Church Tech Talk

Church Tech Talk

Hang out, talk tech, get inspired, have fun

  • 15 minutes 23 seconds
    Doing More to Do Less

    This week we talk about a couple of web integrations that can really make life easier. 

    We’ve found two apps that that use the concept of “if this than that” workflows.

    You can use these apps to connect your favorite internet apps and even some Internet of Things (IoT) app. For instance, if you create a new Reminder on your phone with Siri, it will automatically email you. Or, at 8:00 PM on every night turn on my porch light. Or, update my facebook whenever I post to Instagram.

    We also mention a few IoT devices that you can connect with your zaps or recipes.

    • WeMo – connect any electronic device to the internet
    • Nest – the thermostat, smoke-alarm, or camera that is connected to the internet

    I’m stoked about all of the things that this could lead to, but still cant think of a really good way this can get integrated into the local church. If you use it, please let us know!

    The post Doing More to Do Less appeared first on Church Tech Talk.

    2 September 2015, 2:30 pm
  • 20 minutes 32 seconds
    Flannelgraphs of the 24th Century
    This week we talk about how Steve used an interesting method to teach a bunch of middle schoolers about the demon-possessed man.

    Perry is now a grandpa! Introducing baby Henry!!! Sorry – Steve is dumb and forgot to take pictures of all of this, so he has no proof. But, he went to film school and likes to tell stories so he decided to “make a movie” live in front of the students. He made cardboard cutout characters and props taped to large (some might say “mega”) blocks. Then he “filmed” the whole story with his iPhone live and mirrored it to the Apple TV. It was super fun! Listen in to find some more cool things that we’ve done with these antiquated devices!

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    26 August 2015, 2:30 pm
  • 20 minutes 46 seconds
    Transformational Set Design

    We talk about the limitations that we have to go through when thinking about a stage design. We try to take a modular, reusable approach to set designs for future thinking.

    Here are some of our rules for our sets.

    1. Don’t tie it to a series.
    2. Has to be “light”, or “portable”. For us, this thing has to be able to fit into a truck, be carried by people, and hang from a ceiling.
    3. Has to be “cheap”. We don’t have a ton of money to spend on a set.


    Here are some photos from the booth at our Middle School camp.

    053_TransformationalSetDesign_Construction1 053_TransformationalSetDesign_Construction2 053_TransformationalSetDesign_Set1 053_TransformationalSetDesign_Set2 053_TransformationalSetDesign_Set3

    from on .

    The post appeared first on .

    15 July 2015, 2:30 pm
  • 21 minutes 28 seconds

    Welcome back! In this weeks episode we soar into talking about drones (of the camera variety). Check it out!

    • We also discuss the strange phenomenon known as the Nae Nae.
    • We just got back from Bible and Beach, where we took 1400 High Schoolers and leader to Panama City Beach Florida for a CIY Move event. To see what we’re talking about, check out this recap video!
    • Speaking of drones, check out this Lily drone that follows you! (creeeeeepy)
    • We chat about what a “gimble” does. Here is a handheld gimble that we found on B&H (Note: We have never used it, so we have no idea whether or not it is worth buying. We can only speak for the theoretical uses of it.)
    • Do you remember the Tyco Turbo Hopper?

    That’s it folks – Rate us a 5 in iTunes and leave a comment if you’ve used a drone before!

    The post Drones appeared first on Church Tech Talk.

    8 July 2015, 2:30 pm
  • 21 minutes 32 seconds
    Setting The Stage

    In this episode we talk about our schedule and philosophy behind our stage design and implementation. Listen in!We also talk about:

    • Perry’s past life includes being apart of the original vibe-tribe for the Spin Doctors.
    • Church Stage Set Ideas is a great resource for, well, getting ideas for church stage designs.
    • Environmental Projection in the Church is a trend that uses projection in a really cool way to transform your stage (or entire room) into an encompassing visual experience.
    • Check out last years Middle School camp stage design where we made an low-res LED light wall.
    • We also contemplate the simple complexity of the Tetrahedron.
    • Also, if you happen to be roped into doing a video and you need some help, check out where you can buy some templates to make your videos sparkle.

    The post Setting The Stage appeared first on Church Tech Talk.

    2 July 2015, 2:30 pm
  • 21 minutes 15 seconds
    Crossing The Line

    In this episode we talk about the imaginary, yet very real line between church tech being effective or showy. Listen in and join the conversation on Twitter @churchtechtalk or in the comments below. We’d love to hear.

    The post Crossing The Line appeared first on Church Tech Talk.

    27 May 2015, 2:30 pm
  • 26 minutes 7 seconds
    What Does a Video Director Do?

    We get super practical this week, talking about the position in the video room known as the “video director’. What does this mysterious job really supposed to do (and not do)? How should they be calling their camera shots? And how many gummy bears can they consume during one service? Find out most of these answers by listening in!

    And please, if your video director does more, please tell us! Let’s keep this discussion going!

    The post What Does a Video Director Do? appeared first on Church Tech Talk.

    20 May 2015, 2:30 pm
  • 23 minutes 14 seconds
    4 Things We’d Do If We Did It All Over Again

    Welcome back folks!

    In this week’s episode we discuss what are the most important things we’ve learned in our years of doing church tech ministry. If you’re new in your role, listen up! If you’ve been at it a while, chime in and tell us your big thing!

    Interested in whatever TV show Jason mentioned at the beginning? Here is Colors.

    The post 4 Things We’d Do If We Did It All Over Again appeared first on Church Tech Talk.

    13 May 2015, 2:30 pm
  • 20 minutes 50 seconds
    Alpha Keys and How You Use Them

    In this weeks episode we answer another question from one of our amazing listeners, Fred Saurmann, found here. He asks,

    Random question; how do you use the alpha keyer module in your events? We’re new to it.


    Well, Fred, here is not only the “how”, but the “why” and the “what the heck is it”! Enjoy!

    If you have a question, please hit us up  via the contact page, email us at [email protected], or send us a tweet @churchtechtalk – We’d love to answer your question on the show!

    Thanks for listening!

    The post Alpha Keys and How You Use Them appeared first on Church Tech Talk.

    6 May 2015, 2:30 pm
  • 20 minutes 42 seconds
    Should You Upgrade to 4k

    In this weeks episode we go through to the mailbox an answer a question from Twitter:

    Planning upgrade from SD video. Should we consider building out to support 4k?@tadarnold

    If you have a question, feel free to contact us via the contact page, email us at [email protected], or send us a tweet @churchtechtalk – We’d love to answer your question on the show!

    Thanks for listening!

    The post Should You Upgrade to 4k appeared first on Church Tech Talk.

    29 April 2015, 11:34 pm
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