Trust Your Sacred Feminine Flow

Joni Advent Maher

Spiritual Midwife and Transformational Guide, Joni Advent Maher shares real and empowering conversations with extraordinary women about personal and financial liberation. Learn how Joni's guests are flourishing and creating financial well-being by trusting their sacred feminine flow.

  • 8 minutes 52 seconds
    Enter the Sweet Darkness

    Welcome to Trust Your Sacred Feminine Flow and the Divine Feminine Awakening Series.

    As we reach the Solstice this brief, meditative, 2018 re-release episode takes us into the sweet darkness of the Feminine. She is calling us home to Her to be nourished and restored. A welcome respite from the cultural rush of the season. Or anytime you need to relax or unplug from the intensity of life.

    Welcome to Trust Your Sacred Feminine Flow and the Divine Feminine Awakening Series.

    As we reach the Solstice this brief, meditative, 2018 re-release episode takes us into the sweet darkness of the Feminine. She is calling us home to Her to be nourished and restored. A welcome respite from the cultural rush of the season. Or anytime you need to relax or unplug from the intensity of life.


    21 December 2021, 9:00 am
  • 37 minutes 49 seconds
    She of the Sea with Lucy H. Pearce

    Best-selling author, vibrant artist and Womancraft Publishing founder, Lucy H. Pearce joins me for a deep dive into her latest book, She of the Sea.

    Lucy is known for giving voice to the soul: the spiritual, the liminal, the darkness and discomfort and the magical in the midst of the mundane. In her latest book she offers a lyrical exploration of the call of the sea and the depth of our connection to it, rooted in her personal experience living on the coast of the Celtic Sea, in Ireland.


    In our conversation, Lucy intimately shares her journey with creating, revealing herself through her writing and facing the fears that emerge with each new work. 

    Discussed in the episode:

    • The basis of Lucy’s new book and how it came to be, and the deep depths she had to go through to birth the book into the world. 
    • An exploration into Lucy’s creative process for writing her books including her love of using image, metaphor and word.
    • Deep insight into the bravery Lucy harnesses in the development of her book.
    • A reading of the She of the Sea Blessing from the book.


    Lucy H. Pearce is driven by a need to create, connect and inspire. A best-selling author, vibrant artist, respected publisher and editor, her work focuses on self-knowledge and healing through creativity, archetypes and cyclical living. Often described as raw, authentic and life-changing, her work encourages authentic paths to self-expression and is celebrated particularly by highly sensitive and neurodivergent women.

    Her award-winning books include: Burning Woman; Creatrix – she who makes; Moon Time; Medicine Woman and her most recent, She of the Sea. 

    The founder of Womancraft Publishing and mother of three, she lives on the south coast of Ireland.

    7 December 2021, 9:00 am
  • 17 minutes 32 seconds
    The Gift of our Emotional Nature

    Welcome to Trust Your Sacred Feminine Flow and the Divine Feminine Awakening Series.

    Despite the prevailing paradigm, there is great strength in our capacity to meet our tender and vulnerable feelings. Those of us who are hardwired to be emotionally sensitive have a unique and often overlooked perspective on this skill. 

    In this 2018 re-release we will explore the value and contribution of our emotional nature as well as the unique gifts of emotional sensitivity.

    Whether we're deeply emotional or not we all must learn to trust our emotional nature. This integral dimension of our humanity is often devalued and suppressed.

    In this episode: 

    • How the culture we live in is not set up to support those of us who are predominately emotional.
    • Why it’s so vitally important to really feel our feelings and the risk that comes from not doing so.
    • How by looking at the expression of emotions from babies, we can see how detached we’ve become from our emotions.
    • Why if you are deeply emotional, it’s so important to understand that you have a unique gift that has been undervalued.
    30 November 2021, 9:00 am
  • 15 minutes 25 seconds
    Our Moon cycle and Creative Power

    Welcome to Trust Your Sacred Feminine Flow and the Divine Feminine Awakening Series.

    Our creative power as women is intimately tied to our fertility and moon cycle. For millennia the overculture has used shame and control to disconnect us from this source of power.

    In this 2018 re-release, I share my final passage with my Moon cycle. And I extend an invitation to shed internal or external misogyny experienced at any stage of our Moon time journey including first periods, PMS, bleeding, peri, and menopause.

    Together we can call out the old stories, cultural messages, rejection, shame, and powerlessness and find the heart of our creative power in our cycle.

