

Misery loves company. MondoMouth is just a guy...a guy with problems...a guy with problems and a shiny new blog...and he's not afraid to use it! Some PR guy we paid a lot of $$$ described MondoMouth as "Rye observational humor mixed in with irreverent storytelling." Better stop payment on that check fast!!!

  • Fat Tuesday Sizzles

    Come on baby let the good times roll, roll all night long because tomorrow marks the start of Lent.
    24 February 2009, 10:20 pm
  • Freaking Scary's Banshee Howls!

    Mondo's busy writing a horror movie, who isn't these days?, and thought he'd interview, suck up to, the blogosphere's newest member Banshee over at Freaking Scary.

    MONDOMOUTH: So, Banshee, you blog about freaking scary things. What scares you most?

    BANSHEE: Paris Hilton, she gives blondes a bad name. I don't understand the public's obsession with her? Poor little rich girl, I guess. Paris Hilton as an actor is freaking scary, she's got this crazy eye thing happening...

    MONDOMOUTH: You said that recently about Dakota Fanning in "Push"...

    BANSHEE: True, but at least Dakota's got acting chops.

    MONDOMOUTH: How long you've been blogging?

    BANSHEE: About a week. If I don't start making money soon as a blogger I may be forced to get a cashier's job at IN-n-Out burger.

    MONDOMOUTH: Give it time, Banshee. Mondo's been blogging for about 3 years now and made only $60 bucks.

    BANSHEE: Now that is freaking scary!

    MONDOMOUTH: Tell me about it. Guess I should've learned to drive the big rig truck when I had the chance.

    BANSHEE: World needs ditch diggers, too.

    MONDOMOUTH: Ah, the wisdom of "Caddyshack"! I notice your site gets a ton of comments, how do you feel about that?

    BANSHEE: It's nice not to blog in a vacuum. I encourage my readers to engage in a lively discussion and I find myself laughing out loud at some of them.

    MONDOMOUTH: So what are your future plans for Freaking Scary?

    BANSHEE: I'm not sure, still trying to wrap my head around you making $60 bucks after 3 years of blogging. That really makes this Banshee scream!

    Discount Auto Parts at
    3 February 2009, 7:26 pm
  • Get a Job Fast!
    Job search by Simply HiredJobs

    Post a Job! $30 for 30 days

    Times are tough, really tough and I know some of you are hurting for work. I hope this free service for job seekers helps. All the best!
    1 February 2009, 2:12 am
  • Monty Python Arrives on iTunes, Finally!

    Monty Python is now on iTunes. Mondo wonders what took so long for the comic geniuses to be granted permission? After all, MondoMouth is on iTunes and any of my teachers will tell you I'm no comic genius. Perhaps, iTunes has toughened its admission criteria, raised the bar so to speak and now you have to make Steve Jobs laugh, which is no easy task, although he did bust a gut when Mondo asked him for a free MacBook Pro. Thanks, Steve, thank you very much for sending me a genius job application form for the Apple Store.
    31 January 2009, 5:30 pm
  • Superbowl Fans Show True Colors

    Hey, Sportsfans, how committed are you to your Superbowl team? Okay, so you own some gear and maybe bought season tickets but are you fan enough to paint the team colors on your skin? These two sexy, super Superbowl fans are willing to take one for their respective teams. Now that's what Mondo calls a truly dedicated fan!
    31 January 2009, 2:13 am
  • Does Your Work Suck?

    I know, you hate your job, me, too. I hate your job almost as much as I hate my own but thank god my chimpanzee replacement is almost done his 3 week training program and will be taking over this blog just as soon as he stops flinging poo at the office staff (although I am leaving behind my enemies list for him just in case he gets the urge to purge). Meanwhile, enjoy the video!
    28 January 2009, 5:28 pm
  • Mondomouth:The Polynesian Kid Stays in the Picture

    Mondomouth directed his first shoe commercial for In "Adventures in Directing," watch the video here or listen in iTunes , Mondo recalls the search he and his producer Vicki conducted in casting the role of the Polynesian Man.
    5 November 2007, 6:11 pm
  • Mondomouth: The Line Forms Here

    Tired of waiting in line? Mondo is too! Listen to why he sees no relief in sight.
    8 September 2007, 3:59 pm
  • Skins Footwear arrives at Sportie LA

    Mondo picks up some Skins at Sportie LA
    8 September 2007, 5:16 am
  • Fire Truck waters street!

    Caught this on You Tube. Made me wonder what happens when the water runs out? I'm trying my best to conserve water. My lawn is on life support. My car's turned brown. And I'm showering and washing my dishes at the same time. How come this joker's watering the street? Where's the justice? I'm mad as hell!!!
    12 August 2007, 7:19 pm
  • MondoMouth: Got Steroids?

    Got Steroids? Sports, Athletes & Performance enhancing drugs. Mondo wonders if maybe it would be simpler to level the field and give all the players the stuff.
    12 August 2007, 5:34 pm
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