Laith’s Podcast

Laith Graham

Here are my Podcasts. All have already been posted before in iTunes, but I’m trying to work all this out at the moment so I’m reposting them before I do any more. Let me know what you think. Oh. Don’t click the Subscribe button below. Click here instead.

  • Lets see if this feed still works...
    I’m just seeing if this feed still works. Yuka and I will have a new podcast coming soon. Keep an eye on iTunes for “The Nip and Skip Show”.

    That’s all for now...
    12 January 2008, 3:21 pm
  • iChat test 001
    podcast-large.pngThis was a quick test of using iChat and GarageBand together. Thanks go to Giggalojim because I just sprang it on him. And thanks to Yuka too. Your cute.

    That’s all for now.
    16 April 2006, 1:24 pm
  • Now for something stupid...
    1025050150_Now_for_something_stupid..pngThis is what boredom sometimes brings. I really can’t think of anything else.
    10 February 2006, 5:19 pm
  • Laith in Japan 2006-01-12
    Laith%20in%20Japan%202006-01-12.pngVideo part two. It was ages between the first and this one. Oh well. I’m a little lazy. And I’ve been seeing to much of Japan at the time.
    10 February 2006, 3:42 pm
  • Laith in Japan 2005-12-30
    Laith%20in%20Japan%202005-12-30.pngThis was is the first video podcast. I broke all promises in this the next day. Oh well. That’s the way it goes.
    10 February 2006, 3:39 pm
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