progress. Overcoming pain and setbacks requires addressing your why and acknowledging how you feel when you perform healthy habits.
Overcoming Pain and Setbacks: Oh Snap!A client finds himself making progress in all areas of fitness, at the lightest bodyweight in years and working toward specific barbell numbers.
He has a week of stressful work, where sleep was out-of-whack, he sat more than normal, and his schedule was off.
He returns to the gym and during his warm ups feels a tweak and hears a pop.
Training has to change now. Right before he crested the mountain top, he was cutoff at the knees. Suddenly, he found himself letting nutrition, alcohol, and sleep slip too. After all, why was he training now that the clear goals were unachievable?
Overcoming Pain and Setbacks: What is Your Why!?This client's why had really become the weight on the bar. It is easy to get emotionally tied to seeing the numbers go up. The numbers cannot (and will not) always go up.
It is critical to touch on your deeper whys for training. Even if you signed up for coaching or began training with specific numbers in mind - even if you are an elite lifter chasing numbers - you certainly actually have a deeper reason than seeing a larger amount of iron go up.
Overcoming Pain and Setbacks: What Feels Good!?Remembering how you feel when things are going well matters. Yes, the numbers were going up. That was fun. Did you feel good when you were eating healthy, drinking less, and ensuring you got sufficient high-quality sleep?
How did it feel to check off your nutrition, fitness, and health tasks every day?
When considering how you feel and how you felt, think about over a long period of time. Yes, staying up late with alcohol and processed food feels good in the moment. How do you feel that next morning? How does it feel to check your bodyweight on the scale? What do things look like after a couple weeks of these behaviors?
Overcoming Pain and Setbacks: Think of February & March!Think about the future. You may think about running this process through your head - what will things look like if the sloppiness continues for weeks and months?
You might also think about a specific time or place in your future. How do you feel in February after months of excess calories? How do you feel in March (or insert your time here) at that beach vacation?
What feelings arise when someone who has not seen you in awhile sees you and you've gained weight?
Overcoming Pain and Setbacks: Love the ProcessLoving the results without loving the process will cause problems.
Enjoy exposing yourself to discomfort through training. Maybe the weight on the bar is not challenging, but you get to feel a pump. Maybe you don't get a pump, but you have to complete high-repetition exercises you hate - this is voluntary hardship too!
Overcoming pain and setbacks is challenging, but you can do it.
PS - If you're interested in taking online coaching with Barbell Logic for a test run, check it out here.
Check out the Barbell Logic podcast landing page. Get Matched with a Professional Strength Coach today for FREE! No contract with us, just commitment to yourself: Start experiencing strength now: Connect with the hosts Connect with the showMastering fitness habits is the key to crushing your goals and gaining lasting results to boost your health and quality of life.
Mastering Fitness Habits: Actions You Do No Matter WhatHabits are things you do without making new decisions. For Andrew, his four healthy habits are walking, food choices, sleep, and training.
He can go on auto-pilot in these areas, which automatically bring him toward his health and fitness goals.
Niki's dog died recently. No one would have blamed her for not training. For Niki, however, it was not only important to maintain the habit but it actually provided an emotional outlet, where she could get out of the house and get out of her mind and do something healthy for herself.
Mastering Fitness Habits: Applied Principles Not Rigid RulesThis does not mean black-and-white rigid programs. It does not mean if you do not do your 3x5 low bar squats, 3x5 bench press, and 1x5 deadlift with at least 5 minutes of rest you are not doing the program and have failed and are a bad person.
Rather, you incorporate walking regularly as part of your day. Most of the time that means at least 10,000 steps for Andrew, but sometimes that is unrealistic.
On vacation, for example, he continues to train, but workouts will tend to be shorter with less volume and less weight.
Sleep may become a lower priority on vacations, but it is not completely ignored and certain actions that help Andrew sleep better will be maintained.
Mastering Fitness Habits: Find FreedomHabits do not restrict freedom they create it.
Do you feel free when you cannot say no to the office donuts or that second or third drink or have to go through the drive through on your way home from work? Is this freedom?
No, freedom is not choice. Freedom is the ability to do what you want, in line with your values. If you want to be healthier and more capable, and be able to do more, you have to regularly train, sleep, and eat well.
Mastering fitness habits is not complicated, but it's not easy. Learn some tips to crush your health and fitness goals.
PS - If you're interested in taking online coaching with Barbell Logic for a test run, check it out here.
Check out the Barbell Logic podcast landing page. Get Matched with a Professional Strength Coach today for FREE! No contract with us, just commitment to yourself: Start experiencing strength now: Connect with the hosts Connect with the showLearn why you should walk more, how it improves your health, mindfulness, and quality of life. Don't eschew this pedestrian but effective fitness tool.