    Discussed in this episode:

    • How my early beliefs about my body affected my relationship with my cycle
    • How viewing my Cycle or Moon Time as an immense gift of creative power changed my relationship with it
    • Why learning to partner with your cycle can lead to empowerment vs. disempowerment
    • How I’ve come to understand the true meaning and purpose of PMS


    16 November 2021, 9:00 am
  • 15 minutes 39 seconds
    An Inside Look at Envy

    Welcome to Trust Your Sacred Feminine Flow and the Divine Feminine Awakening Series.

    One of our biggest obstacles to both true sisterhood and our own success is envy or jealousy. It's been a part of our relationships with other women since we were girls. It's been passed down as part of our legacy as women and it absolutely keeps us from our true sovereignty.

    Throughout the ages, we've denied it, disowned it, masked it, cast it into the shadow - and maybe even fostered it.

    In this August 2019 rerelease episode, we’ll take a beyond the veil look at Envy and Jealousy and explore how it can bring you home to your personal power and heart and soul fulfillment. I'm getting vulnerable and sharing a personal story of my own walk with Envy.

    We'll also look at worthiness and how we can rise together in sisterhood.

    This episode is part of the Divine Feminine Awakening series that provides emerging wisdom from my own journey of feminine awakening delivered episode by episode in real-time over the last 5 years. Through my present-day lens, I’ve chosen the most vital topics to revisit with you. 

    May you recognize and receive tools, wisdom, and landmarks for your own journey of awakening.  

    Discussed in the episode: 

    • ​​The truth about where envy and jealousy come from and how they have affected my life.
    • How quickly things can change for the better when you learn how to be compassionate with yourself.
    • How to see envy and jealousy as a massive nudge from the universe to give that space in your life some love and attention
    • How by judging others for their successes, we are not creating the space for ourselves to succeed. 


    11 November 2021, 10:42 pm
  • 1 hour 13 minutes
    From Barriers to Bridges with Maria A. Rodriguez

    Nine years ago, licensed clinical social worker turned evolutionary revolutionary, Maria A Rodriguez received a compelling and complete download of divine wisdom for modern times called The Treatise.


    From Barriers to Bridges: A Treatise is not so much a book to read as it is something for you to experience. With the light air and cadence reminiscent of Dr. Seuss’s “Oh, the Places You’ll Go!”, The Treatise delivers game-changing wisdom in a potent and memorable way. At a time when we are looking for solutions to all we see in the world around us, The Treatise delivers an important key in an easily accessible form offering humanity hope and possibility for a better way to live and create our world together.


    Together Maria and I unpack the wisdom of "from barriers to bridges" and its practical application in our personal and collective lives.

    She leads us through an illuminating exercise from The Treatise you can use again and again.


    To purchase the Treatise:

    To connect with Maria:

    For information on MagdaleneRose Mentorship:

    2 November 2021, 8:00 am
  • 15 minutes 8 seconds
    Clearing Self Doubt

    Welcome to Trust Your Sacred Feminine Flow and the Divine Feminine Awakening Series.

    This March 2020 re-release is for those here to make a difference but get caught in self-doubt and confusion. This episode was a call to action that came just as the world was on the precipice of lockdown. So much has changed over the last 18 months but our call to action as way-showers, wisdom keepers, and lightworkers is no less vital. This episode will take you below the surface to the roots of our confusion and self-doubt and what we can do to overcome them to create the impact you were born to make.

    This episode is part of the Divine Feminine Awakening series that provides emerging wisdom from my own journey of feminine awakening delivered episode by episode in real-time over the last 5 years. Through my present-day lens, I’ve chosen the most vital topics to revisit with you. 

    May you recognize and receive tools, wisdom, and landmarks for your own journey of awakening.  

    Discussed in the episode: 

    • Why so many gifted and talented women struggle with making their desired impact.
    • Why when you are having trouble seeing your vision, it’s helpful to find someone who can mirror back to you what you have to offer. 
    • The biggest thing that inhibits us as women from making the impact we want to make. 
    • Tips on how to overcome self-doubt so you can live in the fullness you came here for. 
    • Why accessing all of who we are is integral to creating the world we want to live in. 


    5 October 2021, 8:00 am
  • 19 minutes 51 seconds
    The Frontier‘s Edge

    Welcome to Trust Your Sacred Feminine Flow and the Divine Feminine Awakening Series.

