Helping you live the live you life you choose on your terms. Living Free in Tennessee chronicles how we build our homestead, develop independence, plan and manage time and grow and preserve food sustainably - from a woman's point of view.
Today is an interview show with Sue Zoldak from The Zoldak Agency all about creating your life to be the way you want it to be.
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Sponsor 2: Use coupon code for $50 off: LiveFreeTN
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Main content of the show
Make it a great week
GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce.
Advisory Board
Today I had a surprise visit from Dawn Gorham, here to pick up her half lamb, so we decided to replace the Monday show with a fin interview show.
Spponsors: - Coupon Code: LFTN
More notes detail coming soon!
Join me for our weekly homestead update solo this week because Tactical is picking up feed from BooneTop Farm in Centerville!
Featured Event: Seed Exchange and Potluck Saturday 12-3pm
Sponsor 1:
Sponsor 2: The Wealthsteading Podcast
Listener Feedback
I've been telling my wife about you swim spa. We think it might be a good thing for her to get. She has a couple of questions:
Boone Top Farm Feed Source
Bracing for another single digit time
Duck Egg Feed Update - tucker milling
Tiny house community concept
Seed Roulette Next Week
Seedling update
Prepper pantry Just In Time
Stinging Nettle, chickweed and deadnettle
Operation Email Zero
More rabbit breeding
Better rabbit rotation needed
Eversoles Departing
Tomatoes are finally all canned
Make it a great week!
GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. It makes a great Christmas Gift!
Advisory Board
How does entrepreneurship empower free living - or does it? Today, I am joined by Isaac Morehouse to discuss his journey from founding Praxis, through taking on a project that was NOT his passion (but not NOT his passion) and landing in Florida. He openly shares his struggles and successes.
Featured Event: Cast Iron Webinar, Feb 23 at 6pm
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COUPON CODE FOR $50 off: LiveFreeTN
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Connect with Isaac Morehouse:
Join me for a discussion about opting out of fear. You are easier to control when you make your decisions from a fear-based place and that is why it is so profitable too keep our population divided and frantic. But you don’t have to participate. You can mindfully move yourself to a place of awareness without the constant fear and build a better place for yourself and your family - and that it what homesteading is all about! We will also cover our usual Monday Segments.
Featured Event: Cast Iron Webinar, Feb 23 at 6pm
Sponsor 1:
Sponsor 2:, coupon code lftn
Tales from the Prepper Pantry
Frugality Tip
Operation Independence
Main topic of the Show: How to Opt Out Of Fear
Watching my more left friends freak out about DT
Making decisions from a fear based place is almost never good for you in the long run - WHY
>>Michelle’s Car Story
Mistake - fast decision under pressure and while still impacted by fear of the accident
This is no different than the fear caused by terminal diagnosis, the news cycle, a tight budget, and more.
So what do you do?
>>Nicole’s Car Story
Back to your bank account fear: Poverty mindset IS making decisions out of fear. But the reality. Long term value over short term happiness is one thing.
>>Selling the tahoe for parts story - its time has passed, time to scrap it for long term payoff of my time
And when the sky is falling in the news? The same approach applies. If you are a more right leaning person, you are probably noting that articles are better reported all of the sudden by major news organizations. Or are they?
What if you are just an anxious person? (Get help)
Opting out of the fear cycle means going on a fear diet – AND a fake news diet – so that you can develop perspective for what truly matters and can make the best decisions for you in the long run rather than constantly control for the next thing.
Make it a great week!
GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce.
Today we give you an update on the homestead after we have spring into FIRST SPRING in Tennessee, operation eyesore, keeping up with meals on the homestead, egg issues and more.
Featured Event: Rabbits and Roses, Huntsville, AB,
>>This may change your perspective on your rabbit meatery 😀
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Vevor Raised Bed Link:
Transitioning to Feeding twice a day in the pasture
Duck Egg Response to Different Feed - the lights
Radish germination and second round of seeding this weekend
How do you track your seedings, seedlings and progress?
Rolling Leftovers: Roundroast and Lamb goulash
Not Dry Round Roast
Prepper Pantry Update - Getting Excited for the finish!
Water descaler and Culligan water softener for sale: $300
Move the Ram
Housekeeping Test
Deadnettle, chickweed, wild garlic
First Spring - and First Tornado
Operation Eyesore
Truck Repairs
Duplex Fix
More raised beds incoming
Tomato wall completion
Holler Neighbors/Community
Finances Idea - ways to grow a homestead into your primary income
Make it a great week!
GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. It makes a great Christmas Gift!
Advisory Board
Join me for a group discussion with John Willis of Special Operations Equipment and Jack Spirko of The Survival Podcast.
Featured Event: The Self Reliance Festival,
Show Resources
Main content of the show
Make it a great week!
GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce.
Today, I will share what a day looked like for me at the beginning of this podcast compared with a day now, after just about 1000 episodes. We will also cover all our usual segments.
LFTN Spring Workshop Tickets:
Featured Event: Seed Exchange and Potluck at the Holler Homestead, Feb 15 at 12pm-3pm
Sponsor 1:
Sponsor 2:, Coupon Code: LFTN
Tales from the Prepper Pantry
Weekly Shopping Report: None today
Frugality Tip: None today
Operation Independence
Main topic of the Show:
May 20, 2016, Living Free in Tennessee had its first episode -
…what started as a desperate need to release creative energy because my job was suffocating has become a community of doers, my source of inspiration, and something that is achieving what I tried for 14 years to do in the free market public policy realm.
And it all started with that one, poorly executed episode. A single decision. A ton of feedback from yall. And encouragement when things got tennous.
Episode 1000 is tomorrow and I am excited to share it with Jack Spirko fo the Survival Podcast and John Willis of Special Operations Equipment.
But today, I’d like to share with you what my life was like in May of 2016.
A typical day on the homestead started early with some work outside and a cup of coffee. I would then transition into computer work and meetings, frantically tossing in a load of laundry or pulling something out of the freezer for dinner as I went. If there was a crisis, I was able to flew, but then would be looking at a late night of catch up for work. There were no days off. Not ever. The role I was in required that I be constantly available to respond to emails and text messages. It was so bad then when I started turning off my phone from 7-9pm on Mondays, one of the people who interacted with me actually had the gall to explain that because she was on the west coast and her day was not yet done, it was unreasonable for me to not be available from 7-9pm. And she was supported in this from the people who were responsible for about half to ¾ of my budget.
The segment operation independence? That stemmed from this situation. Because my area of Focus from my personal life strategic plan was to “Have enough local, ongoing revenue to support my life.” It has been adjusted to regenerative ongoing revenue nine years later, but you get the point. I was solving for being too dependent on one source of income so that I could NOT say no even though I was running my own organization.
I became soured on the whole nonprofit world as well as the public policy one because I saw the inherent flaw in trying to fix the system from within the system and over the next few years became convinced that the only way for freedom to grow was through individual action. Starting with myself.
In 2017 - I broke out of the system. A typical day was to work for the nonprofit, unpaid so that the people there could use me for creating value so that they could continue it on. They failed at that. A sign the nonprofit should never have existed really.
The day:1) Work frenetically on the Center Hill Sun
2) Sell a few coffee orders
3) Weekly podcast
4) More time for homesteading
5) Contract work for corporate facilitations
>>>>Tell the rest of the story
Make it a great week!
GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce.
Today, we update you on the new lambs on the Holler Homestead, the new feed source we found, importance of community and more!
Featured event: 9 am. Tomorrow (Saturday). Workshop Tickets go on sale!
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Celebrate! Got first round of seedlings ready (Yesterday’s episode)
Bottle Lamb Updates
Awesome Kitchen Vent Hood
Pasture Brat Pack
Normalized Paddock Rotation again
Operation Eyesore
New Feed Source for TN
Processor connections
Update on managing while Nicole was away
Forage: Time to be on the lookout for wild garlic and early spring greens
Concrete project sound fun this weekend?
Invoicing the lambs we sold this weekend - and why I waited so long.
Make it a great week!
GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. It makes a great Christmas Gift!
Advisory Board
Join me for a discussion on starting your seeds and out usual “Monday Segments.”
Spring Workshop, April 24-26:P
Sponsor 1:
Sponsor 2:, Coupon code LFTN
LFTN Spring Workshop Tickets go on Sale Saturday at 9am Central.
Updated Links for Equipment:
Tales from the Prepper Pantry
Frugality Tip - send one in
Operation Independence
Picked up the processed lambs today, Lambs for sale!
Main Topic: Seed Starting
4 Keys to Successful Seedlings
Soil Mix
Trays & Containers
Choosing Seeds: Heirloom vs. Hybrid
First Year: Choose 1-2 things, experiment, and don’t stress if you buy starts. Keep going!
Troubleshooting Germination: The Paper Towel Trick
Keeping Costs Down (While Buying Quality Equipment)
Make it a great week!
GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce.
Today I am joined by the Tactical Redneck and perhaps Knighthawk for the latest news from the Holler Homestead. Babies, extreme cold, planning the gardens and more
Featured event: LFTN Spring Workshop
Sponsor 1:
Sponsor 2:, Coupon Code LFTN
Email feedback to [email protected]
Holler Neighbors/Community
Membership Plug
Make it a great week!
GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. It makes a great Christmas Gift!
Advisory Board
Make it a great week!
GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. It makes a great Christmas Gift!
Advisory Board