STEAM Box youth take on the world and this is where we discuss.
STEAM Box youth from Highlander Charter School sit down with local justice advocate, artist, and Director of The Womxn Project, Jocelyn Foye! In this inspiring episode, Jocelyn breaks down why advocacy matters, especially when it comes to uplifting women and marginalized communities. She also gives us an inside look at her upcoming art exhibit, Advocacy is Love, and how she uses art as a tool for change. Don’t miss this powerful conversation about activism, creativity, Twin Peaks, I am Groot, Yellowjackets and fighting for a better future!
#AdvocacyIsLove #TheWomxnProject #ArtAsActivism #STEAMBoxPodcast #JusticeForAll #WomenInAdvocacy #YouthVoices #ArtForChange #JocelynFoye #CommunityMatters #RIArtists #SocialJustice #FeministArt
For the finale of the Mangu Con Salami 2025 series, STEAM Box youth from Highlander Charter School flip the script on the red flag conversation! This time, Angela from the Katie Brown Educational Program helps us look inward—what red flags are we bringing into relationships? Are we toxic? Do we communicate well? Are we guilty of 🚩 behavior? The youth get real, raw, and reflective in this powerful final episode. And don’t forget—our guest announcer is straight out of the Crystal Gems!
#ManguConSalami #RedFlags #SelfReflection #ToxicTraits #AreWeTheProblem #KatieBrownEducationalProgram #RelationshipTalk #TeenPerspectives #GrowthMindset #CrystalGems #STEAMBoxPodcast #YoungVoices #HealthyLove #PodcastFinale
In episode 3 of the Mangu Con Salami 2025 series, STEAM Box youth from Central Falls talk with Mandy from the Katie Brown Educational Program to dive into the messy world of jealousy. Is it ever okay to have a burner account for spying? Where’s the line between concern and control? The youth bring real talk, wild scenarios, and hard truths to the table in this deep (and sometimes hilarious) discussion. Plus, today’s guest announcer is straight out of the Crystal Gems—you won’t want to miss this!
#ManguConSalami #JealousyIssues #BurnerAccounts #RelationshipDrama #KatieBrownEducationalProgram #STEAMBoxPodcast #YoungVoices #CrystalGems #RedFlags #TrustIssues #TeenTalk #LoveAndBoundaries #HealthyRelationships #PodcastVibes
In episode 2 of the Mangu Con Salami 2025 series, the STEAM Box youth from Young Voices sit down with Libbi from the Katie Brown Educational Program to break down what gives you "The Ick"! From cringey dating habits to red flags you just can’t unsee, this episode is packed with laughs, real talk, and relationship wisdom. Plus, today’s special guest announcer hails from the Crystal Gems—so you won’t want to miss this legendary moment. Tune in for spicy takes, hilarious confessions, and all the icks you can handle!
#ManguConSalami #TheIck #DatingRedFlags #STEAMBoxPodcast #YoungVoices #KatieBrownEducationalProgram #RelationshipFails #CrystalGems #TeenVoices #PodcastMagic #HealthyRelationships #LoveAndBoundaries #YouthPerspective #LoveSmart #KBEP #StevenUniverse
Fresh off their incredible journey to Washington, DC, the STEAM Box youth from Highlander Charter School share their biggest takeaways from the experience! From meeting fans and making new friends from Maryland and Delaware to receiving words of encouragement—and even a few celebrity endorsements—But as the excitement settles, the conversation takes a heartfelt turn as the youth reflect on their favorite moments and personal growth with STEAM Box. Tune in for an episode filled with inspiration, gratitude, and a reminder of how far they've come!
#STEAMBoxPodcast #YouthVoices #WashingtonDC #STEAMBoxOnTheRoad #MakingConnections #GrowthJourney #FanLove #CelebrityEndorsement #StudentSuccess #PodcastReflections #RIYouth #HighlanderCharter #FutureLeaders #STEAMPower #WordsOfEncouragement
The Mangu Con Salami 2025 series begins! In this first episode, STEAM Box youth from Highlander Charter School sit down with Amanda from the Katie Brown Educational Program to explore the big question: How much should we give in our relationships? From love and boundaries to respect and self-care, this conversation dives deep into what makes a healthy partnership. Plus, don’t miss our special guest announcer—straight out of The X-Men! Who could it be? Tune in and find out!
