Our purpose is to inspire our farmers, growers and industry to succeed in a rapidly changing world. We equip the industry with easy to use, practical know-how which they can apply straight away to make better decisions and improve their performance. AHDB is a statutory levy board and is funded by farmers, growers and others in the supply chain.

  • 25 minutes 35 seconds
    Farm inheritance tax impact

    Over three quarters of farms in England and Scotland of 50 hectares or more in size will be affected by the changes to Inheritance Tax (IHT), according to new independent analysis from AHDB. In this simulcast with our Agonomics with David Eudall podcast, David is joined by analyst Tom Spencer to explain how this has been calculated.

    And find out what rural tax expert Luke Cochrane has to say about the next steps for farming businesses.

    Useful links

    Inheritance tax changes to affect more than 75% of English and Scottish farms of 50 hectares in size or more | AHDB

    Farm inheritance tax - Agonomics with David Eudall

    Land Family Business

    28 January 2025, 12:01 am
  • 35 minutes 42 seconds
    449: Heifer to bull: Maximising calf potential (part two)
    Mastering milk replacer, weaning, and maximising growth are discussed as AHDB Knowledge Exchange Manager (Dairy) Laura Awdry concludes her two-part series looking at calf potential.

    Laura's joined by Ginny Sherwin, a Clinical Associate Professor at the University of Nottingham's School of Veterinary Medicine and Science.

    Useful links
    Calf milk replacer energy calculator | AHDB
    Calf management | AHDB
    Youngstock housing | AHDB

    We'd love to know what you think of our podcasts. If you’d like to give your feedback, please complete our short questionnaire, which will help us to improve the podcast on an ongoing basis, or email us with your thoughts, comments and suggestions: [email protected] 

    1 November 2024, 12:00 pm
  • 22 minutes 52 seconds
    448: Heifer to bull: Maximising calf potential (part one)
    In the first of two episodes about rearing calves, AHDB Knowledge Exchange Manager Laura Awdry is joined by award-winning Dorset dairy farmer Lauren Fincham.

    The focus of their discussion is youngstock rearing, including colostrum and feeding management to get the best out of heifers and beef calves later in life.

    Useful links
    Calf management | AHDB
    Colostrum management for dairy calves | AHDB
    Semen usage calculator | AHDB

    We'd love to know what you think of our podcasts. If you’d like to give your feedback, please complete our short questionnaire, which will help us to improve the podcast on an ongoing basis, or email us with your thoughts, comments and suggestions: [email protected] 
    28 October 2024, 4:00 pm
  • 19 minutes 7 seconds
    447: Consumer insight: Meat labels and aisles
    How important are food labels in the supermarket? And do consumers pay any attention to signs and layout in the aisles?

    Beatrice Waters is joined by Grace Randall, AHDB’s Lead Retail Insight Manager, Vicky Lee, National Account Manager at Dovecote Park and Fiona Clayton from AHDB’s Marketing team to dive into research on optimising red meat labelling and improving shopper engagement with the meat aisle.

    Useful links
    Consumer insights: Optimising red meat labelling | AHDB
    Retail and consumer insight | AHDB

    We'd love to know what you think of our podcasts. If you’d like to give your feedback, please complete our short questionnaire, which will help us to improve the podcast on an ongoing basis, or email us with your thoughts, comments and suggestions: [email protected] 
    15 October 2024, 1:00 pm
  • 39 minutes 29 seconds
    446: Succession: Time to talk about the future
    Succession is a subject that is applicable to all farming business, but do you know how to approach your family to begin talking about it?

    AHDB Senior Engagement Manager Amy Hughes chats to Lyn Sykes, globally renown succession expert, covering the basics of starting difficult conversations, what it means to be good at communication, seeing things from both sides and how to talk about and address ‘touchy’ situations early, so they don’t become difficult in the future.

    ** We are holding a number of Discuss the Undiscussabull™ workshops with Elaine Froese, a farm family coach, in October (see link below for more details) **

    Useful links
    Discuss the Undiscussabull™ | AHDB
    Business changes and succession: talking things through | AHDB
    AHDB Food & Farming / Skills and succession (audioboom.com)

    We'd love to know what you think of our podcasts. If you’d like to give your feedback, please complete our short questionnaire, which will help us to improve the podcast on an ongoing basis, or email us with your thoughts, comments and suggestions: [email protected] 
    6 September 2024, 12:50 pm
  • 19 minutes 40 seconds
    445: AHDB Dairy: Working with retailers
    Given maintaining a positive reputation of dairy is crucial to underpinning the future success of the industry, Knowledge Exchange Manager James Hague looks at how AHDB works with retailers to promote milk and its products in the aisles.
    Joining James is Senior Account Manager (Domestic Marketing), Stasha Napior-Kowska, to discuss her role in campaigns such as Let's Eat Balanced and more besides.

