The Circular Economy Show Podcast

Pippa Shawley

The Ellen MacArthur Foundation welcomes you to The Circular Economy Show, a podcast about a new way to design, make, and use things, and how we can build an economy that's fit for the 21st century.

  • 1 minute 10 seconds
    New season: Wider Outlooks

    Get ready for the launch of our new season on The Circular Economy Show! Join us as we explore wider outlooks for the circular economy. We’ll hear about the case for a circular economy in the US and how rethinking the way we build in Europe offers huge potential for change. Plus we’ll explore how collaboration, when done right, can help companies scale their circular ambitions.

    The new season starts on Tuesday 16th July. Subscribe now wherever you get your podcasts, or if you prefer to watch your shows, then you can catch the Wider Outlooks season on YouTube and Spotify.

    14 September 2024, 12:30 am
  • 24 minutes 4 seconds
    Shaping the future with the performance economy | The origins of the circular economy

    At the heart of the circular economy is the need to retain the value of goods and materials, so that we can slow down the use of the Earth’s resources. Selling performance instead of products could be a way to achieve this. In this season’s finale, we’ll discuss this and other insights from Walter Stahel, author of The Performance Economy. 

    Join us as we discuss how retaining the value of goods and materials can transform industries, boost job creation, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. We’ll explore the idea of sustainable taxation, and learn why selling performance, not products, could be the future.

    If you like this episode, please leave us a review, or leave us a comment on Spotify or YouTube. Your support helps us to spread the word about the circular economy.

    13 August 2024, 12:30 am
  • 22 minutes 57 seconds
    Inside the world of industrial symbiosis | The origins of the circular economy

    In nature, symbiosis refers to two or more species benefiting from living closely together. In this episode, we explore how the same thing can happen in business, through something called industrial symbiosis. 

    We’re joined by Lisbeth Randers from Kalundborg Industrial Park, one of the best-known examples of industrial symbiosis. Plus, Radu Godina, Associate Professor at NOVA School of Science and Technology, highlights the potential of industrial symbiosis in a circular economy by sharing resources and reducing waste within a local community. Hosts Colin and Pippa discuss the financial incentives, environmental benefits, social advantages, and challenges of this school of thought that has shaped the circular economy as we know it,

    If you like this episode, please leave us a review, or leave us a comment on Spotify or YouTube. Your support helps us to spread the word about the circular economy.

    6 August 2024, 12:30 am
  • 32 minutes 48 seconds
    Applying regenerative design to everyday life | The origins of the circular economy

    In today’s episode, we’re placing nature in the centre of the conversation. Joined by Sean Quinn, Director of Regenerative Design at HOK, we’re exploring the role of regenerative design in creating infrastructures that are in harmony with our communities and the planet.

    Notes: In today’s episode, we’re placing nature in the centre of the conversation. Joined by Sean Quinn, Director of Regenerative Design at HOK, we’re exploring the role of regenerative design in creating infrastructures that are in harmony with our communities and the planet and the importance of building technologies that restore natural systems instead of overpowering them. But we’re not stopping there, join us as we discover an exciting case study that uses regenerative design. 

    Do you want to know more about Building Prosperity, the Foundation’s report mentioned in this episode? Head to our Building Prosperity page to learn more. 

    If you enjoyed this episode, please leave us a review, or leave us a comment on Spotify or YouTube. Your support helps us to spread the word about the circular economy.

    30 July 2024, 12:30 am
  • 30 minutes 9 seconds
    Are cradle to cradle & the circular economy the same thing? | The origins of the circular economy

    Are Cradle to Cradle and the Circular Economy essentially the same thing? In this episode off our Origins season, we’ll explore the key differences and similarities between the two system change solutions.

    Join us as we sit down with Katja Hansen, Circular Economy & Cradle to Cradle expert, to explore nuances between the two systems, their relationship with the sustainability movement and how this might have been co-opted by companies to mean “business as usual”. 

    Have a look at the butterfly diagram mentioned in this episode!

    If you enjoyed this episode, please leave us a review, or leave us a comment on Spotify or YouTube. Your support helps us to spread the word about the circular economy.

    23 July 2024, 12:30 am
  • 31 minutes 25 seconds
    Biomimicry's role in transforming industries | The origins of the circular economy

    Where did the concept of the circular economy come from? In our new season “Origins: The ideas shaping the circular economy”, we dig into the different ideas that have inspired the Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s concept of a circular economy.

    In this season premier, we'll learn more about biomimicry, the practice of looking to nature for solutions to human problems. Join us as we discuss the origins and broader implications of biomimicry with Stefano Semprini, Co-director at BiomimicrySA, and delve into its practical applications with Chad Wasilenkoff, CEO of Helicoid Industries Inc.

