Sundays With C.

Camille Simone

My name is Camille Simone and Sundays With C. is a podcast focused on self-transformation through empowerment! Join me twice a month for a transformative topic & a guided meditation focused on supporting your evolution. If you want to make change, you have to be change. I say, start anywhere, and you'll begin to see possibilities everywhere.

  • On Leading with Your Heart (Season 3, Episode 48)

    Each of us can think back to a time when a leader that we admired touched our core solely with their words. They did so by appealing to our humanity; by appealing to our mortality; by getting to the root of what needed to be said. And in an instant, we were with them. We were ready to support them, follow them, walk with them. As leaders, our people need for us not to get caught up in things always making perfect sense. But rather, knowing that now and then it's just about things feeling right. It's time that we all trusted our hearts to tell us if we are off base or if we are, indeed, headed in the correct direction. When was the last time you led with your heart?

    Download | Season 3, Episode 48 - Workbook Page


    18 February 2018, 4:00 am
  • On Giving the World Your Best (Season 2, Episode 47)

    We all want to be living our best possible life, but how many of us are giving all we can give? What efforts and causes are we pouring ourselves into? What people are me investing in? What practices are giving our attention and devoting our intentions to? We should be in the work of giving constantly, consistently, repeatedly, and intentionally.

    23 October 2017, 12:04 am
  • The Dream is Real, and So am I (Season 2, Episode 46)

    ... & because your dream feels so real you fight for it. No question there. The question is, are you preserving yourself with the same energy and intention with which you preserve and protect your dream? You are worthy of the same protection. You are worthy of the same care.

    9 October 2017, 2:56 am
  • On Your Life as Tapestry (Season 2, Episode 45)

    Each of our lives is like a tapestry. Each memory, each interaction, each chapter a different thread & woven together to create the unique masterpiece of our lives. Everything is connected. Let's acknowledge this and use it to inform the way we live.

    11 September 2017, 3:27 pm
  • Guided Meditation, On Being the Most Excellent Version of Yourself (Session 5)

    Changing your life today, means believing in the potential of your tomorrow. Everything you want and everything you hope to be, is waiting for you. It's waiting for any of us who are willing to be in the work of living our most excellent life; as our most excellent self. You cannot want greatness and only create good.

    27 August 2017, 12:00 pm
  • On Excellence and Being the Best You (Season 2, Episode 44)

    If we all decided it was no longer enough to be mediocre, what would our world look like? If each us choice to live a life of excellence, how would our world be different? How would our lives be different? Make a choice, make a change.

    20 August 2017, 12:00 pm
  • Guided Meditation, On Using Your Gifts to Change Your Life (Session 4)

    When you think about gifts and all you are capable of in this universe, what comes to mind? So many of us look for the signs and the answers outside of ourselves, but what about what lies beneath? What about the power of what is happening just below the surface? 

    13 August 2017, 12:00 pm
  • On Starting with Your Gifts First (Season 2, Episode 43)

    Looking for a change? Not sure where to start? Begin by assessing your gifts.

    6 August 2017, 12:00 pm
  • On Picking a Challenge Worth Your Might (Season 2, Episode 42)

    You are stronger than you know. What's something you've been needing to accomplish? Pick something big. Visualize it, and let's talk about it.

    30 July 2017, 1:00 pm
  • On Chance & the Dream You've Been Waiting For (Season 2, Episode 41)

    When was the last time you took a chance on yourself? Aren't you worth it?

    23 July 2017, 4:37 pm
  • Guided Meditation, On Seeking Truth (Session 3)

    Are you living in your truth? Are you standing for the truth? Are you demonstrating truth- in your words, in your actions, in your philosophies? Take some time in this moment to see yourself clearly in this moment.

    17 July 2017, 2:56 am
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