After The Eclipse - I suspected what was coming after a nightmare I had. We all knew it was coming. We heard about it for months on the news. There was to be a solar eclipse on April 8, 2024. That we were sure of. So, your humble truth detective will delve into how prepared I was for both natural and manmade disasters. With my new prepper friends, I discovered I had a lot to learn. I was on the case... finding evidence-based truth about survival in an uncertain world where we were told we were on our own and nobody was going to save us. With a little know-how, we can all be enlightened using the knowledge that I gained through just a minimal amount of research. And, we all likely have the start of survival/emergency supplies around our homes and don't even realize it. Spend a small amount of time and get ready for whatever fear-mongering debacle is in our future. The prepared website: Glenn Beck - Prepping 101: The Mac's - prepper youtube channel: Using duct tape: Here's what I added to my emergency home supplies: 1. Extra daily medicine – ibuprofen, band-aids, vitamins 2. Batteries, flashlights - mostly double A 3. Wood matches and lighters 4. Full tank of gasoline – 4 gallons extra gasoline 5. Bottled water and water filtration tablets 6. Duct tape for repairs (video on uses of duct tape) 7. Extra stock of Toilet paper 8. Extra stock of Paper towels 9. Canned soups, Peanut butter, frozen foods – beef patties, chicken, bread 10. Emergency food – freeze-dried fruit, vegetables, and easy already cooked meals for one month - 11. Non-electric camping coffee pot with filters / Pot - filters - 12. Ground coffee 13. Parmalat milk – long shelf life / 14. Extra sweetener 15. Walkie-talkies / Gowei two way radio - 16. Thermal emergency blankets - 17. Crank radio with solar panels, lights, and rechargeable batteries is also useful for charging other devices 18. Emergency phone card – cell towers go down and no other communication is possible / SOS Charge card - 19. Headlamps, and hats that have a light 20. Tactical knife with 4” blade / 21. Pistol permit to buy a gun and ammo if needed/learn how to use it 22. Have passport, social security card, deed, and all-important info on hand 23. Games, playing cards **I hope you find these audio episodes interesting and I encourage listeners to do some deep-dive research and go down rabbit holes on the stories told in these episodes. The "real truth" is there. **All in story form, these episode topics have the truth within the storyline but please note that I took liberties and creative license with the names, people, pseudonyms, places, and events for a better storytelling experience. Cheers, Stephanie Lee