Gardening Conversations: Four seasons of gardening with Cooperative Extension horticulturist Amy Ivy. Matha Foley hosts

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Latest North Country Public Radio regional news by topic. Topic=gardening.

  • A new start for Saranac Lake's community garden
    (May 18, 2020) Volunteers with Common Ground Gardens, a community garden with locations around Saranac Lake, are hoping to reopen the Old Lake Colby garden site next weekend. The revamped site, with new fencing and garden plots, will be the sole site for garden plots this season. [full story]
    18 May 2020, 4:00 am
  • Joyful Noise: father and daughter planting a "victory garden" in Peru
    (Apr 13, 2020) Chuck and Kris Minster moved from the Finger Lakes to Peru in Clinton County in October of 2019, to be closer to their daughter, Rebecca 'Becky' Shuman. Their houses are just a few miles apart. But Becky’s husband works in a hospital, so the family is socially distancing from each other - no more family dinners or movie nights. What they do still have is what Becky and her dad Chuck are calling their ‘victory garden’ - a 30 by 18-foot garden in Becky’s front yard that they’re working on together, from a distance. [full story]
    13 April 2020, 4:00 am
  • A final gardening conversation with horticulturist Amy Ivy
    (Dec 31, 2018) For more than 20 years, horticulturist Amy Ivy has shared her expertise and love of gardening in conversation with Martha Foley each Monday morning on The Eight O'Clock Hour. Amy is retiring from her job with Cornell Cooperative Extension this week and from her volunteer job as NCPR's longtime gardening maven. What does she plan to do with her time now? Tend (and expand) her garden. In this last episode, she talks with Martha about what to do with the Christmas tree after the holidays are over. [full story]
    31 December 2018, 5:00 am
  • Gifts for the "green thumb" in your life
    (Dec 17, 2018) Arrangements and centerpieces and cut flowers may be a better gift for the non-gardener; live plants can bring a burden of guilt. but they can make a nice gift for the green thumbs in your life. Amy Ivy recommends cyclamens, which are hardy and long blooming, and have colorful leaves when not in bloom. Garden gear may by pricey, or duplicate what someone already has, but a garden center gift certificate is a practical alternative and sure to be put to good use. Horticulturist Amy Ivy trades tips and advice with Todd Moe. [full story]
    17 December 2018, 5:00 am
  • Houseplants (almost) guaranteed to brighten winter days
    (Dec 3, 2018) The Winter Solstice is three weeks away. The sun is low in the sky; days are short and getting shorter. Cold drizzle and slush aren't helping. Houseplants can be an antidote, even for those of us without much, or any, of a green thumb. Cooperative Extension's horticulturist lists a few favorite and trouble-free options for indoor greenery. Tops on her list: pothos, AKA Devil's Ivy. Also: chinese evergreen (Google it), jade tree, and peace lily. [full story]
    3 December 2018, 5:00 am
  • With winter, gardening goes indoors
    (Nov 12, 2018) Not only is it getting consistently frosty, we've had a string of wet days. Conditions haven't been ideal for gardening outdoors. But there can be a whole host of chores involving plants and dirt indoors. Cooperative Extension's Amy Ivy took a call from a concerned Christmas Cactus owner last week. It was blooming on Election Day. What? And can it be re-potted anyway? So, this week, answers to those questions, and more about plants that have come indoors for the duration. [full story]
    12 November 2018, 5:00 am
  • Time to put down the hedge clippers!
    (Nov 5, 2018) Shrubs and trees are on the way into winter. They're literally shutting down for the coming cold. So it's a bad time to do any unnecessary pruning or trimming of ornamental shrubs, hedges and the like. [full story]
    5 November 2018, 5:00 am
  • Grasses are stand-outs in the fall garden
    (Oct 29, 2018) There are a few blossoms left in the perennial garden, if you're lucky and have a really hardy mum or showy Autumn Joy sedum. But, mostly, what's left are dramatic dried seed heads and foliage that turns bright as the season changes. [full story]
    29 October 2018, 4:00 am
  • Those fallen leaves - blessing, or curse?
    (Oct 22, 2018) If it's a matter of raking and disposal, the thick fall of leaves from your maples or oaks can be a real headache. But gardeners can turn that work to real advantage, as mulch and compost. Cooperative Extension's Amy Ivy has lots of advice to turn the curse of those deciduous leftovers into a blessing for the gardens. [full story]
    22 October 2018, 4:00 am
  • Get ready for frost
    (Oct 15, 2018) We're expecting a killing frost across the region this week. Time to dig up and/or bring in plants you want to keep through the winter. Cooperative Extension's Amy Ivy takes cuttings from her geraniums - it's very easy to propagate those in potting mix for blooms in mid-winter. Nasturtium cuttings flourish in a jar of water on a window sill. You can always try digging up and potting herbs and other favorites to bring inside — some do better than others. And a note: tender "summer" bulbs, including glads and dahlias should come out soon for winter storage. [full story]
    15 October 2018, 4:00 am
  • Get set - it's go time to plant garlic
    (Oct 8, 2018) Garlic is one of those spring bulbs you plant in the fall, like daffodils, tulips and crocuses. Cooperative Extension's Amy Ivy offers lots of detail in this week's conversation. What kind, how, where and how deep, and how to snug it in for growth over the winter. Short version: get big, healthy local bulbs, split them into cloves, plant root end down 2" deep and 4"-5" apart. And cover with loose mulch. [full story]
    8 October 2018, 4:00 am
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