Paranormal Punchers

Mark Scheetz

Paranormal Punchers is a light-hearted podcast discussing anything paranormal. They discuss Bigfoot, aliens, ghosts, Sasquatch, cryptids, UFO sightings, conspiracy theories and more!

  • 38 minutes 47 seconds
    The Tipsy Cryptid - Cocaine Sharks
    Hold onto your fins, listeners! The latest episode of Paranormal Punchers: The Tipsy Cryptid has surfaced, and it's making waves like never before!

    Join the intrepid crew as they plunge into the mysterious depths of the ocean to uncover the chilling truth behind... Cocaine Sharks! That's right, folks, these aren't your average apex predators—they're on a whole new level of mysterious! 

    #ParanormalPunchers #TipsyCryptid #CocaineSharks
    19 March 2024, 7:00 am
  • 37 minutes 11 seconds
    Ep. 171 - The Domsten Blobs
    The Domsten Blobs, AKA the Jelly Bags, has become one of the most celebrated UFO alien sighting & attempted abduction both in and outside of Sweden. On December 20, 1958, 2 friends, 30-year old Stig Rydeberg, & 24-year old Hans Gustafsson were driving on an empty road after partying in town with their girlfriends when they came upon some heavy fog. They slowed to a crawl, but around 3 AM they decided to pull over in order to relieve their bladders & stretch their legs. They noticed an odd glow that was coming from the trees about 150 feet away and decided to investigate the glow. They discovered a wide, radiant discoid object that was supported on what looked like a tripod. Suddenly, they were surrounded by weird creatures that were moving in & out of their shape, like a wave. They were small, gray & around 4 feet tall & 1 ½ feet wide. They lacked extremities & were shaped like "loaves" but moved quickly. They also were levitating above the ground & both boys could smell ether & burnt sausages, which they found very unpleasant.

    These creatures surged onto & into them & their arms & legs became engulfed in the creature’s bodies. With a “suction-like force” these blobs began to pull them toward the saucer & both of them lashed out at the entities trying to free themselves. Stig eventually managed to free himself & ran for their car where he began to slam his fist into the car horn in hopes someone would hear it. Immediately the creatures stopped their attack & ran for their saucer where both boys watched the UFO fly away quickly. They didn’t say anything for three days out of fear but eventually couldn’t keep it to themselves any longer. After an 11 hour long interview, the police concluded that it wasn’t a hoax.
    What did these men encounter that night? Join us on episode 171 to hear more about this almost alien abduction by the Domsten Blobs!

    5 March 2024, 8:00 am
  • 32 minutes 13 seconds
    The Tipsy Cryptid - The Butt-Biting Bear
    The latest episode of Paranormal Punchers: The Tipsy Cryptid is here, and it's going to take you on a wild ride! 🎙️🌟

    In this jaw-dropping installment, the crew delve deep into the bizarre case of a bear with an unusual taste for adventure—or should we say, an unusual taste for... butts?

    That's right, folks! 🐻🍑Tune in as the team unravels the strange and surreal tale of the butt-biting bear.

    #ParanormalPunchers #TipsyCryptid #ButtBitingBear
    20 February 2024, 8:00 am
  • 33 minutes 46 seconds
    Ep. 170 - Old Washoe Club

    Virginia City, NV rose as the center for silver mining with the discovery of the Comstock Lode in 1859 & became the nation’s 1st industrial city. It was a bustling city that had cultural institutions like the opera & famous residents like Mark Twain. The Washoe Club opened its doors on B Street in the Reynolds Building on June 1, 1875. It was a luxurious space filled with giant plate glass windows & bronze statuettes & was nicknamed “The Millionaire’s Club” because it was where the rich & newly rich would drink, play games, & visit with prostitutes. Less than 5 months after opening, a fire burned through downtown, destroying a good amount of Virginia City, including the Washoe Club. It didn’t take long though for the club to find a new space – the trustee board for the club settled on a 3-story building on C street that even had a saloon on the bottom floor.

