GracePoint Church: helping people meet, know and follow Jesus
About the series: For 40 days, the army of Israel hid in fear of Goliath. Why did they hide? Why were they paralyzed by fear? Because they were an army of identity amnesiacs! They had forgotten WHO they were! This series will remind us WHO we are IN CHRIST.
About this week's message: Jesus did not create us on an assembly line to be cast aside and forgotten. We are not out of His sight and out of His mind. Instead, we are always in His sight and we are always on His mind.
Key Phrase: “How precious are your thoughts, God! How vast is the sum of them!” Psalm 139:17
About the series: For 40 days, the army of Israel hid in fear of Goliath. Why did they hide? Why were they paralyzed by fear? Because they were an army of identity amnesiacs! They had forgotten WHO they were! This series will remind us WHO we are IN CHRIST.
About this week's message: Jesus crafted us in the womb, and we are uniquely designed and one of a kind. There is no one else like us, per His desire. Because each of us are made in the image of God, we have intrinsic value like no other!
Key Phrase: “I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” Psalm 139:14
About the series: For 40 days, the army of Israel hid in fear of Goliath. Why did they hide? Why were they paralyzed by fear? Because they were an army of identity amnesiacs! They had forgotten WHO they were! This series will remind us WHO we are IN CHRIST.
About this week's message: One of the lies of Satan is convincing us that we are all alone; that no one understands us or what we are going through. Not true! Christ is our constant companion. He is our Friend who will never leave us or forsake us!
Key Phrase: “If I… you are there.” Psalm 139:7.8
About the series: For 40 days, the army of Israel hid in fear of Goliath. Why did they hide? Why were they paralyzed by fear? Because they were an army of identity amnesiacs! They had forgotten WHO they were! This series will remind us WHO we are IN CHRIST.
About this week's message: The God of the universe and the Savior of our souls KNOWS us! Intimately. He knows who we are and what we are going through!
Key Phrase: “You have searched me, Lord, and you know me.” Psalm 139:1
Welcome to GracePoint Church! This place is filled with a bunch of regular people living in the real world. We’re glad you are here! We believe that all of us are on a journey with God. We want to help you move forward on the path He has for you! We don’t have it all together and we don’t have all the answers, but we can point you to the ONE who does. ____________________________________________________________________________________ • Find us online at: Facebook: / gracepointkitsap Instagram: / gracepointkitsap •
About the series: Pirates were feared raiders of treasures on the high seas. They lied, killed, pillaged, and plundered at will. Sailing vessels were always on high alert for any signs of pirates. There are plenty'o pirates around today when it comes to our personal “treasures.” If you look carefully, Jack Sparrow could be just around the bend.
About this week's message: The Land of Contentment is a land that is highly sought after but often elusive by many people. The Land of Contentment is a place Pirates do not want us to settle in. But for those who find it, enjoy a life of peace, rest, and joy!
Key Phrase: “I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.” Philippians 4:11
About the series: Pirates were feared raiders of treasures on the high seas. They lied, killed, pillaged, and plundered at will. Sailing vessels were always on high alert for any signs of pirates. There are plenty'o pirates around today when it comes to our personal “treasures.” If you look carefully, Jack Sparrow could be just around the bend.
About this week's message: What we do with money reveals our real priorities and our level of self-control. More importantly, how we use money reveals the condition of our heart.
Key Phrase: “From this day on I will bless you.” Haggai 2:9b
About the series: Pirates were feared raiders of treasures on the high seas. They lied, killed, pillaged, and plundered at will. Sailing vessels were always on high alert for any signs of pirates. There are plenty'o pirates around today when it comes to our personal “treasures.” If you look carefully, Jack Sparrow could be just around the bend.
About this week's message: Everything we will ever buy will eventually burn, break, or be given to someone else. Everything we will ever buy has an expiration date that will disappear or collect dust. How we leverage what we have will demonstrate our wisdom or foolishness.
Key Phrase: “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Matthew 6:21
About the series: Pirates were feared raiders of treasures on the high seas. They lied, killed, pillaged, and plundered at will. Sailing vessels were always on high alert for any signs of pirates. There are plenty'o pirates around today when it comes to our personal “treasures.” If you look carefully, Jack Sparrow could be just around the bend.
About this week's message: Everything we will ever buy will eventually burn, break, or be given to someone else. Everything we will ever buy has an expiration date that will disappear or collect dust. How we leverage what we have will demonstrate our wisdom or foolishness.
Key Phrase: “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Matthew 6:21
About the series: Pirates were feared raiders of treasures on the high seas. They lied, killed, pillaged, and plundered at will. Sailing vessels were always on high alert for any signs of pirates. There are plenty of pirates around today when it comes to our personal “treasures.” If you look carefully, Jack Sparrow could be just around the bend.
About this week's message: How we view the issue of Ownership will determine the kind of perspective we will have about life and our “stuff.” It will also shape our attitudes, our time use, our efforts, and our energy. Problems arise when people forget who the real Owner is and become PIRATES.
Key Phrase: “To the Lord your God belongs the heavens, even the highest heavens, the earth and everything in it.” Deuteronomy 10:14
About the series: Of all ways that God chose to redeem mankind, He chose to send His Son, Jesus, to be the Incarnate God: God in the Flesh. This isn’t just a part of the Christmas story. For believers, He’s with us all throughout our life!
About this week's message: Storms in the Mediterranean often show up when people least expect it. These storms can be fierce, scary, and deadly. However, peace is not the absence of a storm. Peace is found in the presence of Jesus.
Key Phrase: “Keep your courage, men, for I have faith in God.” Acts 27:25