Faith Church is committed to being a community where people are whole-heartedly devoted to Christ, irrevocably committed to each other, thoroughly equipped for service and relentlessly dedicated to reaching people for Christ. Here at Faith, you'll find people of all types. We're committed to reaching people where they are, showing them the love of Christ, and equipping them to share that love with those around them. That's why, each Sunday, our pastors bring a message that reaches everyone, while taking an in-depth look what God has to say. Our worship services use various styles of music and all available forms of media and technology to share the Gospel message with people in a relevant and life changing way.
Mar 9th Sermon | Ecclesiastes 4:1-5:7 | Pastor Godwin Sathianathan | Sermon Webpage
Mar 2nd Sermon | Ecclesiastes 3:1-22 | Ryan Dennis | Sermon Webpage
Feb 23rd Sermon | Ecclesiastes 1:12-2:26 | Pastor Godwin Sathianathan | Sermon Webpage
Feb 16th Sermon | Ecclesiastes 1:1-11 | Pastor Godwin Sathianathan | Sermon Webpage
Feb 9th Sermon | 3 John | Pastor Drew French | Sermon Webpage
Feb 2nd Sermon | Jonah 4 | Pastor Drew French | Sermon Webpage
Jan 26th Sermon | Jonah 3 | Pastor Godwin Sathianathan | Sermon Webpage
Jan 19th Sermon | Jonah 2 | Pastor Godwin Sathianathan | Sermon Webpage
Jan 12th Sermon | Jonah 1 | Pastor Godwin Sathianathan | Sermon Webpage
Dec 29th Sermon | 1 Thessalonians 4:1-12 | Caleb Liebing | Sermon Webpage
Dec 22nd Sermon | Isaiah 42:1-4 | Pastor Godwin Sathianathan | Sermon Webpage