The Atheist Experience

The Atheist Community of Austin

The Atheist Experience is a weekly show in Austin, Texas geared at a non-atheist and atheist audience. The Atheist Experience is produced by the Atheist Community of Austin. The Atheist Community of Austin is organized as a nonprofit educational...

  • 1 hour 26 minutes
    The Atheist Experience 29.05 with Forrest Valkai and Justin
    Show notes will be posted upon receipt.

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    3 February 2025, 12:47 am
  • 2 hours 9 minutes
    The Atheist Experience 29.04 with Secular Rarity and Armin Navabi
    In today’s episode of the Atheist Experience, Secular Rarity and Armin Navabi, add sprinkles to our Sunday(sundaes), swim through the world of proof that atheism is in fact imaginary and not created by a non-god.
    Kenneth in VA, wonders if proving god should be done in the mystical sense when the scientific method fails. What is the point of talking about it if you are unable to describe this method? Are you feeling something that is god, or are you describing the feelings themselves? If SR has a pet that he is unable to describe at all, what is the likelihood that the pet is real? When something is happening that you are not in control of, is that what you would describe as god? How does being in a highly emotional state affect your perception of whether or not there is a god involved? How would you value these experiences, if it turns out their origin is not from a larger source, but are coming from you?

    Muslim Intellect in the UK asks: Would the world exist if god did not exist? How did you arrive at the position that the existence of the world proves god? Please describe how this is obvious to you, when it may not be obvious to us or anyone else. Why would we take the Koran seriously when we have not even established there is a god, and that particular god brought us the Koran? The message from Allah is worthless without this happening first. Why should we believe a book that says god is real and how do we know if the claims in the book are true?

    Mike with no pronouns in SC says that the song, “Imagine” is an atheist anthem and that atheism is imaginary. Why is it a problem for atheists to take a lack of position? How do you decide what question is the biggest question to ask? Somebody that does not have a claim does not need to prove anything. The burden of proof applies to specific claims, not general things. There is no need to mix up concepts and muddy the water. What changed your mind to make you go from a non-believer to a believer? Before your scientific discoveries, was anyone else in your eyes justified in believing in the god that you believe in?

    John in Canada believes in a non-god creator and uses the laws of energy and math to explain his position. You are making an equivocation on the word, “create”. Did you really think that explaining that things cause other things would prove your point?
    Jackie in MS wants to build a case that idealism as a metaphysical system makes the most sense out of any system. It is not necessarily true that without our perception, things won’t exist. Language having a limit does not give us a reason to reduce the definitions of words to mean another word. Do the qualities of a rock change when there is nothing to look at that rock? Why is it impossible for the universe to exist before there was any consciousness to describe the perception? Do you think we have done enough to understand this topic? Does omnipotence seem weird or does it just break the rules?

    Thanks for tuning in this week! Question of the week is: What is really buried under the Kaaba at Mecca?

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    27 January 2025, 2:16 am
  • 1 hour 54 minutes
    The Atheist Experience 29.03 with The Cross Examiner and Godless Engineer
    Show notes upon receipt.

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    20 January 2025, 1:05 am
  • 1 hour 33 minutes
    The Atheist Experience 29.02 with Jmike and Justin
    In today’s episode of the Atheist Experience, JMike and Justin Deconstruction discover that Jesus is the Devil as they comb through Biblical atrocities with bears and lions mauling presuppositional arguments made by people who believe the L.A. fires are caused by god. 

    Chuck in HA says the hosts on the show sometimes sound like they support Christianity because they say there just is no proof for god. The hosts wasted no time backing the caller into a corner about his beliefs. It turns out the caller was not able to articulate what the Bible describes about god and even claimed that Jesus is the Devil. How do you determine what parts are right and what parts are wrong in the Bible? If you do not believe in Jesus, how do you know that Jehovah is true? 

    Mike in SC wants to know if there are any books in the Bible that Justin thinks are true. Justin gave a handful of examples from the Bible that are true, and a number of contradictions found. If one part of the book is true, how does that make the whole thing true? What about the atrocities? How does making fun of somebody justify bears being called to maul kids or people at all? You must read the text for what it is and not what some goofy website says. God is vengeful and sends lions to kill his own prophets. Why did Jesus not fulfill even one of the Messianic prophecies? 

    Bill in PA wants to know how to defeat presuppositional arguments. Ask them for the argument, and then ask them to support the first premise. They will rarely have an argument for the first premise. 

    Jon in Canada says the fires in LA are caused by god and there is a correlation between sin and fire. How do you know what god’s rules are and what sin is?  Where is the comprehensive list of sins found? What sins are people in California doing that other states are not? If all natural disasters come from god, why is he not focusing on another area? 

    Gabe in TX wants to know how to respond when someone says that atheists have no moral standards. Justin’s opinion is that objective morals don’t exist and people want them to exist so they can point to a behavior and say it is bad. JMike’s take is that there are views compatible with there being no god such as subjective meta views. Can a shoe exist without a person to wear it?  

    Jim in MO says that the discovery of the new world changed the laws of Christianity, and not Jesus. Remember that Christianity long before this happened already determined they did not have to follow the laws of Moses. The whole book of Hebrews talks about this and how there are new laws being replaced. Even Jesus and the apostles can’t agree with each other. How did the people that came to America have a different belief than the people that came before them? What is the end goal of this dialogue and support for your conclusion? 

    Ben, our backup host, joins to close out the show! Thank you for tuning in this week. Question of the week is, “What would Jesus do?”(Wrong answers only).

