The Quote of The Day Show is your daily dose of inspiration, featuring the best-of-the-best speakers and prosperity teachers.
On today’s Finance Friday episode, Reverend Ike reminds you that you cannot get something for nothing. To be prosperous you MUST participate in the flow of giving and receiving.
Source: Recognizing the Givers and the Takers - Rev. Ike's The Power of Money Seminar, Part 10
Hosted by Sean Croxton
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Michael Wickett shares a inspiring story of how a mother used the power of gratitude and appreciation to heal her relationship with her daughter.
Source: It’s All Within Your Rich: How to Live Your Dreams
Hosted by Sean Croxton
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Today, Louise Hay shares her daily self-love routine.
Source: You Can Trust Your Life Louise Hay & Cheryl Richardson
Hosted by Sean Croxton
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On today’s episode, Art Williams reveals 8 things you can do to change your life in 30 days.
Source: How to Beat Talent, Brains, and Education
Hosted by Sean Croxton
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Today, Tony Robbins shares the inspiring story of Sylvester Stallone and the making of the Oscar Award winning film Rocky. Know your outcome. Take massive action. And be willing to change your approach as you move toward your goal.
Source: Unleash the Power Within (Unavailable)
Hosted by Sean Croxton
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Today, Sandy Gallagher shares a powerful story about how a clear vision plus an “it’s already done” feeling can make even your loftiest dreams come true.
Source: Do The Illogical | Bob Proctor & Sandy Gallagher
Hosted by Sean Croxton
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Today, Zig Ziglar encourages you to change your mental diet. What goes in, must come out. And what gets repeated is what sticks.
Source: The Richer Life System: Create Your Best Life - One Simple Choice at a Time
Hosted by Sean Croxton
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On today’s episode, Tom Hopkins discusses 3 elements of goal setting - having short term goals, being specific, and accepting imbalance — that will unlock your dreams.
Source: How to Master the Art of Selling Financial Services
Hosted by Sean Croxton
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Does the work you’re doing leave you feeling drained? Today, John Maxwell discusses the “law of the niche” and why you should stick to the work that aligns with your strengths.
Source: John C Maxwell - 03 The Law Of The Niche
Hosted by Sean Croxton
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On today’s episode, Brian Tracy reveals the qualities and behaviors of optimistic people. Find out how to use “the law of probability” to dramatically increase the odds of your success. Plus, learn a quick strategy for determining your most important goals.
Source: The Science of Positive Focus
Hosted by Sean Croxton
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Today, Dr. Rao reveals a more sustainable way to pursue your goals, that doesn’t involve putting off your happiness.
Source: Powerful Lessons from Great Masters | Srikumar Rao
Hosted by Sean Croxton
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