Kingdom Herald - Disney Park News, Info and Rumors
Allen Huffman
The Kingdom Herald is a near daily summary of recent posting to various Disney fan related news, information and rumor web sites. Disneyland, Walt Disney World, and other related items are covered. This is a proof-of-concept test podcast.
2 minutes 39 seconds
ACP at New Media Expo 2008
Another Crappy Podcast got a short interview on the Leo Laporte TWiT Live video show at the New Media Expo in Las Vegas today. Special thanks to Steve Bjork for making it happen.
16 August 2008, 12:31 am
1 minute 28 seconds
2008 Another Crappy Podcast Promo
An all-in-one promo for the 2008 Another Crappy Podcast podcasts, including the Park Hopping Podcast, Rencast, Priuscast, Kingdom Herald, Disgruntled Disney Dweeb, Pirate Comedy Show Downloadable Audio File Show, and Journey into iPhone.
26 January 2008, 8:34 pm
1 minute 34 seconds
Kingdom Herald 16 - 5-17-2006
Just a quick update on the status of this experimental test podcast.
18 May 2006, 2:40 am
4 minutes 7 seconds
Kingdom Herald 15 - 3-1-2006
Disneyland spills the beans on what's going to be changed at the Pirates of the Caribbean, and Aladdin's creators return to... Walt Disney Feature Animation?
2 March 2006, 2:06 am
3 minutes 38 seconds
Kingdom Herald 14 - 2-28-2006
Dapper Dans update, Pirates over Spring break, and Apple to buy Disney? Here we go again...
1 March 2006, 12:45 am
3 minutes 55 seconds
Kingdom Herald 13 - 2-27-2006
Goodbye Dapper Dans, hello Asia eatery, move over Block Party Bash, and welcome back Imagineering at
28 February 2006, 4:24 am
4 minutes 32 seconds
Kingdom Herald 12 - 2-14-2006
Goodbye Carousel and Timekeeper, hello Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, happy birthday DCA, and get ready for Expedition Everest.
15 February 2006, 5:17 am
2 minutes 48 seconds
Kingdom Herald 11 - 2-6-2006
A brown wall? Must be a slow news day.
7 February 2006, 2:47 am
4 minutes 9 seconds
Kingdom Herald 10 - 2-2-2006
REAL EPISODE! Official on-ride Everest video and Pirates updates confirmed.
3 February 2006, 1:42 am
1 minute 50 seconds
Kingdom Herald 9 - 1-31-2006
REAL EPISODE! Kingom Herald welcomes the Daily Dose of Disney podcast.
1 February 2006, 6:03 am
3 minutes 50 seconds
Kingdom Herald 8 - 1-30-2006
REAL EPISODE! Missing "hidden" 50s, non-missing seagulls, and puppy spaghetti. Oh, and over 700 listeners so far. Golly!