War of the Roses

Z Morning Zoo

War of the Roses, catching cheaters one at a time! Listeners call the Z Morning Zoo and put their boyfriend/husband to the ultimate test will they or wont they choose them. The Zoo calls the boyfriend/husband and offers him a dozen free red roses to send to anyone they want. The ultimate test is, will they choose the right person.

  • 6 minutes 43 seconds
    WOTR: Brother Vs Sister

    It's not very often we hear a sister call up to put her own BROTHER to the test on War of the Roses, but that's exactly what happened when Stacy wanted us to test out her own brother Charlie!

    23 June 2023, 1:12 pm
  • 5 minutes 18 seconds
    WOTR: Abby, Matt, and the New "Job Friends"

    What happens when your boyfriend gets a new job, and suddenly a "night out with the guys" seems like a better time than a "night IN with the girlfriend"? Is there something ELSE going on here?

    16 June 2023, 1:05 pm
  • 7 minutes 15 seconds
    WOTR: Katrina and Mariah's Special Friend

    Katrina doesn't mind that her GF Mariah has a "friend" who goes to all her nerdy superhero movies with her. She DOES mind that the hangouts are starting to get a little too "frequent". Are her suspicions about this girl just paranoia? Or is her "woman's instinct" telling her something that's true?

    9 June 2023, 12:20 pm
  • 7 minutes 54 seconds
    WOTR: Tyler, Elizabeth, and the Long-Distance Deception

    If you're in a long-distance relationship with somebody, is it okay that the other person still talks regularly with their EX, who lives in the same city as them? Meanwhile you're MILES away...

    19 May 2023, 1:21 pm
  • 7 minutes 31 seconds
    WOTR: Karen and Jim the Teacher

    Karen is married to Jim, who teaches Biology at a local high school. But it seems like Jim is also interested in several OTHER subjects...like the human anatomy of a fellow teacher!!

    1 May 2023, 11:43 am
  • 7 minutes 42 seconds
    WOTR: Lauren and Matt, the Cute Co-Worker

    Lauren is REALLY into her co-worker Matt. However he just went through a divorce, and she's not sure if she should ask him out right now. Rumors around the office are that he's trying to work things out with the ex, or maybe he's already dating somebody new. Only one way to find out for sure- run the War of the Roses test on him!

    21 April 2023, 12:58 pm
  • 8 minutes 33 seconds
    WOTR: Hailey and Cameron the Shady Realtor

    Hailey noticed that her BF Cameron's ex had sent him a DM through instagram... but it wasn't to his PERSONAL insta, but his PROFESSIONAL one (he's a realtor). Is this conversation all business, or are they using his business IG to hide the fact that there's something going on?

    7 April 2023, 1:34 pm
  • 6 minutes 47 seconds
    WOTR: Denise and Jeff the Married Guy

    Denise is dating a married man. Strike one, right? But wait, she explained that Jeff (the guy) is in the middle of his divorce, and THAT'S why she's been with him. But is this divorce ever going to actually happen??

    31 March 2023, 1:12 pm
  • 6 minutes 24 seconds
    WOTR: Corrinne, Paul, and the Crappy Valentines Day

    Corrinne is starting to notice that her BF Paul isn't giving much effort anymore in their relationship. In fact, it REALLY came to her attention when he practically "phoned in" Valentine's Day. Is he distracted because of his interest in someone else??

    17 March 2023, 1:19 pm
  • 7 minutes 15 seconds
    WOTR: Greg, Alaina, and the Post-Valentines 180

    Greg has been seeing Alaina, and things have been going great. For Valentine's Day he got a hotel room so they could have their first "adult sleepover" together. But ever since then, she's seemed WAY less interested in him. In fact, she turned him down TWICE when he wanted to hang out. Did he do something she didn't like? Or is another guy the reason she's so disinterested?

    10 March 2023, 2:17 pm
  • 6 minutes 29 seconds
    WOTR: Jen, Darren and the "Shack Girl"

    Jen was in her BF Darren's truck when he got a call. The phone was hooked up to his truck's navigation screen, so she CLEARLY saw when it said "Trinda Shack" on it. Was this girl's name really "Trinda Shack"? Is her dad "Radio Shack"? Is her mom "Love Shack"? Turns out she was listed that way for a very different reason...

    3 March 2023, 2:37 pm
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