#STEAMBoxPodcast #ManguConSalami #YouthVoices #HealthyRelationships #KatieBrownEducationalProgram #LoveAndBoundaries #Xmen #RelationshipGoals #RIYouth #HighlanderCharter #SocialEmotionalLearning #STEAMBoxInterviews #TheDangerRoom #PodcastKickoff #2025Series
In this episode, STEAM Box youth from Highlander Charter School sit down with our partners Soul and Ashley from The Children and Youth Cabinet to talk about their work in Central Falls and Providence. Along the way, we dive into hot topics, delicious desserts, and the importance of youth-wellness initiatives. Plus, the youth proudly declare Mr. Trochez their Teacher of the Month! Don’t miss this fun and insightful conversation on community wellness, education, and, of course, the best treats around.
#STEAMBoxPodcast #YouthVoices #CYC #ChildrenAndYouthCabinet #CommunityMatters #RIYouth #EducationMatters #SweetTalk #TeacherOfTheMonth #HighlanderCharter #YouthLeadership #STEAMBoxInterviews #ProvidenceRI #CentralFallsRI #SocialImpact
In this episode, STEAM Box Young Voices youth interview the enchanting cosplaying princess, Emmy @StorytellingwithEm! Our longtime mentor shares her experiences as a professional cosplayer, a peek into The Princess Governing Council, and what really happens at TikTok parties. The conversation dives into conventions, social media influencing, and the complex topic of cultural appropriation in the cosplay community. Join us for a thoughtful and fun discussion on creativity, representation, and the magic of storytelling.
#STEAMBoxPodcast #StorytellingWithEm #CosplayCommunity #YouthVoices #RIYouth #PrincessGoverningCouncil #CosplayCulture #SocialMediaInfluencer #CulturalAppropriation #TikTokBan #ComicCon #STEAMBoxInterviews #RepresentationMatters #YouthCreativity #PopCultureTalk
One of the creators of 2024's best graphic novel, Nights- Luigi Formisano joins the STEAM Box youth from Highlander Charter School to discuss inspiration, romance advice, movies and video games, and when we can get the second half of Nights season one! Please check out his work at @luigiformisanogram and shout out top his co-creator Wyatt Kennedy!
#NightsGraphicNovel #LuigiFormisano #WyattKennedy #STEAMBoxPodcast #GraphicNovelLovers #ComicBookCreators #ImageComics #InspirationAndCreativity #RomanceAndComics #MoviesAndVideoGames
STEAM Box youth from Highlander Charter School interview Michael Townsend and Leah Smith, the creative duo behind TapeArt. Michael, famous for his secret mall apartment as seen in the movie, shares the wild story of how he set it up, got caught, and faced arrest. Together with Leah, they discuss their unique approach to art, creativity in public spaces, and offer advice for new artists looking to make their mark. Tune in for a fascinating conversation about art, adventure, and pushing creative boundaries!
#STEAMBoxPodcast #TapeArt #MichaelTownsend #LeahSmith #SecretMallApartment #StreetArt #RIYouth #YouthCreativity #HighlanderCharter #ArtInPublicSpaces #CreativeRebellion #DIYArt #STEAMInnovation #HiddenSpaces #ArtistAdvice #UrbanExploration
In this episode, @STEAMBoxRI sits down with local justice advocate and journalist Steve Ahlquist ( Steve shares why documenting local events and amplifying the voices of marginalized communities is crucial for creating a just society. The conversation also takes a fun turn as we explore the current state of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and where the franchise might be headed. Tune in for an insightful mix of social justice, journalism, Wa-Luigi and superheros!
#STEAMBoxPodcast #SteveAhlquist #SocialJustice #LocalJournalism #MarvelCinematicUniverse #MCU #YouthVoices #DocumentingJustice #RIYouth #MarginalizedVoices #STEAMBox #PopCultureTalk #JusticeMatters #ComicsAndCommunity #SuperheroDebate #MarvelFans