Nine years ago the Wells-Dyson satellite picked up images of what appears to be some sort of wreckage on the floor of Titan's biggest hydrocarbon ocean - Kraken Mare.
The discovery prompted eccentric billionaire Jennifer Barrie to fast-track an expedition to the mysterious moon of Saturn.
The three British astronauts who have just arrived in Titan's orbit have only one job - find out what's lying under Kraken Mare.
And potentially answer one of humanity's biggest questions.
Are we alone in the universe?
A Mighty Empire is threatened by a coalition of evil forces from the badlands of the North. An epic tale of sword and sorcery.
It's a meeting of minds in a local pub toilet, before Lee heads off to the graveyard shift at the station.
As mentioned at the end, we are attempting to raise £5000 for mental health charity Back Onside, and your support would be massively appreciated.
Something has ruffled Dougie's feathers, as usual. Lee's all about Total Recall. And we hear the terrifying tale of a demonic presence in a flat in Edinburgh.
Lee's been presenting a new radio show called The Power Line. Aside from the usual unbearable local radio content, he's running a popular paranormal feature with co-presenter Jane. On this episode, we hear the tale of a ghostly Viking attack on a sleepy Scottish coastal village.
A Halloween short from Lee and Dougie.
For my wee brother Ross.
Soul Rebel x
As the client's demands become more apparent, there's a swift change in the direction of Lee's mission.
A macabre discovery on the pyramid floor throws up yet more questions. And the identity of Lee's "employer" is finally revealed.
From the Picts to Planet Nine, the mysteries of this dead world just keep on getting deeper.
The exploration pod picks its way through the carcass of a fallen civilisation.