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    13 January 2025, 1:13 am
  • 1 hour 33 minutes
    The Atheist Experience with Forrest Valkai and Seth Andrews 2025-01-05
    6 January 2025, 12:48 am
  • 1 hour 44 minutes
    The Atheist Experience 28.50 with The Cross Examiner, Forrest Valkai, and Jim Barrows
    Show notes upon receipt. 

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    16 December 2024, 1:03 am
  • 2 hours 39 minutes
    The Atheist Experience 28.49 with Secular Rarity, Armin Navabi, and Justin (@Deconstruction_Zone)
    Show notes upon receipt.

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    9 December 2024, 2:43 am
  • 1 hour 34 minutes
    The Atheist Experience with JMike and Godless Engineer ep. 28.28
    2 December 2024, 1:08 am
  • 1 hour 34 minutes
    The Atheist Experience 28.47 with Armin Navabi and Kelley Laughlin
    In today’s episode of the Atheist Experience, Armin Navabi and Kelley Laughlin, face attacks with no gravity and hurl their molecules under a big udder that prevents the sacrifice of finding the truth behind what the U.S. was based on. 

    Chuck in HI says he has scientific evidence for god and this is that the matter in the universe is eternal. He goes on to say there is no such thing as gravity and that god is holding everything together. Where is the evidence for this self aware, thinking agent that holds the universe together? The caller uses an inappropriate ad hominem and is warned by the hosts. He then goes on to try to convince the hosts that the same molecule is inhaled that is exhaled. How would this get us to god if it is true? Why does something have to make the atoms work and what is the work you think they are doing? The caller continues his childish attempts at insulting the hosts before repeating claims instead of providing the evidence for the claims. 

    Jackie in MS name dropped right off the bat even though Kelley explicitly asked him not to. He proposes that religion becomes a big udder that prevents sacrifice. How can you make your own points without referring to other philosophers? The key is to communicate in a way that is understandable. Why is there a need to use words that are undefined? 

    Mike in SC wants to know how to determine if something is true. Armin likes to put things into two categories: empiricism(more reliable) and rationalism(less reliable). He explains how critical thinking skills and spotting logical fallacies play into figuring out which arguments are the best in addition to using Occam's Razor. There is a difference between the truth and what is justified.
    Kelley looks for unambiguous empirical evidence to find truth. The topic swings over to the existence of Jesus. Where is the evidence for the resurrection? Why should we believe the Bible being used to prove the Bible? How do you get from the claims of physical evidence to the supernatural? How do people being willing to die for their religion make it true? People have died for bad ideas and things that are wrong throughout history. What is your path to truth and how do you arrive there? When do you accept your evidence and what is your process to prove it? If you have a low percentage of surety, what makes the difference between a positive and a negative decision? 

    Jon in Canada asks Kelley if he believes the U.S. was based on Christianity. Kelley explains how people misunderstand that separation of church was put there to protect religion from the government. And how many of the founding fathers were deists meaning that the U.S. was not based on Christianity but there were Christian influences on the founding of this nation. 

    Ben Clodfelter joined to close out the show as Kelley cut a red tie. Thank you for tuning in this week! Prompt for the week is: When is it inappropriate to respond to, “checkmate atheists”?

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    25 November 2024, 1:55 am
  • 1 hour 41 minutes
    The Atheist Experience 28.46 with Secular Rarity and Jim Barrows 2024-11-17
    18 November 2024, 1:04 am
  • 1 hour 49 minutes
    The Atheist Experience 28.45 11-10-2024 with Forrest Valkai and The Cross Examiner
    In today’s episode of the Atheist Experience, Forrest Valkai and The Cross Examiner, walk Jackie through some thought processes of his own before encountering questions of existence with some New Age sprinkles.

    Jackie in MS was not able to answer Forrest’s question of whether he has any of his own thoughts. It goes absolutely nowhere when this happens. Jackie agrees not to mention the names of philosophers and to answer the hosts’ questions. He argues that the existence of metaphysical things associated with religion are the reason for religion being a positive thing. What is an example of a good point you have made regarding these things? Why do you think people listening to this conversation will become convinced to believe in a god? Why do you believe a god exists? What created god that is more complicated than god? Why does the universe need a god to do what it does? Not knowing how something could have happened is not a basis to make a conclusion in the version that you like. Not only is there a magical explanation, but you know the dude that did it, and believe we must hate trans people! This could be a product from your environment, and Jackie, you deserve better than this. 

    George in Bulgaria claims that god is pure existence and we are eternal beings. What does pure existence mean? If we agree that things exist, how do you get from there to a god or to eternal beings? What would happen to existence, if a person was born that never reacted with anyone or anything else? What does your god want you to do? If god is asleep, why should we care? What is the evidence for our consciousness producing reality? Why is this better than just saying reality exists? How can your belief be falsified? A god that does not interact with the universe is indistinguishable from a god that does not exist. What can be gained knowledge wise by testing this?

    Ibrahim in the USA, converted to Islam, and wants to know the strongest arguments against god. Would you say that the burden should be on us to prove things like Santa Clause are not real? When you get into the business of arguing about god, you get into different versions of god. If this god does exist, what kind of god is it? If half of the things that the Abrahamic god is said to have done are true, he is a monster. The amount of evil and suffering this god has allowed is atrocious. This is not a religion of morality, but a religion of threats.  Why would somebody believe something that is not true when there is harm associated with it? If someone could convince you to believe in absurdities, they can also make you commit atrocities. The real danger sets in when you think you know what that god wants; this is when we start seeing cults, the Crusades, and the Dark Ages. Why does god not fix the suffering in the world and why did he not choose to create a universe where this did not need to happen?

    The hosts are joined by Ben Clodfelter to close out the show. Thank you for tuning in this week! Question of the week is: What is an underquoted scripture at a funeral?

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    11 November 2024, 1:08 am
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