Your New Puppy: Dog Training and Dog Behavior Lessons to Help You Turn Your New Puppy into a Well-Behaved Dog

Debbie Cilento: Dog Trainer | Dog Behavior Consultant | Owner of Playtime Paws | Belly Rub Specialist

Your New Puppy: Dog Training and Behavior Lessons to Help You Turn Your New Puppy into a Well Behaved Dog

  • YNP #096: Is Pet Insurance Worth It?

    Pet insurance isn't the most interesting topic I've ever talked about but it is important.

    Most often I get the question "is pet insurance worth it?"  And I think this is the wrong question.

    We most often compare it to our own health insurance.  But there are key differences that mean we have to think about pet insurance in a different way. 

    Is it going to save you money?  Maybe, maybe not.  Is it going to protect you and your pet? Hmm, now we're getting closer!

    My goal with this episode is to help you decide if pet insurance is right for you.  And if it is, where to go next.

    I also go into why I don't have pet insurance right now, but it is something I would think about in the future.   

    In this episode I talk about:

    Press play and enjoy!

    Other resources mentioned and related to this episode:

    Pet Insurance University: a wealth of knowledge from a veterinarian about what to look for with pet insurance. A place to compare pet insurance quotes

    YOUR New Puppy:  My signature new puppy course that has helped hundreds of new puppy parents raise their puppies.


    The post YNP #096: Is Pet Insurance Worth It? appeared first on Playtime Paws.

    5 June 2024, 8:19 pm
  • 31 minutes 23 seconds
    YNP #095: When Things Go Wrong Between the Kids and Dog: With Justine Schuurmans

    What do you do when things go wrong between the kids and your dog?  

    Something that isn't talked about enough is how the relationship between kids and dogs isn't always as magical as we imagined.  

    It's very common for the kids to get annoyed with the jumpy puppy and their sharp teeth.  It's just as common for the dog to avoid or get defensive with the kissy, fast moving kids.

    Well lucky for you (and me) Justine Schuurmans, the expert on families, kids, and dogs,  is back to help us out.

    Justine is the founder of The Family Dog and the creator of The Dial Method.  Her work with families has greatly impacted how I work with kids and puppies to this day.  

    Missed part one?  Justine helps us answer the questions are your kids ready for a dog and how do you prepare your kids for a dog. Check out part one in episode 94.

    In this episode we talk about:

    • How things can go wrong between kids and dogs.
    • The four zone of The Dial and how they can help.
    • Specific strategies to help kids feel more comfortable around a jumpy puppy with sharp teeth.
    • The three types of kids personalities that dogs have trouble with. 
    • How to use the individual personalities of the kids and dog to create a happy relationship.
    • What is The Dial Method and who can benefit from it. 

    Press play and enjoy!

    More information on The Dial Method:

    There are three different ways to experience The Dial Method:

    1. (Self Study) Get the book and workbook right from*
    2. (Self Study) Get the 40 minute animated video (which provides the same information as the book) and e-workbook through The Family Dog (get 10% off with this link).*
    3. (Personalized Guidance) Work with Debbie who is a Certified Dial Guide in a 4 week virtual workshop where we'll walk through the video and workbook (included) and learn how to apply it to your family.  Find more information and sign up here.
    *Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links that, at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission.  

    Other resources mentioned and related to this episode:

    The Family Dog resources:  This page includes the resources both Justine and I talked about inside the interview including the video that I think EVERY parent should watch along with the Pet, Pat, Pause flyer. 

    YNP Episode #094: Are Your Kids Ready for a Dog? With Justine Schuurmans (Part 01)

    YOUR Perfect Puppy's course:  A 4 week course to build the foundation of you and your new puppy's life together. 

    More about Justine:

    Justine Schuurmans sitting in a field with two dogs, one lying beside her and the other standing nearby, in a setting bathed in soft sunlight.

    Justine is a former Nickelodeon and MTV producer and dog trainer for over 20 years, specializing in working with young families. Her mission is to help parents, kids and dogs understand each other better and live safely and happily together.  She's the founder of The Family Dog, STOP THE 77 and the creator of The Dial Method.