    The local mines began to diminish, Virginia City’s population dwindled & the Washoe Club eventually closed in 1897. Because of the cities history with cave-ins, gunfights & greedy claim jumpers, it is no surprise that the Old Washoe Club is considered to be one of the most haunted locations in the West. Bar stools move on their own, the saloon doors will mysteriously swing open for ladies that are entering, & numerous shadow figures have been spotted on the upper floors. There are several spirits that are seen & felt in the Old Washoe Club & there is one spirit who has an affinity for alcohol. If you let a full shot of Bourbon linger too long at the bar, it will mysteriously be drained, & the staff will leave a full shot before leaving at night & it will be empty in the morning.

    Who or what still lingers at the Old Washoe Club? Join us on episode 170 to hear more about this haunted location!


    6 February 2024, 8:00 am
  • 27 minutes 33 seconds
    Paranormal Punchers: The Tipsy Cryptid - White Claw Bear
    Get ready for a wild ride with the latest episode of Paranormal Punchers: The Tipsy Cryptid! 🎙️ This time, the gang dives into the mysterious world of a Bear sipping on White Claws. 🐻🍹

    Join the crew as they uncover the bizarre and hilarious details of this unexpected encounter. From the choice of beverage to the bear's preferred flavor, no stone—or should we say, claw—is left unturned.

    #ParanormalPunchers #TipsyCryptid
    23 January 2024, 8:00 am
  • 41 minutes 44 seconds
    Ep. 169 - The Khamar Daban Incident
    On August 2, 1993, Lyudmila Korvina, who was an experienced hiking instructor, led 6 of her students on a hiking trip to the Khamar Daban mountain range in southern Siberia. The first 2 days of the hike, the group did really well, beating the time anticipated to get up the Retranslyator peak. However, when they were beginning their descent on August 4th, they were hit with a rainstorm which slowed them down. The following morning, the group set off down the mountain but after only a few minutes the first disaster struck. Sacha, who was at the back of the group, began to scream. When the group turned around, they saw that he was bleeding from his eyes & his ears as well as frothing at the mouth. It didn’t take long before every single member but one succumbed to the same symptoms.

    Valentina Utochenko, the only surviving member, ran for her life not fully understanding what was happening. For 4 days, she followed power lines down the mountain, until she found a river & began to follow that. In August 10th, she was found by a group of kayakers. An autopsy report concluded that they had all died of hypothermia except for Lyudmila who had suffered a heart attack. They all had signs of bruised lungs, & protein deficiency due to malnutrition was listed as a contributing factor to their deaths. The deaths were ultimately ruled to be accidental.

    What happened on that Khamar Daban hiking trip? Join us on episode 169 to hear more!

    9 January 2024, 8:00 am
  • 1 hour 17 minutes
    Ep. 168 - 2023 Halloween Trivia Special
    It's our 2023 Halloween trivia special. Finally, all four of us go head-to-head to crown a trivia champion. Ryan from Swole Cinema joins us as our guest trivia host. We also try hot sauce and tell you about our new podcast.
    24 October 2023, 11:29 am
  • 1 hour 16 minutes
    Ep. 167 - The Real Conjuring House
    The Conjuring House located at 1677 Round Top Rd, Burrillville, RI is one of the most active paranormal locations in the world, and since opening to the public in 2019, have had thousands of visitors who have witnessed the supernatural activity here. It was originally called the Old Arnold Estate and is now known as the Conjuring House because of the 2013 film, The Conjuring, which depicted the hauntings that the Perron family experienced while living there in the 1970s. Carolyn and Roger Perron, and their five daughters moved in to the home in December 1970 and the paranormal activity started immediately. It started small. A broom would be misplaced or a scraping sound would come from the kitchen when no one was in there.

    The girls soon began to see spirits around the house, and they claimed that for the most part, they were harmless. The family experienced rampant poltergeist activity, would smell rotting flesh & even would experience their beds rising off of the floor. They would regularly have physical injuries & it was common to hear voices around the house. The Perron family continued to live in the house for 10 years and experience continual paranormal encounters because of their financial instability but eventually decided to sell the house in 1980.

    The Conjuring House opened to the public in 2019 where visitors can tour the house, go on overnight investigations and can even experience camping or Ghamping, on the property.
    Join us on episode 167 to hear more about this haunted location!

