Hook and Release

Dave and Roy

Hook and Release is about the pursuit of Truth, Beauty, and Kindship in the great outdoors of North Idaho. Our passion is fly fishing, backpacking and skiing.

  • Weekend Two

    Welcome to Hook and Release.

    This is Dave and Roy bringing you weekend Number Two's Podcast on the Madison River with special guest Alex Schoenauer of Spike TV's Ultimate Fighter.

    Roy and I had just met alex, and we did not take him on the beaver creek weekend one podcast trip because we did not know him well enough to take him to our favorite fishing hole.

    After we got back and shared our photos with Alex, he insisted that he take us on the Madison. We still didn't know him, and almost didn't go.

    As you will see in the slide show, it turns out he knows how to fish too.

    Until next time,
    Hook'm Up!

    30 January 2006, 5:59 pm
  • Weekend One

    This slide show is from our annual trip to Beaver Creek in mid September. As you will see from the photos, we always catch a mess of fish. We plan on carrying a video camera this season, so subscribe to our podcast in the iTunes Music store.

    Until next time, Hook'm Up!

    16 January 2006, 1:37 pm
  • Weekend Zero

    Fishing with Jennifer. Opening weekend Winter Season 2006.

    9 January 2006, 4:24 pm
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