Adudathuda Studios Short Films

Adudathuda Studios

Short films from the twisted minds of Adudathuda Studios. Stretching back to 1996 and moving forward to who knows when, subscribe and keep up to date with the craziness. Find out more about this crack team of producers/writers/directors and actors at And since I know you're wondering, it's pronounced: uh-DOO-duh-THOO-duh. What does it mean? Good question. If you find out, let us know.

  • Best Friends

    WOW. It took a while, but here it is. Mike Walsh's shot-on-film, SAG contract, 3 months of pre-production opus.

    Starring Senta Moses, Darren T. Mangler, Angela Landis, William Koenig, Matthew Senko, and Mike Walsh

    More info is available at

    (File is 196MB)
    15 September 2007, 11:04 pm
  • True Love
    Another darling of the film festival circuit, William Koenig's "True Love" explores relationships from two points of view. Then, like life, throws the viewer a curveball.

    29 June 2006, 11:54 pm
  • Ode to Pepsi
    Mike Walsh's "Ode to Pepsi" song was first featured in "Korean Mart Chronicles". One year later, it was re-recorded and this video was produced. The first Adudathuda short film to be available on the internet in 2000, it remains popular to this day.

    23 April 2006, 12:50 am
  • M.O.S.
    William Koenig's salute to classic film-making, "M.O.S." has been a darling of film festivals since its creation in 2001. Shot in beautiful Malibu, CA and featuring the song, "Step Behind the Metaphor" by Captain Hero.


    15 April 2006, 5:03 pm
  • The Obligatory Star Wars Rip-Off
    The most successful Adudathuda Joint so far, The Obligatory Star Wars Rip-Off was a finalist in iFilm's "Countdown to the Clones" competition and was also voted one of the best Star Wars fan films on the web. Written by Stephen Sonneveld and Mike Walsh, and Directed by Mike Walsh, this is THE fan film for fans of fan films. What?

    Just Watch.

    8 April 2006, 6:24 pm
  • Update Complete.
    The update is finished, so the movies are once again accessible. Subscribe by finding us in itunes (search: adudathuda) or subscribe to the feed via our Feedburner feed.

    More movies to come, and don't forget to be on the lookout for the DVD podBLAST!
    7 April 2006, 10:42 pm
  • Update in Progress
    We're in the process of updating the hosting of our movies to the Internet Archive. What a great site.

    Anyway, stay tuned for more, and also check out our new venture: The Adudathuda DVD podBLAST. Alternate DVD commentaries for bad, bad movies.

    Here's the site

    Here's the blog
    6 April 2006, 5:29 pm
  • Up and Running
    Well, it looks like we've successfully been added to the iTunes store podcast directory. Great news. If that's what brought you here, welcome. In fact, however you got here, welcome. Stay tuned for more podcasts from the Adudathuda Studios film library. We've got a lot of entertaining shorts from the past 6 years to share, and new stuff always on the way.

    You can find out much more information about the talented group that makes up Adudathuda Studios at our website, (link is on the right).

    Thanks again for visiting, and make sure you subcribe to our feed to catch all the new stuff headed this way.
    7 January 2006, 5:28 pm
  • Twinkie Clock

    Once a sensation on iFilm, now available for download via podcasting! Directed by Mike Walsh.
    6 January 2006, 8:07 am
  • Smoking Redemption

    The one that started it all for Adudathuda Studios. Directed by William Koenig.
    6 January 2006, 2:59 am
  • Welcome to the Adudathuda Studios Blog
    Stay tuned for downloadable videos and podcasts! For now, visit (click on the title of this post) to see what the gang is up to.
    6 January 2006, 1:27 am
  • More Episodes? Get the App
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