On She Goes

On She Goes

On She Goes; a travel & lifestyle podcast made fo…

  • 45 minutes 1 second
    OSG Season 5, Ep. 11 - "How NOT to Travel Like a Basic Bitch in the Time of COVID."
    Serita talks post-COVID travel predictions, educational travel, giving back, supporting the locals while traveling, storytelling & more with Dr. Kiona of How Not to Travel Like a Basic Bitch. This episode was previously recorded in May 2020, but please go follow Dr. Kiona at Instagram.com/hownottotravellikeabasicbitch for all of her updates on what domestic travel has been like for her since COVID.
    13 July 2020, 12:00 pm
  • 36 minutes 53 seconds
    OSG Season 5, Ep. 10 - "Hashtag Van Life"
    On She Goes crew member, Vivian Zhang, chats with Maggie Lam of Bite Size Travels, all about her life living in and traveling the country in a sprinter van. The two discuss everything from cooking, showering, comfort & COVID while living in a converted sprinter van. Follow Maggie: https://www.instagram.com/bitesizetravels https://bitesizetravels.com/
    29 June 2020, 12:00 pm
  • 59 minutes 5 seconds
    OSG Season 5, Ep. 9 "Black & Proud"
    On She Goes stands in solidarity with ALL of the Black Community, in dismantling systemic racism, oppression and police brutality. Rest in Peace to George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, Tony McDade, and the countless others who have fallen victim to police violence. In this episode of On She Goes, one half of the team, Rebecca Russell & Serita Wesley; both proud Black women, have a cathartic conversation around the Black Lives Matter movement, police brutality, racism, white guilt, cultural appropriation & more. Thank you for listening.
    10 June 2020, 12:00 pm
  • 1 hour 2 minutes
    OSG Season 5, Ep. 8 "Therapy Time with Sahaj Kaur Kohli"
    It's May, which means it is Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month & Mental Health Month! On She Goes' own Vivian Zhang is chatting with Sahaj Kaur Kohli of Brown Girl Therapy! Lawd knows we need it! Enjoy. Follow Sahaj at https://www.instagram.com/sahajkohli Follow Brown Girl Therapy at https://www.instagram.com/browngirltherapy
    18 May 2020, 12:00 pm
  • 41 minutes 45 seconds
    OSG Season 5, Ep. 7 "Go DJ"
    Still in these quarantine times, Serita chats with DJ C. DeVone and SONI withanEYE, about being a female DJ, being a DJ during hard times like these and traveling the world to move the crowd. Follow DJ C. Devone at https://www.instagram.com/djcdevone Follow SONI withanEYE at https://www.instagram.com/soniwithaneye
    27 April 2020, 12:00 pm
  • 45 minutes 14 seconds
    OSG Season 5, Ep. 6 "Founder's Day"
    In this episode of On She Goes, Serita chats with two black CEO's & founders. Elisha Greenwell, founder & CEO of the Black Joy Parade that takes place every year in Oakland, CA; talks to us about the conception of the parade, where it is now, and why it is so important. Saraa Green, co-founder & CEO of the Braid Releaser talks to us about her journey in creating a much needed beauty product for black women and her experience traveling the world in name of fashion & design. Follow the Black Joy Parade: https://www.instagram.com/blackjoyparade Follow the Braid Releaser: https://www.instagram.com/thebraidreleaser
    13 April 2020, 12:00 pm
  • 38 minutes 15 seconds
    OSG Season 5, Ep. 5 "Don't Panic"
    DISCLAIMER: This episode might have some topics that can be triggering at this time. We named this episode "Don't Panic" to give perspective on the good things, and the bad things in life, and to encourage everyone that there can be a light on the other side of trauma and pain. In this episode, Serita & Rebecca chat with their good friend Sarah Menacho, who happens to have been through more tumultuous times in her travels, but hasn't let those times stop her from moving forward and seeing the world. This is Sarah's story and we just wanted to tell it because in some way it amazes us and gave us a little bit of hope in this time.
    30 March 2020, 12:00 pm
  • 32 minutes 25 seconds
    OSG Season 5, Ep. 4 "Politics as Usual"
    Here for your quarantine needs, we have guest, A'Shanti Gholar, the President of Emerge America & host of the Brown Girl's Guide to Politics, giving us the ins and outs of our current political climate. A'Shanti answers all of ours & your questions on the Democratic Primary, the election, what issues most effect women and people of color, and more. Learn more about Emerge America: emergeamerica.org/ Follow Brown Girl's Guide to Politics: www.thebgguide.com/ Follow A'Shanti Gholar: twitter.com/AshantiGholar
    16 March 2020, 12:00 pm
  • 53 minutes 25 seconds
    On She Goes at the Sundance Film Festival - Part 2
    On She Goes is back with part 2 of our Sundance Film Festival episode highlighting the voices of women of color directors featured at Sundance. Check out our interviews with Ramona Diaz (director of A Thousand Cuts), Ekwa Msangi (director of Farewell Amor) and Fernanda Valez (director of Identifying Features).
    24 February 2020, 1:00 pm
  • 49 minutes 30 seconds
    On She Goes at the Sundance Film Festival - Part 1
    Fresh off the Oscars, On She Goes has a new episode live from the Sundance Film Festival 2020. On She Goes is back at Sundance interviewing women of color directors who have films featured at the 2020 Sundance Film Festival. On part 1 we chat with Sarah Springer, Naima Ramos Chapman & Cristina Costantini.
    10 February 2020, 1:00 pm
  • 23 minutes 5 seconds
    OSG S. 5 Ep. 1 "Twenty Twenty Intwentions"
    Rebecca & Serita are representing On She Goes in this short episode all about TWENTY TWENTY INTWENTIONS! The ladies chat about goals vs. resolutions, the stigma of 2020, the new decade, the state of the world today and social media. Also setting up for our 2-part Sundance Film Festival episode coming up in a few weeks.
    21 January 2020, 8:47 pm
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