Whatever Happened to Pizza at McDonald's

Brian Thompson

This is a podcast about whatever happened to pizza at McDonald's.

  • 15 minutes 58 seconds
    364 - Priest Chat

    In my pursuit to join the College of Cardinals so that I might cast a vote for a pizza-friendly pope, I chat online with a friendly priest from PriestChat.com.

    28 February 2025, 8:51 pm
  • 13 minutes 48 seconds
    363 - Pope Pizzaballa I

    With the current pope in ill health, I pursue the possibility of joining the College of Cardinals so that I might cast a vote for the next pope: Pope Pizzaballa I.

    26 February 2025, 3:28 pm
  • 11 minutes 15 seconds
    362 - DOGE

    In an attempt to gain better access to government records regard McDonald's Pizza matters (whatever happened to it, etc.), I seek to join the Department of Government Efficiency.

    20 February 2025, 1:35 pm
  • 17 minutes 46 seconds
    361 - Plastic Poisoning

    Research on Reddit.com leads me to question whether McDonald's stopped serving pizza because too many people were eating the plastic tray on which is was served.

    14 February 2025, 7:32 pm
  • 13 minutes 4 seconds
    360 - Altoona-Style Pizza, Part 3

    On the conclusion of an epic 3-part saga concerning the horrific Altoona-style pizza, I share the results of my accidental plastic consumption with the Kraft corporation and am rewarded handsomely for the effort.

    31 January 2025, 9:24 pm
  • 13 minutes 17 seconds
    359 - Altoona-Style Pizza, Part 2

    On the advice of the Kraft corporation, I contact the reference desk at my local public library to determine whether I am in bodily danger from having consumed a Kraft Single with the plastic wrapper still on.

    29 January 2025, 11:26 pm
  • 19 minutes 42 seconds
    358 - Altoona-Style Pizza, Part 1

    I detail the shocking horror of Altoona-style pizza and suffer my own intestinal mishap in the process.

    25 January 2025, 4:01 am
  • 8 minutes 48 seconds
    357 - New Year Predictions

    I contact a professional psychic to answer some questions regarding what to expect in the new year vis-à-vis the potential return of certain fast food items, etc.

    31 December 2024, 4:16 pm
  • 11 minutes 35 seconds
    356 - Christmas 2024

    I lament the largely negative impact on my life of sharing a name with a health insurance CEO who was forced to pass away in an act of vigilante justice. Plus, I replay the results of my investigation into the story of the birth of Jesus "Christ" Christmas Ben-David.

    25 December 2024, 5:00 am
  • 12 minutes 26 seconds
    355 - Coincidences

    I explore the many disturbing coincidences between my investigative journalism program (or IJP) and the assassination of a lesser-known and, frankly, lesser-beloved Brian Thompson.

    10 December 2024, 4:32 pm
  • 18 minutes 55 seconds
    354 - Emergency Live Broadcast

    In light of the assassination of another Brian Thompson very near my home, I go into hiding in one of New York City's most central parks and update my listeners via a live "proof of life" broadcast.

    5 December 2024, 2:42 pm
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