Strong Independent Woman Baby

Marie & Kev

Strong Independent Woman Baby! A podcast by a pediatrician and a child psychiatrist on raising fierce baby girls!

  • 34 minutes 18 seconds
    Episode 2 - Take your baby to a protest!

    On this ep of Strong Independent Woman Baby, we talk about the March for Science and discuss ways to keep your baby happy and safe at a protest or march. We also discuss a Google project that uses machine learning to quantify gender representation in media, and briefly talk about brilliance and grit.


    The Google Project: "The women missing from the silver screen and the technology used to find them"


    Leslie, et al "Expectations of brilliance underlie gender distributions across academic disciplines"


    23 April 2017, 2:49 pm
  • 29 minutes 40 seconds
    Episode 1 - Really-really-smartness!

    On this first episode of Stong Independent Woman Baby, we introduce ourselves, discuss a recent paper in Science by Lian et al about gender stereotypes in 6-year-olds, and then talk about Rachael Ignotofsky's amazing book, "Women in Science".


    The Bian paper, discussed in The Atlantic:


    Rachel Ignotofsky's website:


    9 April 2017, 3:20 pm
  • 48 seconds
    Strong, Independent Woman Baby! A new podcast!

    Hi! This is a short trailer for our upcoming podcast, Strong Independent Woman Baby! A podcast by a pediatrician and a child psychiatrist on raising fierce baby girls. We're going to focus on feminism, women in STEM, and early childhood development in girls. Please subscribe! First episode in early April 2017, then weekly thereafter! 

    26 March 2017, 6:09 pm
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