    The Dial Method Workshop

    Reserve your spot now (limit 5 families per workshop)

    LEARN MORE Logo of "The Dial Method" featuring a circular, color-segmented dial with text and the website "" at the bottom. Facebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedinmail

    The post YNP #095: When Things Go Wrong Between the Kids and Dog: With Justine Schuurmans appeared first on Playtime Paws.

    13 May 2024, 4:32 pm
  • 28 minutes 8 seconds
    YNP #094: Are Your Kids Ready for a Dog? With Justine Schuurmans

    If you're a parent, how do you know if your kids are ready for a dog?  And if they are, how do you prepare them for bringing that new dog home?

    Well lucky for you (and me) Justine Schuurmans, the expert on families, kids, and dogs,  is going to answer those questions.

    Justine is the founder of The Family Dog and the creator of The Dial Method.  Her work with families has greatly impacted how I work with kids and puppies to this day.  

    The best part?  This is part one of a two part series.  Stay tuned for part two where she talks about what to do when the your kids and the dog aren't BFFs like you planned.

    In this episode we talk about:

    • Are your kids ready for a dog?
    • Are you ready for a new dog? 
    • How much can you depend on the kids help?
    • Why younger kids shouldn't be in charge of walking the dog. 
    • Picking the right dog for your family's lifestyle.
    • How to prepare your kids for when the dog comes home.

    Press play and enjoy!

    Other resources mentioned and related to this episode:

    The Family Dog resources:  This page includes the resources both Justine and I talked about inside the interview including the video that I think EVERY parent should watch along with the Pet, Pat, Pause flyer. 

    YNP Episode #002: Which Type of Dog is Right for You?

    YNP Episode #095: When Things Go Wrong Between the Kids and Dog? With Justine Schuurmans (Part Two)

    YOUR Perfect Puppy's course:  A 4 week course to build the foundation of you and your new puppy's life together. 

    More about Justine:

    Justine Schuurmans sitting in a field with two dogs, one lying beside her and the other standing nearby, in a setting bathed in soft sunlight.

    Justine is a former Nickelodeon and MTV producer and dog trainer for over 20 years, specializing in working with young families. Her mission is to help parents, kids and dogs understand each other better and live safely and happily together.  She's the founder of The Family Dog, STOP THE 77 and the creator of The Dial Method.


    The post YNP #094: Are Your Kids Ready for a Dog? With Justine Schuurmans appeared first on Playtime Paws.

    9 May 2024, 11:30 am
  • 36 minutes 1 second
    YNP #093: Dog Fitness: Keeping Your Puppy Fit and Safe with Brittni

    What is dog fitness?  Brittni of Potential Unleased Idaho has joined me to answer that question and then some.

    Brittni talks to us about dog fitness and how it can prevents injuries, builds confidence, and work both body and mind. 

    Of course, we also talked a lot about puppies and how to keep our their muscles and joints safe and happy while their little bodies are growing.

    I had to take my own notes during this interview!  To learn more from Brittni, check out her resources below. 

    In this episode we talk about:

    • What is dog fitness?
    • How much exercise should our puppies get? 
    • How to keep our puppy's joints and muscles safe as they grow.
    • Some safe and fun exercises for puppies.
    • How to adjust exercises for different breeds and sizes.
    • Tips for aging dogs.

    Press play and enjoy!

    Other resources mentioned and related to this episode:

    Potential Unleashed Idaho:  Brittni's website with all her services and blog posts to learn more information about her and dog fitness. 

    Potential Unleashed Idaho on Facebook

    Potential Unleashed Idaho on Instagram

    YOUR Perfect Puppy's course:  A 4 week course to build the foundation of you and your new puppy's life together. 


    The post YNP #093: Dog Fitness: Keeping Your Puppy Fit and Safe with Brittni appeared first on Playtime Paws.

    19 April 2024, 1:01 pm
  • 12 minutes 52 seconds
    YNP #092: Why Not to Punish Puppy Potty Accidents

    It can be counter intuitive but when your puppy has a potty accident, we shouldn't punish them.

    You may feel that you need to do something to let them know "this is wrong".  

    Or maybe you know that you're not supposed to punish your puppy's potty accidents but you're not sure why.

    In general, I discourage using punishment as a form of teaching your puppy anything.  But this question comes up a lot around potty training. 

    In Episode #10: (Complete Guide to Potty Training Your Puppy), I talk about what to do when your puppy has an accident.  Punishment is never part of it.  