Physical Fitness Benefits of Walking MoreA good reason why you should walk more is because it provides many health & fitness benefits.
Andrew mentions a study that shows that the benefits of walking 10,000 steps a day equates to, essentially, a "change in effective years" of 8 years. To simplify, it equates to making you 8 years younger than you otherwise would be.
Now, it is easy to draw too much from studies, but what is clear is that walking was correlated with positive health outcomes. Walking is accessible to almost all people, usually exposes you to the sun and gets you out from behind screens, and gives you time to think about things.
Mental Health Benefits of Walking MoreAnother reason why you should walk more is the benefits to your mental health. Walking gets you away from screens and your everyday problems. Creating this time and space to do something else let's you think or do other important activities such as think, talk, or listen to a podcast or audiobook.
Walking is a great activity to do with deep work. You can decide to take a break from the urgent and focus on the important, while doing something physical.
Why you should walk more!? Because it's all-around good for you.
PS - If you're interested in taking online coaching with Barbell Logic for a test run, check it out here.
Check out the Barbell Logic podcast landing page. Get Matched with a Professional Strength Coach today for FREE! No contract with us, just commitment to yourself: Start experiencing strength now: Connect with the hosts Connect with the showLearn about how Jack Armstrong, BLOC client, completed the Three Peaks Challenge for charity. You can donate to the cause here:
Three Peaks Challenge for CharityJack Armstrong, BLOC client, competed the Three Peaks Challenge. The challenge involves climbing the 3 highest peaks in Scotland, England, and Wales, along with driving to the peaks, within 24 hours.
Jack's training had to change, with much higher volume at low intensity and ensuring that his back (which can act up with heavy deadlifts and squats) was healthy.
He also hiked regularly.
The event itself was one long, hard day, and the team only failed to complete the challenge under time because they got stuck in traffic (but they ascended and descended the hills under their planned time).
Despite the rain, wind, cold, hail, and physical pain, this - being stuck in traffic - was the most painful moment of the day.
If you want to help donate to the hospital where Margot, who has cancer, is being treated, you can give here:
PS - If you're interested in taking online coaching with Barbell Logic for a test run, check it out here.
Check out the Barbell Logic podcast landing page. Get Matched with a Professional Strength Coach today for FREE! No contract with us, just commitment to yourself: Start experiencing strength now: Connect with the hosts Connect with the showSubscribe to the Build Your Business podcast hosted by Matt & Chris Reynolds, who help you overcome the fears, unknowns, and challenges of business ownership.
Learn more about Ryan Matt Reynolds.
Learn more about Chris Reynolds, CEO & Founder of Surton.
Subscribe to the Build Your Business PodcastIf you have a skill or passion you're good at, you may have been told, or you may have considered, turning it into a business. Many coaches began as fitness enthusiasts who wanted to help others get stronger and healthier. That's great.
If you sell you services, however, you are a business owner. If you are a business owner, you have to work as the owner, manager, and technician in the business.
The technician is the role you're probably thinking about. You're the coach, power washer, baker, etc.
You have to run and oversee the business. This is the management and ownership.
Many businesses fail because they fail to do this.
Don't be saddled with the anxiety that comes from being a new business owner. Learn advice from Matt & Chris, who have nearly 40 years of business ownership between them.
Subscribe to the Build Your Business podcast at
Struggling to get back into the gym after a long break? Learn how to overcome mental and physical challenges and restart your fitness journey with our beginner's guide.
Returning to the Gym After a Long Break: Shift Your Mental MindsetYou went on a vacation, got sick, had a baby, were injured, or had your gym closed down. How do you get back to working out regularly?
Niki and Andrew first, of course, recommend that you probably want to avoid this situation if you can. Even if it's just some light bodyweight exercises, this is significantly better than no exercise.
The hardest aspect of this is in your head.
Once you take a break longer than about 3-5 days, you will find a significant decrease in performance. Because of this, you will have to deal address your expectations for what your body can do based on its past performance versus its current performance.
Focus on the habit of training and identify yourself as a lifter - you are someone who strength trains.
Lastly, remember that you are moving toward your goal, but that it will likely take longer than you would like (but in the grand scheme of things it will not take that long).
Returning to the Gym After a Long Break: Soreness & Other Physical ChallengesAs you have to adjust your mindset, you also need to adjust the weight and volume. Begin with lower volume and lower weight. It is much better to err on the side of too light than too heavy. It will help you ease back into the program, build confidence, and enjoy the quick gains from the lower weight as opposed to quickly missing reps because you tried to begin as close to your limit as possible.
Expect that your second workout or second day at the gym will be harder than the first. Especially with the squat, you will experience soreness.
