
Airship | Wondery

On election night, two-term president Oliver Pierce watches in disbelief from the White House as Charles Dunwalke wins a controversial electoral college victory. With only 73 days before Dunwalke’s inauguration, president Pierce makes a secret decision to act, with historic and possibly catastrophic consequences.

  • 11 minutes 54 seconds
    Lindsay Graham's Newest Podcast: 1865

    April 15, 1865. President Lincoln is dead and the country in turmoil. Secretary of War Edwin Stanton takes control, determined to bring the assassin to justice.

    Heavily researched, this historical political thriller is an audio drama that explores America’s darkest hours. The story is astonishing—and all of it is based on true events.

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    3 December 2018, 12:08 pm
  • 21 minutes 44 seconds
    E13: Preamble

    We hold these truths to be self evident. Series Announcer: Michael Johnson Special thanks to Commander Josh Hepola, US Navy New to Terms? Subscribe on smarturl.it/termsp If you enjoyed the show, help us spread the word by telling your friends about it, following us on twitter.com/termspodcast, and completing a quick survey at Wondery.com/survey. Thank you to our sponsors!

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    13 February 2017, 8:05 am
  • 26 minutes 13 seconds
    E12: Inauguration Day

    Charles Dunwalke is placing his hand on the Bible... New to Terms? Subscribe on smarturl.it/termsp If you enjoyed the show, help us spread the word by telling your friends about it, following us on twitter.com/termspodcast, and completing a quick survey at Wondery.com/survey. Thank you to our sponsors!

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    6 February 2017, 8:05 am
  • 21 minutes 40 seconds
    E11: The Dirty Trick

    With the inauguration just days away, president Pierce must convince a new player to take the riskiest move in the game. New to Terms? Subscribe on smarturl.it/termsp If you enjoyed the show, help us spread the word by telling your friends about it, following us on twitter.com/termspodcast, and completing a quick survey at Wondery.com/survey. Thanks for listening. Thank you to our sponsors!

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    30 January 2017, 8:05 am
  • 16 minutes 17 seconds
    E10: This Is Insane

    When all other efforts prove fruitless, the president sets in motion one last Hail Mary attempt to stop Dunwalke's march to the Whitehouse. New to Terms? Subscribe on smarturl.it/termsp If you enjoyed the show, help us spread the word by telling your friends about it, following us on twitter.com/termspodcast, and completing a quick survey at Wondery.com/survey. Thanks for listening. Thank you to our sponsors!

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    23 January 2017, 8:05 am
  • 18 minutes 29 seconds
    E9: Transition

    What happens when the man you've been working to destroy comes by your office for a chat? New to Terms? Subscribe on smarturl.it/termsp If you enjoyed the show, help us spread the word by telling your friends about it, following us on twitter.com/termspodcast, and completing a quick survey at Wondery.com/survey. Thanks for listening. Thank you to our sponsors!

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    16 January 2017, 8:05 am
  • 17 minutes 46 seconds
    E8: Faust

    In life...there are choices. New to Terms? Subscribe on smarturl.it/termsp If you enjoyed the show, help us spread the word by telling your friends about it, following us on twitter.com/termspodcast, and completing a quick survey at Wondery.com/survey. Thanks for listening. Thank you to our sponsors!

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    9 January 2017, 8:05 am
  • 16 minutes 22 seconds
    E7: Going South

    As hope of eliminating the Electoral College dwindles, Ron heads to Austin to begin the next phase of the plan. But he's not the only one still working to put the pieces together. New to Terms? Subscribe on smarturl.it/termsp If you enjoyed the show, help us spread the word by telling your friends about it, following us on twitter.com/termspodcast, and completing a quick survey at Wondery.com/survey. Thanks for listening. Thank you to our sponsors!

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    2 January 2017, 8:05 am
  • 17 minutes 23 seconds
    E6: Smart People

    Several key players contemplate who could be behind recent events. Some are getting close, others are getting scared, and a few are looking to get even. New to Terms? Subscribe on smarturl.it/termsp If you enjoyed the show, help us spread the word by telling your friends about it, following us on twitter.com/termspodcast, and completing a quick survey at Wondery.com/survey. Thanks for listening. Thank you to our sponsors!

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    19 December 2016, 8:05 am
  • 15 minutes 46 seconds
    E5: Upstate

    Ron freezes in Upstate New York while recruiting a new co-conspirator. Back in DC, the vice president gets the cold shoulder. New to Terms? Subscribe on smarturl.it/termsp If you enjoyed the show, help us spread the word by telling your friends about it, following us on twitter.com/termspodcast, and completing a quick survey at Wondery.com/survey. Thanks for listening. Thank you to our sponsors!

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    12 December 2016, 8:05 am
  • 17 minutes 29 seconds
    E4: Goddamn Rockford

    Pace Media reporter Daniel Schwartz isn't the least bit excited to be in Illinois acting as Victoria's hammer. Trying to see what he can shake loose about a cover-up proves frustrating. But at least there's lunch. New to Terms? Subscribe on smarturl.it/termsp If you enjoyed the show, help us spread the word by telling your friends about it, following us on twitter.com/termspodcast, and completing a quick survey at Wondery.com/survey. Thanks for listening. Thank you to our sponsors!

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    5 December 2016, 8:05 am
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