    In this episode, I'm going to talk about why that is. 

    In this episode I talk about:

    • Why I get this question around potty training.
    • What I mean by "punishment"
    • What we are supposed to do with potty accidents.
    • Why dogs learn better when told what to do (instead of what not to do).
    • How puppies don't know going potty inside is wrong (yet!).

    Press play and enjoy!

    Other resources mentioned and related to this episode:

    YNP #010:  Complete Guide to Potty Training Your Puppy

    YNP #039:  The Most Common Potty Accidents

    YNP #079:  Are You Still Struggling With Potty Training?

    Playtime Paws Academy:  A membership for dog and humans no matter where you are in your training journey.


    The post YNP #092: Why Not to Punish Puppy Potty Accidents appeared first on Playtime Paws.

    7 February 2024, 2:11 pm
  • 11 minutes 6 seconds
    YNP #091: Listener Questions

    When I receive multiple questions from my listeners around the same topic I know it's time to do a podcast episode about it.  

    But not all questions warrant a full episode but can still be useful to answer.

    So that's exactly what I did in this episode.  I gathered 5 questions that came from you, my listeners (through email and social media) and answered them here.

    If you like this format let me know and maybe we can make a series out of it!

    In this episode I talk about:

    • Older puppy (9 months) rejecting the crate overnight (1:19)
    • When its OK to leave your puppy for 2 weeks (4:02).
    • Can you move their crate around or use two different crates? (5:47).
    • How to deal with a picky eater (6:58).
    • How many litters should a breeder have at one time? (8:07).

    Press play and enjoy!

    Other resources mentioned and related to this episode:

    YNP #018: Ditch the Bowl and Make Mealtime an Event

    YNP #084: My Favorite DIY Puzzle Feeders

    Playtime Paws Academy:  A membership for dog and humans no matter where you are in your training journey.


    The post YNP #091: Listener Questions appeared first on Playtime Paws.

    17 January 2024, 2:05 pm
  • 12 minutes 18 seconds
    YNP #090: When Your Dog Hates the Rain

    When your dog refuses to go outside in the rain, it can be annoying and time consuming.  It's even worse when you're trying to potty train a young puppy that isn't going to hold it until the rain stops.  

    For most dogs they will learn to tolerate it but for others it may always be a struggle. 

    We know we should stay positive to try and change their association but when you've been outside for the 10th time in the rain and they still haven't gone it's hard not to let that frustration show through. 

    Different things will work for different dogs.  That's why in this episode I run through a bunch of things that may help you pup's relationship to being wet and cold so both of you can spend more time inside the toasty warm house.  

    In this episode I talk about:

    • Rain gear
    • Creating a special place in your yard.
    • Using a potty cue.
    • Change their association with the rain and rain gear.
    • Why does your dog love to swim but hates the rain (or their bath).

    Press play and enjoy!

    Other resources mentioned and related to this episode:

    Playtime Paws Academy:  A membership for dog and humans no matter where you are in your training journey.


    The post YNP #090: When Your Dog Hates the Rain appeared first on Playtime Paws.

    4 January 2024, 3:21 pm
  • 11 minutes 7 seconds
    YNP #089: Reasons to Muzzle Train Your Dog

    Muzzle training your dog means exposing your dogs to wearing a muzzle in a positive, stress-free way (see resources below on how to do this).

    This is something that most of us never think (or want to think) about doing with our dog. 

    It's understandable because muzzles have a bad rap and are thought of as a last resort for an aggressive dog.

    But there are many benefits beyond "controlling an aggressive dog".

    Any dog, when injured has the potential to bite.  Some dogs have a hard time handling the groomer or the vet.  These aren't 
    "bad" or "aggressive" dogs.

    When we take away that bad stigma and don't hesitate to use one, it can bring all stress levels down and help everything go smoother.  

    My stance is, better to muzzle train your dog and never need it than be forced to put a muzzle on them for the first time in a stressful situation. 

    As always, the resources I talk about in this episode are listed all below. 

    In this episode I talk about:

    • Why every dog should be exposed to a muzzle regardless of their temperament
    • Specific situations where we can reduce the stress of all involved by exposing our dog to a muzzle first. 
    • Reasons to muzzle train that have nothing to do with aggression.
    • Reasons to use a muzzle while working on behavior modification.
    • Reasons not to hesitate to muzzle train your reactive dog.