    Today we explore the key elements when we step beyond our known life, work, calling to move onto our next horizon.

    • Managing vulnerability.
    • Our true invitation when we step into facing the unknown.
    • Becoming the women we were born to be through challenges, activations.
    • The similarities between personal growth and a toddler learning how to walk.
    • How to receive support to keep going when we feel resistance to move forward.
    • A story from the Bible about overcoming fear.

    To order your FREE copy of the Radiance Equation eBook:

    This Divine Feminine Awakening series provides emerging wisdom from my own journey of feminine awakening delivered episode by episode in real-time over the last 5 years. Through my present-day lens, I’ve chosen the most vital topics to revisit with you.

    May you recognize and receive tools, wisdom, and landmarks for your own journey of awakening. 

    21 September 2021, 8:00 am
  • 15 minutes 24 seconds
    Embracing the Mystery

    Welcome to Trust Your Sacred Feminine Flow and the Divine Feminine Awakening Series.

    At times like these, we need potent wisdom and truth. Listen and receive a powerful message from the Mystery - a resource to inspire and guide you through all you meet in the coming months. Access a simple practice to expand your perception and begin to open to the mystery in life.

    Discussed in the episode:

    • How changing our perception can help us open up more to the mystery.
    • How an obstacle in my life taught me how to listen to the mystery and hear its message for me.
    • Why the mystery is where the most treasured things in my life are harvested from.
    • A lesson on the way mystery is here to walk by your side and not anything you need to fear. 

    This Divine Feminine Awakening series provides emerging wisdom from my own journey of feminine awakening delivered episode by episode in real-time over the last 5 years. Through my present-day lens, I’ve chosen the most vital topics to revisit with you.


    May you recognize and receive tools, wisdom, and landmarks for your own journey of awakening.  


    Join me in community >>


    7 September 2021, 8:00 am
  • 30 minutes 13 seconds
    Finding Your Fire: Reclaiming the Capacity to Self Protect

    Welcome to Trust Your Sacred Feminine Flow and the Divine Feminine Awakening Series. 

    An integral part of our leadership, sovereignty and empowerment is rooted in our inner fire. Even more specifically our instinctual capacity to self protect. This innate capacity enables us to effectively set boundaries, have courageous conversations and make bold requests in our lives. 

    Amid the backdrop of the #Metoo movement this 2017 re-release episode explores the ways we’ve been conditioned as women to turn off this capacity and how we can begin to reclaim it.

    Discussed in the episode: 

    • Self Protection: What it means and why it’s important
    • How the impact of the ME TOO movement is changing the dynamic of our society
    • Why it’s so important for us to trust in our physical bodies and our emotions. 
    • Where our ferocity and instinct to self-protect really comes from. 
    • A short but powerful exercise to help you find the place where you can set boundaries from.


    This Divine Feminine Awakening series provides emerging wisdom from my own journey of feminine awakening delivered episode by episode in real-time over the last 5 years. Through my present-day lens, I’ve chosen the most vital topics to revisit with you. 

    May you recognize and receive tools, wisdom and landmarks for your own journey of awakening.  

    To join me in community: 

    17 August 2021, 8:00 am
  • 17 minutes 9 seconds
    The Role of Faith in Creating our Life

    Welcome to Trust Your Sacred Feminine Flow and the Divine Feminine Awakening Series. 

    Faith illuminates the possibilities for the life we create. It also paves the way to becoming the women we were born to be. This August 2019 re-release episode provides an opportunity to examine faith and it's role in creating our lives and visions.

    Discussed in the episode: 

    • Why it’s important to have faith and how it can make your life more fulfilling.
    • Inquiries and a quick exercise about the essence of faith, how it shows up in your life and feels in your body. 
    • A story from the Bible that has guided me and helped me keep my focus on my point of faith. 
    • Our capacity to co-creating and the role of faith in the process
    • Examining the balance of faith in ourselves and faith in something bigger.
    • Our inner masculine and feminine and how they connect to our faith 
    • Ways to cultivate more faith in yourself & in something larger.
    • My simple but powerful prayer for growing my faith.

    This Divine Feminine Awakening series provides emerging wisdom from my own journey of feminine awakening delivered episode by episode in real-time over the last 5 years. Through my present-day lens, I’ve chosen the most vital topics to revisit with you. 

    May you recognize and receive tools, wisdom, and landmarks for your own journey of awakening.

    3 August 2021, 8:00 am
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