Reinvención personal a través de entrevistas con disruptores de talla mundial. Podcast sobre alto rendimiento, ultra-productividad y Estoicismo con las mejores técnicas y hábitos para ser tu propio maestro y encontrar la diferencia que marca la difere
La sabiduría milenaria del Templo Shaolin al alcance de todos. En este episodio, Isra García entrevista al Maestro Shi Yan Hui, un monje guerrero del Templo Shaolin y experto en Kung Fu, Medicina Tradicional China y filosofía Chan. A través de su fascinante historia, exploramos cómo su disciplina, práctica y enseñanzas han transformado vidas dentro y fuera del templo.
Nota importante:
Esta entrevista ha sido doblada del italiano al castellano. Queremos agradecer especialmente a Linda y Annamaria por su valiosa contribución en la traducción y doblaje.
Temas clave que descubrirás en esta conversación única:
También aprenderás:
El Maestro Shi Yan Hui, nacido en 1980 en Henan, China, comenzó su formación en Kung Fu Shaolin, meditación Chan y Medicina Tradicional China en el Templo Shaolin a los 9 años bajo la guía del Abad Shi Yong Xin. A los 18 años, se convirtió en monje guerrero, destacándose en Kung Fu tradicional, Sanda y Qi Gong, así como en técnicas de salud como acupresión, acupuntura y moxibustión.
Como miembro del grupo de monjes guerreros, participó en demostraciones internacionales, promoviendo el prestigio de la tradición Shaolin. En 2010, fundó la Asociación ShaolinQuan Fa para difundir la cultura Shaolin en Italia, donde también colaboró con la Fundación Santa Lucía aplicando el Qi Gong en el tratamiento oncológico.
Autor de La Vía de la Medicina Shaolin, su obra integra filosofía budista, artes marciales y prácticas de medicina tradicional, acercando esta sabiduría milenaria a la sociedad moderna.
"La clave para una buena vida no está en buscar más, sino en entender mejor lo que ya tenemos." – Shi Yan Hui
Enlaces y recursos del episodio:
"Entrena kung fu durante tres años y después el kung fu te entrenará a ti."
Discover profound wisdom on life, love, and self-mastery with Shi Heng Yi, Headmaster of Shaolin Temple Europe. In this intimate interview, Shi Heng Yi shares his transformative perspectives on living a meaningful and self-aware life, cultivating compassion, and finding balance in an ever-changing world.
“First of all, your mistake. I don't take it personally. If you don't take it personally, it opens my mind much better and also makes it way easier to open my heart at the same time.”
This insightful conversation with Shi Heng Yi covers a range of profound and intimate topics. Shaolin Master Shi Heng Yi shares valuable wisdom and perspectives on living a meaningful, self-aware life. The discussion offers guidance on personal development, adapting to change, and cultivating an expansive mindset. Overall, this interview provides thoughtful reflections on the deeper dimensions of the human experience. The discussion provides a deep dive into the guest's philosophical approach to personal development, emphasizing self-awareness, adaptability, and finding the temple within oneself. Key takeaways include the value of observation, the interconnectedness of mind and body, and the pursuit of holistic growth.
“The more refined you become with your breath, the more you can have an effect on your energy system, let's call it like this, on the energy that is available to you, the energy that you can mobilize.”
The interview between Isra and Shaolin Temple Europe Headmaster Shi Heng Yi covers various topics, including the importance of observation over book reading, the concept of forgiveness and compassion, and the role of mindset in spiritual practice. The master explains that while he occasionally reads functional manuals, his primary source of knowledge is observation. He discusses the significance of energy regulation in martial arts, emphasizing balance through diet, lifestyle, and breathing. The conversation also touches on the idea that true spiritual cultivation occurs internally, regardless of physical location. Additionally, the Shaolin master shares insights on romantic love and the importance of refining one's life to achieve balance and growth.
“Just as you learn to build something up, you learn to let go.”
Highlights and What You Will Learn in This Episode:
“The mission is to always overcome your own limits and have fewer problems internally, which means there is constant change. The mission in this life is to cause change towards betterment.”
Podcast show notes:
“My first source of getting answers is just my observation. So I observe the person. I observe the situation. I observe myself.”
“Surrendering to the ego is the first step to freedom; letting go is finding balance and inner peace.” - The Zen Samurai.