    Useful links
    Let's Eat Balanced | AHDB
    Dairy markets | AHDB
    A sweet spot for ice cream sales | AHDB

    We'd love to know what you think of our podcasts. If you’d like to give your feedback, please complete our short questionnaire, which will help us to improve the podcast on an ongoing basis, or email us with your thoughts, comments and suggestions: [email protected] 
    3 September 2024, 3:27 pm
  • 23 minutes 31 seconds
    444: Are you grazing in a 'green drought'?
    Following a wet start to the grazing season, AHDB Dairy Knowledge Exchange Manager Daisy Green looks at the impact this has had on grass quality and milk production at the mid-point and how careful management is essential for a successful close to the round.

    Joining Daisy is pasture-to-profit consultant Bess Jowsey and AHDB Forage for Knowledge farmer Richard Tucker to discuss what they’re seeing on farm, and how they're managing this so-called "green drought".

    Useful links
    Curious about clover? | AHDB
    Forage for Knowledge | AHDB
    Profit from your pasture | AHDB

    We'd love to know what you think of our podcasts. If you’d like to give your feedback, please complete our short questionnaire, which will help us to improve the podcast on an ongoing basis, or email us with your thoughts, comments and suggestions: [email protected]
    26 July 2024, 7:00 am
  • 23 minutes 50 seconds
    443: Milk Every Moment
    Milk Every Moment is a new milk-focused marketing campaign we've launched in collaboration with British Universities and Colleges Sport (BUCS).

    AHDB Knowledge Exchange Manager Jess White finds out more about the push to empower the next generation from some of those involved.

    Useful links
    Milk Every Moment | AHDB
    Empowering the next generation with the Milk Every Moment campaign | AHDB
    BUCS British Universities & Colleges Sport (BUCS)

    We'd love to know what you think of our podcasts. If you’d like to give your feedback, please complete our short questionnaire, which will help us to improve the podcast on an ongoing basis, or email us with your thoughts, comments and suggestions: [email protected] 
    8 July 2024, 7:00 am
  • 28 minutes 20 seconds
    442: Connecting school children with farming
    John Bates lifts the lid on what AHDB's doing to educate the next generation about the origins of their food.

    From school farm visits to getting ingredients into schools, John and our Head of Education, Roz Reynolds discuss these initiatives in detail with the help of teachers and a beef farmer who've been involved.

    Useful links
    Education | AHDB
    School farm visits support programme for farmers (England and Wales) | AHDB
    Students thrive in kitchen thanks to funded ingredients programme | AHDB

    We'd love to know what you think of our podcasts. If you’d like to give your feedback, please complete our short questionnaire, which will help us to improve the podcast on an ongoing basis, or email us with your thoughts, comments and suggestions: [email protected] 
    5 July 2024, 6:00 am
  • 41 minutes 14 seconds
    441: Resilient beef: Lucerne, herbal leys & mindset
    Following a difficult winter, AHDB Beef and Lamb Engagement Manager Emma Steele looks at how sustainable forages like lucerne can help us adapt to changing weather patterns, balance soil health, improve livestock performance and increase profitability.

    Joining Emma is Monitor Farmer and Farmers Weekly Beef Farmer of the Year, Ian Farrant, and Paul Morgan, Germinal Sales Manager and forage guru.

    Useful links
    Germinal- Ask an expert
    AHDB Weather Hub

    We'd love to know what you think of our podcasts. If you’d like to give your feedback, please complete our short questionnaire, which will help us to improve the podcast on an ongoing basis, or email us with your thoughts, comments and suggestions: [email protected] 
    1 July 2024, 2:00 pm
  • 16 minutes 13 seconds
    440: The Recommended Lists turn 80
    We mark 80 years of the Recommended Lists for cereals and oilseeds (RL) which has been delivering trusted, independent variety information since 1944.

    Join presenter Carolyn Smith for a potted history, with contributions from some of those who have helped shape the RL, and others who have relied on the guide.

    Useful links
    Recommended Lists for cereals and oilseeds (RL) | AHDB
    A brief history of the Recommended Lists (RL) | AHDB
    Variety selection tools for cereals and oilseeds | AHDB

    We'd love to know what you think of our podcasts. If you’d like to give your feedback, please complete our short questionnaire, which will help us to improve the podcast on an ongoing basis, or email us with your thoughts, comments and suggestions: [email protected] 

    27 June 2024, 7:00 am
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