    Press play and enjoy!

    Other resources mentioned and related to this episode:

    American Kennel Club: Dog Muzzles: When, Why, and How to Correctly Use Them : Muzzle Choices

    Michael Shikashio: A video on how to Accumulate your dog to a muzzle (this is the guy to follow for ANY muzzle or aggressive dog content).

    Michael Shikashio: How to find the right fit for your dog.

    Playtime Paws Academy:  A membership for dog and humans no matter where you are in your training journey.


    The post YNP #089: Reasons to Muzzle Train Your Dog appeared first on Playtime Paws.

    29 November 2023, 3:09 pm
  • 16 minutes 40 seconds
    YNP #088: Four Things You May Not Know About Socialization

    Socialization is the most important training you can do for your puppy.  It's also the most overlooked and misunderstood part of your puppy's training.

    When done correctly as a puppy, socialization creates a confident, well adjusted dog.  And who doesn't want that for their puppy?  

    I've gathered the 4 things I think are the most misunderstood about socialization to help correct any misconceptions.  This also serves as a crash course in socialization if you have no idea what it is. 

    In addition, each topic has it's own podcast episode where you can learn even more.  

    As always, the resources I talk about in this episode are listed all below. 

    In this episode I talk about:

    • What socialization is
    • How socialization is about more than dogs.
    • How your puppy's experience matters.
    • How age matters.
    • When socialization is about dogs.

    Press play and enjoy!

    Other resources mentioned and related to this episode:

    YNP #074: How to Socialize Your Puppy Without Leaving Your House.

    YNP #063: My 7 Guidelines for Socializing Your Dog

    YNP #021: Balancing Vaccines and Socialization

    YNP #013: Dog Park vs. Dog Daycare

    YNP #058: How to Recognize Appropriate Dog Play

    Playtime Paws Academy:  A membership for dog and humans no matter where you are in your training journey.


    The post YNP #088: Four Things You May Not Know About Socialization appeared first on Playtime Paws.

    8 November 2023, 10:28 pm
  • 15 minutes 24 seconds
    YNP #087: Is Your Dog Trying to Dominate You?

    Is your dog trying to dominate you?  The short answer is no, they are not.  

    And though that might not come as a surprise to you, what isn't always clear is why it's not true.  

    Especially because this theory that dogs want to dominate us or some dogs are more "dominate" than others still comes up a lot in dog training. 

    That's why I want to talk about where this dominance and alpha theory came from, how it's been debunked, and why it still persists even though we now know better. 

    I believe this information is important because helps us better understand our dog and how they see the world so we can better communicate with them and teach them how we want them to behave in our human world.  

    As always, the resources I talk about in this episode are listed all below. 

    In this episode I talk about:

    • Where the dominance and alpha theory came from
    • How we now know that there's no such thing as an "alpha" dog in a natural wolf pack.
    • Why dominance and alpha theory is still (incorrectly) used.
    • What is actually happening when we think we see a "dominate" or "submissive" dog.
    • Why I think it's so important to understand the difference.

    Press play and enjoy!

    Other resources mentioned and related to this episode:

    International Wolf Center: An article by the organization that conducted the ordinal study on why they no longer use the term "alpha".

    Dave Mech (pronounced "meesh"): An article and video by the scientist that wrote the book that made the "alpha" theory popular on why it's no longer accurate. 

    YNP #038: The One Thing You Need to Know About Dog Behavior.

    YNP #040: How to be Your Dog's Pack Leader

    Playtime Paws Academy:  A membership for dog and humans no matter where you are in your training journey.


    The post YNP #087: Is Your Dog Trying to Dominate You? appeared first on Playtime Paws.

    11 October 2023, 11:49 am
  • 12 minutes 43 seconds
    YNP #086: Why We Struggle with Recall

    Teaching your dog to come when called (recall) is arguably the most important skill you can teach your dog.  It's also one that we struggle with the most.  That's because we try and teach it like we would any other cue like sit, down or stay. But that only gives us half the picture.  Recall is a habit […]

    The post YNP #086: Why We Struggle with Recall appeared first on Playtime Paws.

    22 September 2023, 6:54 pm
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