Nature Guys

Nature Guys

  • 27 minutes 55 seconds
    Tales of Turkey Tail

    Turkey Tail mushrooms are everywhere! Gia admits that mushrooms may be her favorite things in nature. Learn all about one of the most common and easy to find mushrooms.

    Our sources for this episode include:

    21 May 2024, 10:00 am
  • 15 minutes 30 seconds
    Wildflower Pilgrimage with Families

    Bob and Beth led family hikes at the Arc of Appalachia Highlands Nature Sanctuary in April of 2024. After the hikes they recorded a podcast with some of the hikers. Tune in to hear about wildflowers and more from the perspective of the children on the hike. 

    30 April 2024, 10:00 am
  • 15 minutes 4 seconds
    Eclipse Stories

    Central Indiana had clear skies for the April 8, 2024  eclipse!  Bob joined a fantastic group of family, friends and other nature lovers  at Jenkins Forever Farm animal sanctuary  for a spectacular eclipse. He was able to record some of their reactions before, during and after the eclipse. 

    Related Episodes: Eclipse with Dean Regas, Eclipse Lovers

    23 April 2024, 10:00 am
  • 34 minutes 18 seconds
    Invasive Plants Part 4

    In the final episode of the Invasive Plant Series Bob, Greg and Sam outline several possible paths that the common person can undertake to help turn the tide of invasive plants. From education and community driven initiatives to pushing market changes through purchasing power, we can all do a small part to make a big difference. 

    Related Episodes: Walnut Woods, Invasive Plants, Lawns, Gardening for Moths with Jim McCormac, The Nature of Oaks with Doug Tallamy

    For more information, we recommend these sources:



    4 April 2024, 10:00 am
  • 34 minutes 27 seconds
    Invasive Plants Part 3

    In this episode the discussion turns toward the horticulture industry and the impact working with plants has had overtime. Bob, Greg and Sam then turn to examine the branch of Ornamental Horticulture and its culpability in the mass production and distribution of non-native plants around the world. While this trend continues, new options of planting with native plants and the idea of cultivating native plants at home for the sake of conservation are introduced.

    Related Episodes:

    Lawns, Invasive Plants, Seeds on the Move, Invasive Plants Part 1, Invasive Plants Part 2


    For more information, we recommend these resources:




    2 April 2024, 10:00 am
  • 23 minutes 59 seconds
    Invasive Plants Part 2

    In episode 2 of our Invasive Plant Series Bob, Greg and Sam discuss why invasive plants pose such a problem to our ecosystem. The plant guru dives into the intricate connections between plants and other wildlife, explaining that plants truly are the basis of all ecosystems. From there, we talk about the way our land use decisions have created the perfect conditions for invasive plants to thrive in North America. 

    Related Episodes: Invasive Plants Part 1, Invasive Plants, The Nature of Oaks with Doug Tallamy and Passenger Pigeon Part 1

    For more information, we recommend these resources:

    28 March 2024, 10:00 am
  • 27 minutes 31 seconds
    Invasive Plants Part 1

    Bob sits down with Greg and Sam to discuss one of the most pressing environmental issues of our time, invasive plants. It’s such a dense topic that we decided to break it up into 4 separate episodes. In part 1, we introduce the concept of native and non-native invasive plants. Greg and Sam provide a big picture perspective on the human systems that are driving the spread of invasive plants and invite you to join us in starting a more meaningful conversation around invasive plants and their impact on our environment. 

    Related Episodes: Invasive Plants, Walnut Woods

    For more information, we recommend these resources:

    26 March 2024, 10:00 am
  • 33 minutes 58 seconds
    Indigo Bunting

    Bob and Tina chat about an amazing bird - the Indigo Bunting. Find out where and when you can see the brilliant blue male and how these birds migrate over 1200 miles.

    You can find out more about Tina and Red Oaks Forest School at

    Related episode: What’s Your Zugunruhe?

    Our sources for this episode include:

    19 March 2024, 10:00 am
  • 51 minutes 54 seconds
    The Wolverine Way with Doug Chadwick

    Bob and co host Charles are joined by Doug Chadwick, author of The Wolverine Way. Doug is celebrating the listing of wolverines as threatened under the Endangered Species Act.

    Related episode: Four Fifths a Grizzly with Doug Chadwick

    For more information, please see:

    12 March 2024, 11:00 am
  • 20 minutes 19 seconds
    Eclipse Lovers

    Bob invites his partner Beth to share her passion for children’s literature by describing 6 of her favorite books about the eclipse. In addition, Bob offers suggestions about places to view the totality of the solar eclipse including the Jenkins Forever Farm animal sanctuary where you can join Nature Guys for this spectacular display on April 8, 2024.

    Related episode: Eclipse with Dean Regas

    Here are the books Beth reviewed and recommends. Check them out at your local library or independent bookstore!

    1. Sunpainters: Eclipse of the Navajo Sun, written and illustrated by Baje Whitethorne
    2. Looking Up! The Science of Stargazing by meteorologist Joe Rao and illustrated by Mark Borgions, Ready to Read book bin the Science of Fun Stuff series
    3. A Few Beautiful Minutes: Experiencing a Solar Eclipse, written by Kate Allen Fox, illustrated by Khoa Le
    4. The Moon Book, New and Updated by Gail Gibbons
    5. Totality! An Eclipse Guide inn Rhyme and Science by Jeffrey Bennett, one of the Big Kid Science series
    6. Eclipse Chaser: Science in the Moon’s Shadow by Ilima Loomis with photographs by Amanda Cowan, one of the Scientists in the Field adventure collection

    Bob and Beth will be at the Jenkins Forever Farm. To reserve a Spot for the Eclipse Viewing at Jenkins Forever Farm:

    Info from Dean Regas, Your Astronomer Host of the Looking Up podcast

    13 February 2024, 11:00 am
  • 33 minutes 59 seconds
    Passenger Pigeon Part 2

    Bob and Charles tackle one of the hardest subjects that Nature Guys has ever undertaken. In part 1 of Passenger Pigeon they go back in time to experience what this bird was like and how humans managed to wipe out this bird. Part 2 covers what we have learned and not learned from the Passenger Pigeon.

    Related episodes: Passenger Pigeon Part 1, The Nature of Oaks with Doug Tallamy

    For more information, we recommend these books:

    • Wild New World The Epic Story of Animals and People in America by Dan Flores (Bob's pick)
    • Man and Nature by George Perkins Marsh (Charles's pick)

    Here are books Charles read; the links are to a non-profit website ( If you buy these books through the links below it gives Charles's blog credit which does him a lot of good!

    Here are links to the relevant posts on Charles’s blog called Gulo in Nature:

    6 February 2024, 11:00 am
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