Isra Garcia interviews The Zen Samurai on discovering inner peace and master the art of living with Samurai and Ninja wisdom. In this episode of the Disrupt Everything podcast, we explore the ancient philosophy of the samurai and ninja applied to modern life with, The Zen Samurai, Sensei Zen Takai, the last heir of a 16-generation samurai lineage. Sensei shares his insights on achieving balance, harmony, and focus in a world full of distractions. Learn about practices such as meditation in movement, the philosophy of the five elements (earth, water, fire, wind, and sky), and how to unlock your true potential by trusting your body and letting go of ego.
“The samurai does not seek to fight, but to avoid conflict by first finding their own balance.” - The Zen Samurai.
Discover how these ancient teachings can help you reduce stress, cultivate mindfulness, and live a life aligned with nature and your values. This is a unique episode you don’t want to miss.
“The body is our closest connection to nature; by understanding it, we find our path to balance.”
Sensei Zen Takai, widely recognized as “The Zen Samurai,” was born on September 21, 1975, in Fukuoka, Japan. As the last living heir of a prestigious 16-generation samurai lineage, Zen embodies the seamless integration of ancient tradition and modern life.
Raised in the rich heritage of samurai and ninja teachings, Zen was deeply influenced by his father, a samurai leader in Japan. Under his father’s guidance, Zen mastered the art of the katana sword and inherited the responsibility of preserving and sharing the philosophy, wisdom, and techniques of his ancestors.
“Samurai wisdom is not a combat technique; it is a technique for finding inner peace.”
Today, Zen Takai continues this mission, blending samurai values with contemporary practices to inspire balance, mindfulness, and self-mastery in a modern world. His teachings transcend combat, focusing on inner peace, harmony, and the connection between body, mind, and nature. Through his work, Zen Takai bridges the timeless wisdom of the past with the challenges and opportunities of the present.
Index of contents - and what you will learn in this episode
“Controlling emotions is like controlling fire: it requires order, purpose, and care.” - The Zen Samurai.
Podcast show notes:
“True balance includes paradox: light and darkness, inside and outside, coexisting in harmony.”
This is the podcast - The Zen Samurai: Applying The Samurai Way to Modern Times, The Art of the Sword as the Art of living, Discovering Inner Peace in the midst of Chaos, Achieving Balance, Harmony and Focus in a World Full of Distractions, Trusting the Body, and Letting the Ego Pass Away.
“There is no definitive answer, and that very lack of an answer is the answer.” - The Zen Samurai.
"What you get is what you life for" - ShaolinInfluencer.
Isra Garcia interviews Coach Shen (known as ShaolinInfluencer) about living the Shaolin experience, street dancing, fighting, teaching Shaolin combat, the influence of dancing, building your character, mastering oneself, looking for the Shaolin Way, and more.
Isra Garcia found himself stepping through the gates of the Shaolin Temple Europe, a place steeped in ancient wisdom and timeless discipline. It was here, surrounded by the serenity of the monastery and the powerful rhythm of martial arts, that Isra first encountered Coach Shen (Xiao Shen), known as ShaolinInfluencer—a change agent and disruptor who redefines what it means to live the Shaolin way.
"The more unconscious about my body, the more I feed my consciousness" - ShaolinInfluencer.
Today, in this very special episode, Isra sits down with Coach Shen (ShaolinInfluencer) for an intimate and dynamic conversation. Together, we explore his journey, his evolution as a Shaolin instructor, and how he balances the ancient and the modern to craft a teaching style that is as innovative as it is rooted in tradition.
"If every day you combine one movement, at the end of the year you have 365 moves" - Shaolin Influencer.
In the heart of Europe, at the Shaolin Temple Europe, emerges a figure who perfectly embodies the fusion of ancient tradition and modernity: Coach Shen. As an instructor at this Buddhist monastery located in Otterberg, Germany, Coach Shen not only imparts the ancient teachings of Shaolin but also enriches them with contemporary elements, creating a truly unique experience for his students.
"I influence the modern side and the Shaolin side" - ShaolinInfluencer.
In this episode, we’ll delve into Coach Shen’s journey, his teaching philosophy, and how he has seamlessly woven the ancient art of Shaolin with the vibrant expressions of modern movement. Join us on this journey to discover how tradition and innovation can coexist and enrich each other in the pursuit of balance and inner harmony.
"When dancing, whenever you want to do it, you do it... I don't have the same pattern for every day" - ShaolinInfluencer.
Index of contents - and what you will learn in this episode
"In the combat you have to freestyling, this is when the dance comes in" - ShaolinInfluencer.
