A Podcast History of Magic, Sorcery, and Spells
The first half of Episode 2 - Hostile Takeover. Listen to the full episode here: https://cms.megaphone.fm/channel/ARML6837257429?selected=ARML4090812395
After the death of Aurangzeb, the United East India Company benefitted from the political chaos of 18th century India. Allying with, fighting against, and eventually dominating the Nawabs of Bengal and Arcot, the Nizam of Hyderabad, the Peshwa of the Maratha Confederacy, and the Sultans of Mysore. At the Battles of Plassey and Buxar, Company generals like Sir Robert Clive asserted British authority over massive territories, and the Carnatic Wars hobbled their European rivals.
The British Empire in India was on the rise, but what goes up must come down.
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Thank you to my guest historians:
Thank you to my guest voice actors:
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Witch Hunt Podcast: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p07rn38z/episodes/downloads
Time Travels: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b094d4hl/episodes/downloads
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Ben Jacobs of Wittenberg to Westphalia and Sam Hume of the History of Witchcraft sat down for a chat about witch panics, memes, authority, and the importance of getting angry while also staying calm.
Check out Ben's Podcast: https://wittenbergtowestphaliapodcast.weebly.com/
Intro music is See These Bones by Nada Surf.
Spective - Bridge Valley
P.R. & ChillCat - Soul Child
ai means love. - road trip
Breezewax - Mother's Earth
LZRDSK - flowers
LeVirya & Broey. - Inertia
Aphrow & Stuffed Tomato - Goodbye
ningen - Take You Outside
I Am Wolter - Morning Licks
Foeniks - Take It Easy
RINZ. - Lotus
mr. hong & pastels - let's meet at the elevator
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Prof. Oldridge joins me to talk about witchcraft and religion in early Stuart England,
The recommended books, available from all good retailers, are:
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This is just a short catch up episode to share what I experienced at Sound Education 2019. I met so many great podcasters, many that I've listened to for years and many more that are now in my queue.
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In a special episode BT Newberg and I talk about the highs and lows of making a history podcast. What made us want to start a podcast? Why did we pick the subjects we did? When did I decide to change focus to Pax Britannica? What are the best and worst things about it? Peak behind the curtain!
Go check out Dead Ideas: https://deadideas.net/
Check out the podcast website: http://thehistoryofwitchcraft.co.uk/
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A short introduction and clip from the first episode of Pax Britannica. Follow the links below to find my new show your favourite way!
Show Page: https://cms.megaphone.fm/channel/ADL3707263633
Website: https://paxbritannica.info
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Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6FQwqzI4u8waYkEaEUiXut?si=n0GT5GBASzyyl1d1GK-j8w
Stitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/samuel-hume-3/pax-britannica
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If anyone has heard of a particular witch trial, they will have heard of Salem. It's an infamous part of early American history, and everywhere in popular culture. Today's episode will be explaining the main theories as to why the small village of Salem, Massachusetts began the greatest witch panic in American history.
This episode primarily made use of the following texts:
- Anderson, Virginia Dejohn, 'New England in the Seventeenth Century', in The Oxford History of the British Empire: Volume I: The Origins of Empire (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998)
- Levack, Brian, ‘State-Building and Witch-Hunting’, in Oldridge, Darren (ed.), The Witchcraft Reader, (2002)
- Godbeer, Richard, ‘Witchcraft in British America’, in Levack, Brian (ed.),The Oxford Handbook of Witchcraft in Early Modern Europe and Colonial America (2014)- Hansen, Chadwick, ‘Andover Witches and the Causes of the Salem Witchcraft Trials’, in Levack, Brian (ed.), Witchcraft in Colonial America, ed.
- Le Beau, Bryan F. The Story of the Salem Witch Trials, (1998)
Also included in today's episode is a brief announcement for a new podcast of mine, Pax Britannica, launching 10th February 2019. Keep up to date with the launch by following the social media pages below:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PodBritannica/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BritannicaPax
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I'm delighted to speak with Valerie Kivelson, Arthur F. Thurnau Professor of History at the University of Michigan. Professor Kivelson graduated from Harvard University magna cum laude in 1980, and received her PhD from Stanford University in 1988. Since then Professor Kivelson has been a prolific author of books and papers covering topics as varied as Russian Cosmography, Siberian colonisation, cartography, and of course witchcraft.
Recommended texts by Prof. Kivelson:
- Desparate Magic: The Moral Economy of Witchcraft in Seventeenth-Century Russia (Available from Amazon: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Desperate-Magic-Economy-Witchcraft-Seventeenth-Century-ebook/dp/B00G6SD4JO/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1544309091&sr=8-1&keywords=desperate+magic)
- 'Male Witches and Gendered Categories in Seventeenth-Century Russia', Comparative Studies in Society and History (Available from Cambridge University Press: https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/comparative-studies-in-society-and-history/article/male-witches-and-gendered-categories-in-seventeenthcentury-russia/F9FA9F79E0576D4F0AC5EA29E3EFF59A/share/834641cd30309cda70c4c5ed8ee30e6054f43d51)
Website: https://thehistoryofwitchcraft.co.uk/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/historyofwitchcraft/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HistofWitch
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/HistoryofWitchcraft
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Today we cover the development of Halloween - its development from a Celtic harvest festival, which may or may not have involved the ritual slaughter of infant children, and its merger with the Christian holy days of All Saints and All Souls, emerging from the melting pot of American society as something new and old, traditional and commercial.
Many thanks to Joe from the 80 Days - An Exploration Podcast for lending his voice to today's intro quote. Find his fantastic show on Facebook, Twitter, and 80dayspodcast.com
Today's show primarily relies on the following works:
Rogers, Nicholas, Halloween: From Pagan Ritual to Party Night, 2002
Santino, Jack (ed.) Halloween and Other Festivals of Death and Life, 1994
For a full bibliography, please see the website: https://thehistoryofwitchcraft.co.uk/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/historyofwitchcraft/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HistofWitch
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/HistoryofWitchcraft
The Recorded History Podcast Network: https://recordedhistory.net/
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In this episode we cover the early history of English colonisation in the Americas, and the growth and expansion of New England in particular.
This episode primarily makes use of the following texts:
- Canny, N. 'The Origins of Empire: An Introduction', in The Oxford History of the British Empire: Volume I: The Origins of Empire (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998
- Appleby J. C., 'War, Politics, and Colonization, 1558-1625', in The Oxford History of the British Empire: Volume I: The Origins of Empire (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998)
- Anderson, V. A., 'New England in the Seventeenth Century', in The Oxford History of the British Empire: Volume I: The Origins of Empire (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998)
- Elizabeth Mancke, 'The Languages of Liberty in British North America, 1607-1776', in Exclusionary Empire: English Liberty Overseas, 1600-1900 (2010).
For a full bibliography, please see the website: https://thehistoryofwitchcraft.co.uk/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/historyofwitchcraft/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HistofWitch
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/HistoryofWitchcraft
The Recorded History Podcast Network: https://recordedhistory.net/
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