Get My Grit Together Podcast


Hi my name's Aliah, founder and content creator at, a personal development website focusing the character trait, Grit and developing a growth mindset through productivity and habit forming. Listen to this podcast for motivation and inspiration to get your goal setting together, your health together, your fitness together and your life together!

  • 7 minutes 15 seconds
    5 Ways To Save Money on Healthy Food
    It's hard to eat healthy when you're on a budget but it certainly isn't impossible. Learn five strategies to save money so that you're wallet will be as healthy as your waistline.
    3 January 2017, 12:48 am
  • 10 minutes 43 seconds
    2 of The Most Important Ways to Improve Patience
    One of the most crucial ways to maintain inspiration in keeping your goals is to have patience. This trait is incredibly difficult to maintain but In this episode I discuss ways to cultivate patience in your daily life so that you can continue on track to getting what you want out of life.
    3 January 2017, 12:40 am
  • 8 minutes 44 seconds
    Contentment Vs Complacency
    It's hard to know the difference sometime between being happy where you are now and striving for more. This podcast will show you the difference between the two and how to recognize when your being complacent under the guise of happiness and contentment.
    20 December 2016, 9:24 pm
  • 10 minutes 22 seconds
    What To Do When Your Passions Fades
    What to do when your passion fades
    19 December 2016, 9:40 pm
  • 11 minutes 11 seconds
    Fixed Mindset Vs. Growth Mindset
    Fixed Mindset Vs. Growth Mindset by Aliah
    13 December 2016, 9:11 pm
  • 8 minutes 29 seconds
    What My Fear of Driving Taught Me
    Visit for more content
    8 December 2016, 3:55 am
  • 8 minutes 4 seconds
    3 Action Steps to Take When You're Feeling Burnt Out
    In this podcast, I talk about Burnout, why you need to be aware of it and three moves you need to make to keep yourself motivated and on track to success. Please like, comment and subscribe!
    2 December 2016, 9:42 pm
  • 7 minutes 31 seconds
    3 Reasons Why "You're So Chill" is Not a Compliment
    3 Reasons Why "You're So Chill" is Not a Compliment by Aliah
    2 December 2016, 9:28 pm
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