Every one of us is engaged in a quest in this life. The quest is why we get up early in the mornings or very late at night and leave the safety of our homes and families. We venture out into a world where the rules are different then the rules we grew up with. We find that the rules are different than the ones we were taught in school. We get into our cars. We hail taxi cabs. We walk in the rain. We take trains and buses. We navigate security lines at crowded airports. In short, we make the necessary sacrifices to insure that we can not only survive but thrive in this life. We do what needs to be done because we want more out of this life. During this quest have you ever felt like you needed to step back and get a clear view of the situation? Have you ever felt overwhelmed, lost or unsatisfied with your progress? Welcome to the beehive. Let's face facts. Higher education only covers a small portion of what a person needs to know in order to excel in the world of business. The rest i
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