    If you enjoyed this episode, please leave us a review, or leave us a comment on Spotify or YouTube. Your support helps us to spread the word about the circular economy.

    16 July 2024, 12:30 am
  • 1 minute 16 seconds
    New season - Origins: The ideas shaping the circular economy

    Get ready for the launch of our new season on The Circular Economy Show! Join us as we dig into the different ideas that have inspired the circular economy. Over five episodes, we'll explore the origins of this movement through the schools of thought that influenced its creation: Biomimicry, Cradle to Cradle, Regenerative Design, Industrial Symbiosis and the Performance Economy. We’ll learn what the circular economy took from those influences and about the differences between them. But it’s not just theoretical. We’ll also meet the organisations applying those schools of thought to their work today.

    The new season starts on Tuesday 16th July. Subscribe to the Circular Economy Show now so you never miss an episode.

    9 July 2024, 12:30 am
  • 29 minutes 37 seconds
    Regenerating natural ecosystems with Microsoft

    How can a company as large as Microsoft help to regenerate nature? In this episode, we discuss how the organisation is designing its rapidly-growing number of data centres to become sanctuaries of biodiversity with Kaitlin Chuzi, Microsoft’s Director of Biomimicry and Advanced Ecosystems, and Alessandra Pistoia, Microsoft’s Circular Economy Lead. We’ll hear how data centres, often seen as energy-intensive infrastructures, are being leveraged to rejuvenate natural ecosystems. We’ll also learn how excess heat from data centres is being repurposed to support agricultural activities and renewable energy projects, and how data centres can play a pivotal role in environmental monitoring and restoration projects. 

    If you enjoyed this episode, please leave us a review, or leave us a comment on Spotify or YouTube. Your support helps us to spread the word about the circular economy.

    25 June 2024, 12:30 am
  • 31 minutes 23 seconds
    Pushing the boundaries of EPR policy for textiles

    Around the world, more than 80% of textiles leak out of the system when they are discarded. We need a new approach: a circular economy for textiles. A key part of this solution is Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR).

    Mandatory, fee-based EPR policy places responsibility on producers with regard to the collection, sorting and recirculation of the products they place on the market. EPR also creates transparency and traceability on global material flows, and helps to attract capital investments in the infrastructure needed to reuse and recycle at scale.

    In today’s episode of the Circular Economy Show, we are joined by Anjali Krishnan, the Programme Manager for IDH Alternate Materials in India, Tomás Saieg, Head of the Circular Economy Office in the Ministry of the Environment for Chile, and Matteo Magnani, co-author of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation's report "Pushing the boundaries of EPR policy for textiles". Together, they will look at the global challenges and opportunities in developing a circular economy for textiles.

    Do you want to know more about EPR for textiles? Head to our website and download the full report Matteo co-authored: Pushing the boundaries of EPR policy for textiles.

    If you enjoyed this episode, please leave us a review, or leave us a comment on Spotify or YouTube. Your support helps us to spread the word about the circular economy.

    18 June 2024, 12:25 am
  • 31 minutes 58 seconds
    Answering the big questions: An Ellen MacArthur Foundation round table

    As the circular economy gains momentum, we’re often faced with questions about how it could or should work. In this episode, some of the team from the Ellen MacArthur Foundation answer these frequently asked questions. Host Pippa is joined by the Foundation’s Institutions Lead, Sarah O’Carroll, and Content Lead, Seb Read to discuss topics including the role of the consumer, recycling and nature in the circular economy.

    If you enjoyed this episode, please leave us a review, or leave us a comment on Spotify or YouTube. Your support helps us to spread the word about the circular economy. 

    And if you have any burning questions for the team at the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, drop us a line a [email protected].

    11 June 2024, 12:40 am
  • 26 minutes 19 seconds
    Creating nature-positive nutrition from cacti with Dunia Bora

    Dunia Bora means a better world, and that’s what Vincent Muhoro, Dunia Bora’s Founder, is aiming to achieve with his nutritious cactus juice drinks and cookies. Vincent joins us in this episode of the Circular Economy Show to explain how creating nature-positive nutrition from the cactus plant is helping to tackle the devastating effects of climate change, while creating resilience and economic opportunities for his local communities. Do not miss how Vincent came up with this brilliant idea and the challenges he’s encountered on his way to nature positive innovation.

    Do you want to know more about the Big Food Redesign Challenge? Head to our website to meet other creative food business owners like Vincent who are participating in the Challenge. 

    If you enjoyed this episode, please leave us a review, or leave us a comment on Spotify. Your support helps us to spread the word about the circular economy. And if you have any burning questions for the team at the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, drop us a line a [email protected].

    4 June 2024, 12:40 am
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