    19 September 2023, 7:00 am
  • 51 minutes 14 seconds
    Ep. 166 - The Old Spaghetti Factory in Vancouver
    The Old Spaghetti Factory in Vancouver, British Columbia is rumored to be the most haunted restaurant in the city. It opened its doors in March of 1970 in a building that has been around since the early 1900s, and is the 2nd oldest building in Vancouver. The Old Spaghetti Factory is known to have vintage décor, as well as an old trolley car, Number 53, that was placed inside around the time of its opening. There are four resident ghosts that are seen in the Old Spaghetti Factory, including the Tram Conductor, who is seen in full uniform inside the tram after hours seated at the same table, and a little boy ghost named Edward has been seen running around the restaurant.

    A visiting psychic confirmed that there were spirits here, and that the activity stems from the presence of historical artifacts that they are attached to in the building. Several psychics have also suggested that there is a vortex or portal that is found at the back of the restaurant that may attract these ghosts to stick around.

    Join us on episode 166 to hear more about the most haunted restaurant in Vancouver!

    15 August 2023, 7:00 am
  • 56 minutes 11 seconds
    Ep. 165 - UFO and Alien Briefing in Congress
    Three former military officials have testified before a House Oversight subcommittee on Wednesday, July 26, 2023 that they believe the government knows much more about UFOs than it is telling the public, but they also focused more on improving processes for reporting UAPs and transparency on the events for the American people. Former Navy fighter pilot Ryan Graves recounted an incident that happened off the coast of Virginia Beach in 2014 while flying an F-18 where they came upon & almost collided with an aircraft that was a "dark gray or black cube inside of a clear sphere". He also founded a group that supports aviators who have reported similar phenomenon & the objects that are reportedly being seen by military & commercial pilots that are performing maneuvers which are unexplainable due to our current understanding of our technology.

    Retired Cmdr. David Fravor talked about his encounter which was in 2004, where he & 3 others saw a white “Tac Tac”-shaped flying object emerge over the San Diego coast in California. He said, "There were no rotors, no rotor wash, or any visible flight control surfaces like wings." As they tried to get closer to the object, "it rapidly accelerated & disappeared right in front of our aircraft," leaving no detectable turbulence. Retired Major David Grusch spoke about a multi-decade UAP crash retrieval & reverse engineering program that he was exposed to during his time on a UAP task force. Grusch says that he has not personally spotted a UAP or any alien bodies, but his opinions are based on the accounts of over 40 witnesses that he interviewed while he was on the UAP task force. He also said he has interviewed individuals who have recovered "nonhuman biologics" from crashed UAPs.

    In a statement, Defense Department spokeswoman Sue Gough said investigators have not discovered “any verifiable information to substantiate claims that any programs regarding the possession or reverse-engineering of extraterrestrial materials have existed in the past or exist currently.” But Ryan Graves urged Congress and government officials to put aside stigma and address the security and safety issue that this topic represents.

    Join us on episode 165 to hear more about this Congressional hearing on UAPs and the three former military officials’ experience with them!


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    1 August 2023, 7:00 am
  • 1 hour 5 minutes
    Ep. 164 - Did Alien Technology Crash into the Pacific Ocean?
    Abraham “Avi” Loeb, dubbed the alien hunter of Harvard, is an honored Israeli-American theoretical physicist who works on astrophysics and cosmology and is a professor at Harvard. In 2018, he suggested that alien space craft may be in the Solar System and used the interstellar object Oumuamua as an example, and in July 2021, Avi founded The Galileo Project for the Systematic Scientific Search for Evidence of Extraterrestrial Technological Artifacts.

    In January 2014, a 500-kilogram fireball was observed by the DOD where it was recorded as traveling faster than most meteors and ended up breaking up over the South Pacific Ocean near Papua New Guinea. Avi's team set out on a research boat called the Silver Star in late June 2023 looking for possible debris , & used a magnetic sled to excavate this debris from the ocean floor where the meteor hit. They found 50 tiny metallic balls called spherules that were made mostly of iron, and each is a fraction of a millimeter in size. He concluded that these metal pieces did not originate from Earth, and did not match any samples of the element found on Earth, leading him to speculate that this piece might be from outer space.

    On the second half we discussed some of our favorite action disaster movies involving either a meteor or aliens crashing on earth, including Deep Impact, Armageddon, Battleship and Slither.
    Join us on episode 164 to hear more about Avi Loeb and his discovery of interstellar alien spherules in the South Pacific Ocean!



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    18 July 2023, 7:00 am
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