Evoke Therapy Programs

Dr. Brad Reedy

Evoke Therapy Programs is an outdoor based therapeutic program serving adolescents, young adults, and families. Email the host [email protected]

  • 54 minutes 10 seconds
    Walking Through Shame & Guilt - Ep 618
    Dr. Reedy discusses shame and guilt and how they work in our lives. He suggests that becoming healthier, making progress, and healing will inevitably require that we confront our guilt. He also makes it clear that guilt (and shame) are synonymous with morality.
    26 July 2024, 8:06 pm
  • 40 minutes 10 seconds
    Parental Narcissism (Q&A) - Ep 617
    Dr. Reedy discusses narcissism, the narcissistic wound, what distinguishes the diagnosis vs. traits, and how narcissism can be treated effectively.
    22 July 2024, 3:58 pm
  • 1 hour 4 minutes
    Trauma and Codependency - Ep 616
    Dr. Reedy explores the definition and origins of Codependency. He explains that the root of codependency is the way parents and other big people talk to and respond to the child. Codependency is a modern term that encompasses anxious attachment styles. He explains that codependency is NOT the cause of addiction in another but rather is at the core of all addictions. He teaches that healing codependency does not cure another person’s addiction but only resolves the codependency in the individual who is healing.
    10 July 2024, 7:39 pm
  • 52 minutes 8 seconds
    Be Curious About a Child’s Behavior (Q&A) - Ep 615
    Dr. Reedy takes live questions from audience members on the how to respond to a child that won’t open up and when it is okay to take a vacation from the work in therapy.
    3 July 2024, 11:57 pm
  • 1 hour 4 minutes
    Aftercare and Transitions - Ep 614
    Dr. Reedy talks about how aftercare is the key to a successful treatment intervention. He also talks about the pitfalls and vulnerabilities we encounter during any transition.
    28 June 2024, 11:06 pm
  • 54 minutes 10 seconds
    Mindfulness and Psychotherapy - Ep 613
    Largely drawing from the book with the same name by Thich Nhat Hanh, Dr. Reedy explains mindfulness as a boarder idea than what people think of when considering mindfulness. He explains how therapy is a “talking mindfulness” practice. He explains several tenants on Buddhism including impermanence, non-duality, inter-being, and radical acceptance. He also clarifies that what Buddhists refer to as the concept of “non-attachment” is synonymous with the characteristic in psychology associated with a secure attachment.
    22 June 2024, 12:08 am
  • 49 minutes 55 seconds
    Attachment Theory in Therapy (Q&A) - Ep 612
    Dr. Reedy talks about how when we accept ourselves and are able to see who we are, we are able to move forward. Conversely, thinking of mental health in terms of being completely free of our issues is a breeding ground for denial. He talks about how guilt and shame are at the crux of so many of our dilemmas. He explains attachment theory and how it is thought of in the therapeutic relationship. He explains how we listen when we can and it is absolutely okay to set a boundary and remove ourselves from the conversation when we can’t listen to others.
    20 June 2024, 12:01 am
  • 1 hour 10 minutes
    Technology Addiction - Ep 611
    Dr. Reedy talks about the new epidemic in addiction: technology addiction. He covers some of the science behind game and technology design and how developers are using the most up-to-date and sophisticated science to hook their users. He explains how these designs, focused on dopamine and need for an individual’s sense of wellbeing, prey upon the chemical reaction when we experience a connection to others. He explains how nature-based therapy and mindfulness and starting early are keys in our fight against the ubiquitous issue of addiction to technology.
    14 June 2024, 7:47 pm
  • 1 hour 2 minutes
    Loving All of You: An Interview with Esin Pinarli - Ep 610
    Dr. Reedy welcomes Esin Pinarli to the podcast, Esin is a psychotherapist, licensed clinical social worker (LCSW), and a Master’s Level Certified Addiction Professional (MCAP) specializing in IMAGO, brainspotting, Internal Family Systems (IFS), Somatic practices, and psychodrama. Through an integrative experiential approach, she helps individuals, couples, and families suffering from anxiety, depression, addiction, codependency, trauma, dysfunctional family system dynamics, and relational attachment issues to navigate life's challenges so they can become fully alive, supported, and whole. They cover topics ranging from Internal Family Systems, the intersection between clinical work and the 12-Steps, codependency, and self-care.
    12 June 2024, 3:58 pm
  • 44 minutes 32 seconds
    Mothers and Guilt (Q&A) - Ep 609
    Dr. Reedy takes live questions from the audience. He discusses the challenges when a spouse doesn’t want to go to therapy. He explores the dynamics in our culture around expectations of mothers and how guilt can be the barrier to improved mental health. And he further explains how the suicidal impulse can be a call to a higher level of consciousness.
    6 June 2024, 3:59 pm
  • 41 minutes 47 seconds
    How Children Suffer Because of Our Issues (Q&A) - Ep 608
    Dr. Reedy takes live questions from the audience. He talks about why children take risks on their devices and on social media. He talks about when we take care of ourselves, we can be there for those we love. He talks about how we may need to set strong boundaries with our parents if engaging eth them reaches a certain level of toxicity.
    4 June 2024, 9:18 pm
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