Remember that movement will help with soreness. Enjoy the shock to your system.
Beginning your strength training routine after a break should not be scary. Take it easy, adjust your mindset, and get back in the gym!
Share your experience with returning to the gym after a long break.
PS - If you're interested in taking online coaching with Barbell Logic for a test run, check it out here.
Check out the Barbell Logic podcast landing page. Get Matched with a Professional Strength Coach today for FREE! No contract with us, just commitment to yourself: Start experiencing strength now: Connect with the hosts Connect with the showShould I lift if I'm tired? It depends, on your tendencies, goals, experience, normal state, and more. We help you answer for yourself if you should lift today.
Should I Train if I'm Tired? Experience & TendenciesYou're going to feel tired sometimes. What do you do if you feel tired? Should you train?
It depends.
Niki recently felt tired and ended up taking a nap instead of training. She has learned, over years and decades of training, that this occurs regularly, she knows she will train the next day. Niki loves training and knows she will train the next day.
You may begin to find similar patterns. Remember, though, most people seek to avoid training, so know your tendencies.
Andrew shares a different experience, where for a long period of time he was sleep-deprived and always tired. He has had to learn, over time, that he would feel better after training, but he also had to reduce the expectations. If he never trained when he was tired, he would never exercise. Expecting the weight to go up every workout, however, is creates a loop of disappointment, guilt, and can lead to missed training.
Should I Train if I'm Tired? Take Ownership of Your TrainingRegardless of your decision, you have to own your decision and your training. If you skip today, own it, know why you did it, and do not let it break your training habit.
If you train, own that as well. Expecting PRs or the prescribed weight and volume may be counterproductive. Rather, aim to maintain the habit.
This is about behaviors and patterns that contribute to your quality of life and long-term goals. This is not about hacks, short cuts, or other snake oil. You have to put in the work over the long haul.
Should I train if I am tired? Find out!
PS - If you're interested in taking online coaching with Barbell Logic for a test run, check it out here.
Check out the Barbell Logic podcast landing page. Get Matched with a Professional Strength Coach today for FREE! No contract with us, just commitment to yourself: Start experiencing strength now: Connect with the hosts Connect with the showLearn how to get your back back after a chronic injury. It takes patience, focus on recovery, and a focus on what is truly important.
How to Get Your Back Back: What Is Your Goal?You have to remember what your goal is. What matters most to you?
Niki had an emotional attachment, built over years with baked-in assumptions she had to reevaluate, about the need for the weight on the bar to go up on a few lifts in a limited rep range.
She had to ditch this as the metric that mattered.
What she REALLY wanted was to build muscle mass, enjoy the gym, and limit or eliminate pain. Dreading the gym and waking up in pain every morning was not working.
Do you HAVE to deadlift to build muscle mass? No you do not. We love the deadlift, but if the deadlift is causing you to hate your workouts and be in pain all the time, then it is not moving you closer to your goals and you should ditch the deadlift.
Niki also decided to stop BJJ. While she enjoyed it, she was underrecovered and it was not bringing her closer to her most important goals.
How to Get Your Back Back: PatienceInstead of lifting heavy, Niki had to reduce stress and prioritize recovery. This first looked like lighter bodyweight and light implement movements. Then it moved onto machines. For Niki, the jump to machines was huge, because she was able to train hard without making her back worse.
Ironically, the crooked path toward her goal has brought her closer to PRs than the path of beating her head (or maybe her back) against the wall of pain, frustration, and trying to do the program.
She had to train curious and see if the exercise hurt, be ready to modify the weight or range of motion. She had to emotionally detach from weight on the bar. She had to rather focus on other things - did she wake up in pain. Did her back hurt during the workout?
Waking up without pain was a win aligned with her goals that was worth celebrating.
Learn how to get your back back.
PS - If you're interested in taking online coaching with Barbell Logic for a test run, check it out here.
Check out the Barbell Logic podcast landing page. Get Matched with a Professional Strength Coach today for FREE! No contract with us, just commitment to yourself: Start experiencing strength now: Connect with the hosts Connect with the showPrioritizing your health helps boost all other priorities in your life. Respect yourself and your boundaries and learn how to prioritize your health, no matter what.
How to Prioritize Your Health: Set & Protect BoundariesDo not allow work travel or other obligations cause you to abandon your priorities. If you lose your health your work and those other responsibilities will suffer.
Prioritizing your health means understanding this is important to you and putting time and effort into it, even when time and effort is severely limited.
When you fail to prioritize your health, not only does your work suffer, but you will likely feel growing resentment, as you have failed to defend your goals and have your actions reflect your core values.
Prioritizing Your Health During Travel & Difficult TimesFor Andrew and Niki, investing in health during travel looks like consistently getting to the gym, maintaining a habit of walking, and picking better food choices.
