No Wrong Answers

Fountain City Frequency

The conversations teachers are having in schools today could determine what our world looks like in the future. We give those teachers a voice through weekly conversations about the important issues of the day. Listen and get a teacherly take on the world. Hosted by public radio news anchor Kyle Palmer and a dedicated team of teachers.

  • The "2019 Teacher of The Year" Lesson

    We speak with the 2019 Teacher of the Year, Rodney Robinson. He doesn’t have a typical teaching assignment. The 19-year veteran of Richmond Public Schools works at a school inside the Richmond Juvenile Justice Center.

    24 June 2019, 3:47 pm
  • The "Mindsets" Lesson

    Teacher mindset is a buzzword in education right now. But what does it really mean to have the right or wrong mindset in class?

    13 June 2019, 7:38 pm
  • The "Like" Lesson

    A teenager gets put on blast on social media for peppering her speech with the word “like”. Why our teachers think using verbal fillers is and isn’t a big deal.

    6 June 2019, 7:14 pm
  • The "Adversity Scores" Lesson

    Can the adversity that students face be boiled down to a number? The makers of the SAT are going to try. Our teachers say that's both a good and bad idea.

    31 May 2019, 12:19 am
  • The "Teaching Abroad" Lesson

    Teaching abroad can have its perks…but are they enough to pull teachers away from America?

    23 May 2019, 8:50 pm
  • The "Segregated Schools" Lesson

    After San Francisco’s plan to tackle school segregation actually made it worse, our teachers discuss how our conversation around this issue needs to change.

    16 May 2019, 8:54 pm
  • Extra Credit: The "Student Journalists" Lesson

    A high school newspaper’s story about a student sex worker causes a national stir. Now the district is threatening to fire the newspaper’s teacher adviser. We get that teacher’s side of the story.

    9 May 2019, 10:08 pm
  • The "Anxiety In Class" Lesson

    Schools statistically are safer than they’ve been in years…so why doesn’t it feel like it?

    2 May 2019, 5:30 pm
  • The "Fortnite" Lesson

    Some say Fortnite, the video game, should be banned. Our teachers say that’s a bad idea. Instead, schools should be learning how to take advantage of kid’s gaming passion.

    18 April 2019, 6:56 pm
  • The "Teacher Shortages" Lesson

    Teacher shortages have been around for decades, but new research shows it’s getting worse. What impact does that have on kids and classrooms?

    11 April 2019, 7:38 pm
  • The "Seeing The Signs" Lesson

    WARNING: This episode contains conversations about teen suicide. The number for the National Suicide Helpline is 1-800-273-8255.

    The specter of teen suicide is again in the news. Do you feel comfortable broaching that topic with your students? Our teachers have advice.

    5 April 2019, 9:00 am
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