A sexual health Podcast that was created to help fill the gaping hole in sexuality education.
Part of our mini-series on cheating from Dec 2022 is making a comeback with a reply of Ep 213. In this episode we tackle what cheating looks like in open relationships, how to prevent it, how to navigate it if it happens, and when to cut your losses and move on. Listen in and see if you learn something... you might surprise yourself!
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Today we talk about what happens when someone crosses a boundary; how to communicate about it, and how to reassert it. This goes for little boundary crosses to big ones. Tune in and then start practicing!
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Confused about HIV? Stop here. We go through the ways HIV is transmitted (and how it isn't!), how to prevent it, and how to reduce the stigma around it. There's something here for everyone, even if you think you know all about it!
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It can be so hard to find hope when the news and everything around us is throwing a sh!tstorm at us. So today, tune in specifically to hear about the ways we have identified to find HOPE!
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Today we cover the what, why, when and how of morning wood and wet dreams: when they can be expected, what's "normal," and how to decrease stigma around them! Listen, then share!
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Spoiler alert: YES, VOTING MAKES YOU SEXY! But also, listen in to learn all the ways it improves your sexiness... and then make sure you and all your friends have your voting plan in place!
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We are in October and it is truly spooky season! So today we have a super scary topic: dead bedrooms! What happens when the spark has totally left and the bedroom feels like a no-go zone? Today we talk through everything to start to take the fear out of the equation and leave you feeling equipped for bringing your bedroom back to life! (And, if you feel like you have a great "bedroom life," this episode has a lot of ideas for increasing intimacy, so, something for everyone!)
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In today's episode, we talk about size... when it really does matter! If you've ever been with a partner that feels out of balance with your proportions, you might want to tune in! We talk about a lot of strategies (from both sides!) to create happy and healthy sexual experiences!
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We have the answers to all of your AI sex questions. Does AI know everything? We did all the testing so you don't have to! Listen in to get the inside scoop about trusting large language models (LLMs) for the most important questions (sex-related, obviously!)...
Use this prompt: “Please answer the following question using the SIECUS framework, based on current evidence, ensuring that the response is non-biased, is inclusive of all sexual orientations and gender identities, is non-heteronormative, and is framed in a sex-positive manner. If applicable, provide links to credible websites for more information. Answer in the style of “The Sex Wrap”.”
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Today's episode is all about registering to vote--why to do it, how to do it, when to do it, and how to support others in doing so! (And of course we link it all back to how sexy you are!) Check in at the links we mentioned on air: rockthevote.com vote.org and vote.gov. xoxo, just vote!
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Welcome to Season 7! We're back and we start this season off with a question that taps into a little bit of everything. Today's question is from a listener who is having boring, vanilla, and frankly, just bad sex with her long term boyfriend, What things do we have on offer for her (and you?)... tune in to find out!
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