Podcast show notes
"It had helped me a lot to have a bit of structure in my life" - ShaolinInfluencer.
"Este trabajo te tira por los suelos tanto, continuamente que ¿cómo te vas a creer nada?"
Isra García responde en este nuevo episodio a las preguntas de Walter Pastor, semanas después de haber finalizado un programa individual de Alto Rendimiento Holístico. Walter Pastor es empresario, trail-runner, biohacker y educador.
"Si solo apareces en los momentos estelares, no eres una buena guía"
El mismo Walter formula a Isra preguntas sobre cómo él toma de decisiones, las cuatro prácticas de alto rendimiento holístico para principiantes y otras cuatro para avanzados, ejemplos de hábitos y hacks que ha dejado marchar y que le han servidio mucho, y sobre cuál es su misión y propósito como aprendiz y como instructor.
"La misión como aprendiz es practicar tanto como pueda, sepa, sea capaz y tenga energía para ello"
Índice de contenidos - y qué vas a aprender en este episodio
"El mayor respeto que le puedas dar a alguien a quien guías o con quien trabajas, es hacerlo con esa persona. Es involucrarse en todo el proceso"
Notas del pódcast:
Pódcast: formas de tomar decisiones, prácticas de alto rendimiento holístico, dejar marchar hábitos que funcionan, y la misión y propósito del aprendiz y del instructor.
"Encontrar el equilibrio entre el cero y el mil" - Isra García
Isra García publica para su 42 cumpleaños 42 nuevos códigos de Life Mastery que redactó al inicio de este gran viaje y experimento de 4 años de duración llamado La Gran Victoria. Son algo parecido a reglas de vida, pero más aplicables, que Isra ha seguido en esta nueva etapa de su vida.
"La realidad es que desde que nacemos estamos en esa Gran Victoria"
¿Qué pregunta te gustaría formular a Isra para que la responda en los próximos episodios? Déjala en los comentarios.
"Enfocarte en lo más importante que hay que hacer, vivir"
Índice de contenidos - y qué vas a aprender en este episodio:
"Al cumplir 42 años me di cuenta de que no tenía nada que decir. Me encontraba vacío"
Notas del pódcast y recursos
"Si no tengo nada que decir, no digo nada"
“Un ‘Aha’ son puertas abiertas, ahora te toca a ti pasar por esa puerta.” - Isra García.
Este nuevo episodio son dos en uno y una sorpresa. Los dos primeros son dos sesiones de preguntas y respuestas dentro de dos programas 1:1 de Alto Rendimiento Holístico. Uno con Carlos Esteire más sobre factores, indicadores clave, evaluación, seguimiento y optimización de lo aprendido sobre el método del alto Rendimiento Holístico. El segundo es con Jorge Petit y explora los pequeños grandes matices de algunos de los superhábitos cotidianos. El tercero, que en realidad es el primero, es un mensaje de Isra a todos los oyentes con una actualización sobre el pódcast, los próximos episodios, el fin de esta etapa del pódcast que comenzó en 2017, el proceso de aterrizaje de la Gran Victoria, dos proyectos abiertos al público, su vuelta y la nueva fase del pódcast en 2025.
“¿Qué ha cambiado en mí respecto al día anterior?” - Isra García.
“El camino largo es el atajo, haz el trabajo y el resultado se ocupará del resto” - Isra García.
Índice de contenidos - y qué aprenderás en este episodio:
“Todo lo mismo que me esclavizaba, ahora me libera” - Isra García.
Notas del pódcast:
“Atrévete a ser tu propio maestro”
“Esa es la clave, seguir por tu parte” - Isra García.
El podcast - Los factores e indicadores clave para llevar a cabo y evaluar el Alto Rendimiento Holístico y los resultados obtenidos. Optimizar los pequeños grandes matices de superhábitos cotidianos. Próximos pasos del pódcast de Isra y el aterrizaje de La Gran Victoria. Como maximizar el potencial humano a través de los diferentes componentes del alto rendimiento holístico (Q&A).
"Don't let capitalism take our humanity." - Marian Goodell.
Isra Garcia interviews Burning Man CEO Marian Goodell. This conversation revolves around leadership lessons, community building, the power of Burning Man culture for reshaping society and culture activism, authentic storytelling machines, personal disruption, and creating a business beyond the ordinary. It also includes creativity and inspiration while balancing growing a worldwide organization for the long term and using Burning Man principles and ethos to make positive change.
