Now Screaming

Now Screaming

Evan and Liz are making their way through Netflix's horror selection... and trying to make the best of it. Tune in every Tuesday as they bring their unique perspectives to the good, the bad, the ugly, and the woefully under-budgeted of horror film streaming.

  • 45 minutes 34 seconds
    #124: Slumber Party Massacre (2021)
    This week, Liz and Evan break out their sleeping bags and prepare for a pillow fight as they tackle the 2021 remake of SLUMBER PARTY MASSACRE! Join them as they put the film in context of the franchise’s legacy, discuss the intersections between true crime and horror, and laugh out loud at some pretty on-the-nose feminist humor. If, you, too, think that playing the hot girl is exhausting, then be sure to check out, and come visit us on Twitter @nowscreaming. Make sure you rate, review, and subscribe to the podcast, and remember: all dead is too dead.
    11 August 2023, 2:44 am
  • 50 minutes 33 seconds
    #123: The Fly II
    This week, Liz and Evan head over to (HBO) Max to take on an unlikely classic: 1989’s THE FLY II! Join them as they walk through the incredible creative team that brought this monstrosity to life, break some news about violations of ethical research requirements, and end up delighted by how well this disgusting and emotional film holds up next to its classic predecessor. If you would also still be nice to dogs if you were turned into a gruesome monster, then be sure to check out, and come visit us on Twitter @nowscreaming. If you know the magic word, then be sure to rate, review, and subscribe to the podcast - screaming won’t help anyone now.
    15 June 2023, 2:29 am
  • 47 minutes 28 seconds
    #122: Seance
    This week, Liz and Evan stay on Shudder to tackle the supernatural slasher SEANCE! They’re joined by first-time guest Mallory Martin to try to unpack Simon Barrett’s directorial debut. Along the way, they discuss their own history with seances, laud the film’s twists and turns, and debate whether or not schools should have windows (which might be tougher to answer than you think!). If, you’ve ever been a part of a toxic teen girl friend group, then be sure to check out, and come visit us on Twitter @nowscreaming. Don’t forget to rate, review, and subscribe to the podcast - there might just be a $250,000 scholarship in it for you, if you’re lucky.
    4 May 2023, 2:00 am
  • 37 minutes 43 seconds
    #121: Noroi: The Curse
    This week, Liz and Evan return to Shudder to discover the J-Horror masterpiece NOROI: THE CURSE! Join them as they ponder the mysterious shamanic magic lore, laud the film’s sincere (and sincerely scary) tone, and try to figure out how this film cracks the found-footage formula. If, you, too, are worried about ectoplasmic worms, then be sure to check out, and come visit us on Twitter @nowscreaming. Don’t forget to rate, review, and subscribe to the podcast - it’s important to appease Kagutaba, or strange things might start happening

    4 April 2023, 5:27 pm
  • 41 minutes 57 seconds
    #120: Circle
    This week, Liz and Evan are forced into a heated debate about tough choices as they tackle the Netflix horror film CIRCLE! Join them as they discuss their history with high school philosophy class debates, ponder the ethics of sacrifice, and get heated about whether or not this movie justified its own existence. If, you, too, love Twelve Angry Men, then be sure to check out, and come visit us on Twitter @nowscreaming. If they board, make sure you rate, review, and subscribe to the podcast. We promise we won’t kill you just for having an opinion.
    28 February 2023, 11:21 pm
  • 1 hour 4 minutes
    #119: Triangle
    This week, Liz and Evan set sail only to find themselves with a strange sense of deja vu as they explore 2009’s TRIANGLE! Join them as they debate nap-taking etiquette, ponder the nature of self-fulfilling prophecies, and relish being thrown in the deep end by this twisty film that reminds of us one our favorite roulette picks of all time. If, you, too, are a boat bitch, then be sure to check out, and come visit us on Twitter @nowscreaming. If they board, make sure you rate, review, and subscribe to the podcast. It’s the only way to get home.
    31 January 2023, 11:06 pm
  • 49 minutes 21 seconds
    #118: The Raven
    Ah, distinctly I remember it was in the bleak December; when Liz and Evan’s misadventure brought them to THE RAVEN’s door. The 1935 Karloff-Lugosi classic, podcasted now, for ever more. Join them as they discuss the film’s connection to the works of Edgar Allan Poe, delight in Bela Lugosi’s bonkers performance as “the sanest man who ever lived,” and ponder the Hays code, torture, and what could possibly qualify as “excessive horror.” If you, too, love nothing more than horror for horror’s sake, then be sure to check out, and come visit us on Twitter @nowscreaming. As always, thou shalt rate and review, thou shalt subscribe, and thou shalt both pit and pendulum.
    7 December 2022, 3:31 am
  • 37 minutes 42 seconds
    #117: Anything For Jackson
    This week, Liz and Evan took a listener recommendation and were handsomely rewarded with the 2020 Shudder original ANYTHING FOR JACKSON! Join them as they gush over the film’s fantastic imagery, discuss small-town Satanist cults, and talk nonstop about how great Julian Richings and Sheila McCarthy are. If you, too, think old people are kind of inherently scary, then be sure to check out, and come visit us on Twitter @nowscreaming. As always, make sure you rate, review, and subscribe to the podcast, but we will not waver no matter how much you beg, so please do not beg. We all have feelings.
    17 November 2022, 8:55 pm
  • 48 minutes 1 second
    #116: Chopping Mall
    This week, Liz and Evan are back in the studio and have a big announcement to make before the feature presentation: 1986’s robot slasher CHOPPING MALL! Join them as they reminisce about their own mall experiences, ask existential questions about puppets, debate combustion physics, and incite revolt against our capitalist overlords. If you, too, think shopping malls are liminal spaces where time moves differently, then be sure to check out, and come visit us on Twitter @nowscreaming. Make sure you rate, review, and subscribe to the podcast
 it is podcast, isn’t it? Thank you, have a nice day!
    19 October 2022, 7:14 pm
  • 49 minutes 9 seconds
    #115: Stree
    O STREE COME AND LISTEN: This week, Liz and Evan are joined by an illustrious guest - South Asian cinema enthusiast and librarian extraordinaire Katie MacKendrick - to tackle the 2018 horror-comedy masala STREE! Join them as they laud the film’s ability to deftly switch between genres on a whim, unpack the use of real folklore as clever gender role-reversal, and navigate a few Bollywood twists that inspire them to pitch a series of sequels and crossovers to this surprisingly compassionate romp. If RRR also changed your life, then be sure to check out, and come visit us on Twitter @nowscreaming. Make sure you rate, review, and subscribe to the podcast, and never disrespect ghosts - not even for the sake of ~friendship~

    8 September 2022, 4:07 pm
  • 41 minutes 57 seconds
    #114: Shook
    This week, Liz and Evan return from an unintentional hiatus to break down the 2021 Shudder original SHOOK! Join them as they discuss the dark world of drama Youtube, learn about the relative safety of injecting yourself with fluids, and debate the film’s filmmaking tricks and found-footage failures. If you, too, love to see influencers brutalized, then be sure to check out, and come visit us on Twitter @nowscreaming. Make sure you rate, review, and subscribe to the podcast, and keep an eye on your dog at all times - they’re just like babies, after all, and you can never let them out of your sight

    4 August 2022, 2:18 am
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