"A term used by federal employees to describe the work situation is FUBAR (pronounced foobar). This is a secret code for Fucked Up Beyond All Repair."
-- Noozorte
27 March 2006, 3:31 am
46 minutes 39 seconds
The Real Parable 4: Pick Your Fight Like You Pick Your Nose -- Very Carefully
"I've always suspected that some portion of new furniture is deliberately ordered from the Official Government Broken Furniture Catalogue by the acquisition and purchasing folks to keep their people busy writing contracts to buy office furniture and equipment. It's called job security. It's a Federal perk and it's why a lot of people want to work for Uncle Sam!" -- Noozorte
12 March 2006, 2:37 pm
46 minutes 39 seconds
The Real Parable 4: Pick Your Fight Like You Pick Your Nose -- Very Carefully
22 January 2006, 11:09 pm
46 minutes 39 seconds
The Thirty Years Service Pin
The contents will very likely offend some people. We certainly hope so...