"I quit my job in 1998 and joined Burning Man. Burning Man has been in my life for half of it." - Marian Goodell.
"Cultural connectivity is our number one priority." - Marian Goodell.
In this new episode, we feature and interview Marian Goodell about Burning Man, Community Cultivation, Storytelling, Creativity, Leadership and Making a Ruckus.
"I'm living a disruptive life." - Marian Goodell.
Index of contents - and what you will learn in this episode
"Live your life with minimal regrets."
Podcast show notes, links, mentions and other resources
"Burning Man has been my children." - Marian Goodell.
Podcast - Marian Goodell: what it means to be Burning Man's CEO, living a disruptive life, finding the gift in life, producing a culture that transforms individuals and organizations, leadership lessons, storytelling that transcends silos, the power of community and reshaping business with humanity.
Isra García comparte 10 nuevos y pequeños microhábitos de Ultraproductividad diarios para accionar tus objetivos y materializar lo que deseas.
"El desafío es ensuciarte las manos practicando de manera que hagas lo que necesitas hacer cada día para estar ahí, para que esos objetivos se conviertan en realidad" - Isra García.
Este es un episodio que Isra ha grabado en uno de sus retiros consigo mismo durante la Gran Victoria en la que todavía se encuentra, en él se comparten 10 microhábitos clave que Isra utiliza a diario para vivir ultraproductivo.
"En esos pequeños momentos de serendipia encuentras el sabor de la vida" - Isra García.
"Más que el reloj o a qué hora te despiertas, adquiere el microhábito de hacerte una promesa a ti mismo y mantenerla" - Isra García.
Índice de contenidos - y qué aprenderás en este episodio
"No es la duración del tiempo lo que importa, sino la calidad del mismo" - Isra García.
Notas del podcast:
"Te ves pleno, te sientes pleno" - Isra García.
10 nuevos y pequeños microhabitos de Ultraproductividad para el día a día - podcast.
"Cuando te sientes cómodo en tus propios zapatos, tú te empujas y te guías a ti mismo con una energía diferente" - Isra García.
"En una escala del uno al diez, ¿cómo de verdaderamente feliz soy aquí y ahora con mi vida?"
Isra García explica en este episodio-chispazo las dos preguntas que él utiliza para subir de nivel su felicidad interior. Son las preguntas que necesitamos hacer para movernos hacia delante cada día. Un episodio grabado en una isla remota de Asia en uno de sus retiros en sí mismo dentro de La Gran Victoria, el experimento de morir en vida en el que todavía se encuentra.
"Hacerte estas preguntas en un superhábito de un minuto que puedes empezar ahora mismo" - Isra García.
Índice de contenidos - y qué aprenderás en este episodio
"¿Cómo sabes si funciona si no lo experimentas y de una forma u otra, lo mides o lo monitorizas?" - Isra García.
"I do not need motivation any more because it has become a habit." - Shi Miao Jian.
Isra Garcia interviews Shaolin Teacher and Master Student Shi Miao Jian about embracing the Shaolin Way, his learnings, transformation and daily experience after many years in the Monastery as a Shaolin student. Shi Miao Jian also explores routines, rituals and life lessons learnt over all these years, as what it is like to be a master student and to live in the Shaolin Temple Europe, also about learning Kung Fu, Qi Gong, Tai Chi and Traditional Chinese Medicine. Shi Miao Jian tells us about his life in the Temple, his day-to-day tasks, how he became a Shaolin teacher, and what you can gain from living the Shaolin lifestyle.
"The more you learn about yourself through practice, the more you learn that is in your power."
"I'm not actually doing it; it's done to me. You go through life, and then a possibility comes... The problem is getting too caught up in thinking." - Shi Miao Jian.
Index of contents - and what you will learn in this episode:
"When my mum died, my life became real."
"Feel the gratefulness for all your relationships and all the people around you." - Shi Miao Jian.
Podcast show notes, resources and links
"The stellar moments or highlights play no role in what I'm trying to learn here."
Shi Miao Jian (Shaolin Teacher): Living the Shaolin Way, Traditional Chinese Medicine, becoming a Shaolin Master Student, the Way Back to Yourself, the Routines and Rituals of a Master Student, Surpassing Your Personal Limits, and Vital Learnings from his masters - podcast #252
"I pay attention to the right food, the right move, the right lifestyle, the right social context, and the Right Way to see things." - Shi Miao Jian.
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