This does not mean two hour workouts or the same diet one might eat during a strenuous cut.
It means, however, ensuring you maintaining the habit of exercise and working toward your goals. It means attempting to get 10,000 steps. It means looking for healthier food options, prioritizing protein and fiber insofar as you can.
You cannot completely let your guard down. You cannot relax your standards with reckless abandon. This is not how you accomplish your goals long-term.
This is especially important and true if you travel regularly.
Prioritizing your health means respecting yourself, your goals, and your boundaries.
PS - If you're interested in taking online coaching with Barbell Logic for a test run, check it out here.
Check out the Barbell Logic podcast landing page. Get Matched with a Professional Strength Coach today for FREE! No contract with us, just commitment to yourself: Start experiencing strength now: Connect with the hosts Connect with the showA powerlifting meet gives lifters and coaches an opportunity for performance under pressure. Learn the whys, hows, and whats of powerlifting meets. Learn about this and the exciting new International Barbell Federation (IBF).
Powerlifting Meets for Everyday LiftersYou don't have to be a 700 lb deadlifter to benefit from a strengthlifting meet.
People of all ages and backgrounds have found the purpose-organizing power of signing up for and preparing for a meet.
Putting the meet on the calendar gives a time and place where you need to perform. It helps you organize your training, eating, even vacations and such around this.
Sometimes, this is not appropriate. You might not want to schedule this when life is throwing you severe involuntary hardship.
Still, novices and experienced lifters, young and elderly, the painfully average or elite can benefit from adding this to their training. As a coach, the best way to get better at helping lifters at meets is to have your lifters go through meets. Second best way is going through a meet yourself.
Powerlifting Meet: The Power of the PlatformBeyond the training-organizing function, the environment of a meet - especially an in-person meet - is powerful.
People regularly experience PRs as they get cheered on.
On the other hand, the unique elements of a meet can throw people curve balls. You have judges and an open platform (as opposed to staring at a wall). You have less control over when you lift and have weird equipment and clothing. Judges may give you commands. You have to handle emotions.
With all this, it is certainly an experience worth having under your belt as a lifter and coach.
Try a powerlifting meet or strengthlifting meet, so you can perform under pressure.
PS - If you're interested in taking online coaching with Barbell Logic for a test run, check it out here.
Check out the Barbell Logic podcast landing page. Get Matched with a Professional Strength Coach today for FREE! No contract with us, just commitment to yourself: Start experiencing strength now: Connect with the hosts Connect with the showWhy participate in barbell competition, and if you decide to compete how do you approach it. Learn about this and the exciting new International Barbell Federation (IBF).
Barbell Competition BenefitsAndrew interviews Jordan Stanton, owner of Next Level Barbell and the Strength Union, both in or around Portland, OR, as well as former owner of the United States Strengthlifting Federation (USSF). As a gym owner, in-person coach, online coach, lifting federation owner, and competitive lifter, he has experienced barbell competition in all its aspects.
Why compete?
Competition focuses lifters' training, organizing it around a purpose connected to time. It also provides some motivation, not only mentally because the meet is on the calendar, but also to train hard and take recovery seriously.
Consider participating in an online or in-person meet, regardless of your training level.
Barbell Competition Tips & General ApproachGenerally, you want to taper before a meet and practice heavy singles. You definitely need to be familiar with the rules of the meet. Having a coach can really help here.
For many, though, the most important thing is not stressing about the meet or how you do but simply experiencing the meet. Lift heavy as people cheer you on. See how all the different rules and aspects of a meet change your lifting and your training leading up to your programming.
Barbell Competition OnlineThe USSF went online during Covid. Now, the USSF has been reflagged and is the International Barbell Federation (IBF).
If you're seeing this before or in October 2024, sign up for the online meet from October 9-20, 2024.
You can do a powerlifting version (squat, bench press, deadlift) or strengthlifting version (squat, overhead press, deadlift).
Make sure you read the rules and ensure you execute accordingly the day you lift.
An online meet is a great lower stress way to compete in your normal environment, not having to take a day out to go somewhere and spend most of the day competing.
Consider participating in barbell competition as part of your overall training approach, even if just one time.
PS - If you're interested in taking online coaching with Barbell Logic for a test run, check it out here.
Check out the Barbell Logic podcast landing page. Get Matched with a Professional Strength Coach today for FREE! No contract with us, just commitment to yourself: Start experiencing strength now: Connect with the hosts Connect with the showYour feedback is valuable to us. Should you encounter any bugs, glitches, lack of functionality or other problems, please email us on [email protected] or join Moon.FM Telegram Group where you can talk directly to the dev team who are happy to answer any queries.