3D Muscle Journey

3D Muscle Journey

Natural Bodybuilding & Powerlifting

  • 1 hour 9 minutes
    #250: Q&A Session 25

    Andrea, Brian, and Jeff conduct an audience-supplied Q and A session. Topics include maximizing muscle growth, how to track volume, what you can do if you're afraid of gaining body fat after your competitive season, and a lot more.

    Is there a way to tell if you're maximizing the rate you can build muscle or if you're putting on muscle slower than you could? How should you count volume from compound exercises? How should you count volume from myo-rep sets? Does one set of myo-reps equal one traditional set? Why might your weekly volume (in terms of sets per week) actually go *down* over your lifting career? How can you balance lifting with other forms of physical activity like running, cycling, basketball, and tennis?

    The answers to these questions and many more are covered in this episode.


    0:00- Introduction
    2:24- How to grow maximally versus slowly and how to tell the difference
    13:07- How to balance lifting with other forms of physical activity like running, cycling, basketball, etc.
    21:48- If you aren't working with a coach, how can you know if you're lean enough to stop dieting and ready to step onstage
    35:35- How should you count volume from compound exercises? How should you count volume from myo-rep sets? Does one set of myo-reps equal one traditional set?
    42:55- Why your weekly volume, in terms of sets per week, might actually go *down* over your career
    51:26- Andrea and the coaches' advice on what you can do if you're afraid of gaining body fat after you finish your competitive season

    Selected Links From This Episode

    Team 3DMJ's Instagram Account- @team3dmj

    Team 3DMJ's YouTube Channel- https://www.youtube.com/@Team3DMJ

    Team 3DMJ's Twitter/X Account- @team3dmj

    Personalizing Your Program (Vault Course)- https://www.3dmjvault.com/courses/personalizing-your-program

    The Vault- https://www.3dmjvault.com/bundles/vip

    Pro Bodybuilder Case Study (Vault Course)- https://www.3dmjvault.com/courses/pro-bodybuilder-case-study

    The Recovery Diet (Vault Course)- https://www.3dmjvault.com/courses/the-recovery-diet

    3DMJ's Website- https://3dmusclejourney.com/

    Thanks for listening to The 3D Muscle Journey Podcast  

    SIGN UP FOR ONE-ON-ONE COACHING SERVICES – https://3dmusclejourney.com/coaching/

    TAKE OUR VIDEO COURSES FOR SERIOUS LIFTERS – https://www.3dmjvault.com/bundles/vip

    Watch our show on YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/team3dmj

    The post #250: Q&A Session 25 appeared first on 3D Muscle Journey.

    22 February 2024, 12:00 pm
  • 1 hour 7 minutes
    #249: The Hidden Risks of Supplements

    In this eye-opening episode, Eric and Steve do a deep dive on the risks of testing new supplements, how you can help ensure the supplements you take are high-quality, and the supplements they use and recommend. Along with discussing the effectiveness of various supplements, the coaches go through the research showing just how common supplement contamination really is.

    How beneficial are supplements? Why is there a risk of harm when testing new supplements? How are supplements regulated by the FDA? What is third-party testing? Is all third-party testing legit? How has Eric's mindset around supplement usage changed? What does the research say on beta-alanine, citrulline malate, creatine, caffeine, and BCAAS in regard to their effect on hypertrophy and strength? What supplements do Eric and Steve use and recommend?

    The answers to these questions and many more are covered in this episode.


    0:00- Introduction
    1:00- Steve's training on the use and role of supplements in our diet
    6:57- What's the harm of testing supplements?
    16:49- How supplements are or aren't regulated
    19:57- Third-party-tested supplements
    27:26- Does the supplement improve the specific outcome you care about
    36:31- What are licensed ingredients?
    39:30- The supplements Eric and Steve take and recommend
    45:22- Mercury poisoning
    48:42- BCAAs
    54:55- Supplements are marketed as more important than they really are
    1:01:59- Protein spiking

    Selected Links From This Episode

    The Physique Photo Guide (Vault Course)- https://www.3dmjvault.com/courses/physique-photo-guide

    3DMJ Podcast Episode #158: Plant-Based Nutrition for Lifters- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2jDGAxY0APM

    Monthly Applications In Strength Sport (MASS)- https://www.3dmusclejourney.com/mass

    Dietary Supplement and Food Contaminations and Their Implications for Doping Controls- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7466328/

    Dietary Supplements as a Major Cause of Anti-doping Rule Violations- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8990797/

    Steve's Website- http://stevetaylorrd.com

    Steve's Instagram- @stevetaylorRD

    Steve's YouTube- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChfVYx4ck3pY275XlkiumGQ

    Steve's Facebook Page- https://www.facebook.com/stevetaylorRD

    Steve's Mailing List & Newsletter- http://eepurl.com/diZ6Gz

    Thanks for listening to The 3D Muscle Journey Podcast

    SIGN UP FOR ONE-ON-ONE COACHING SERVICES – https://3dmusclejourney.com/coaching/

    TAKE OUR VIDEO COURSES FOR SERIOUS LIFTERS – https://www.3dmjvault.com/bundles/vip

    Watch our show on YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/team3dmj


    The post #249: The Hidden Risks of Supplements appeared first on 3D Muscle Journey.

    8 February 2024, 12:00 pm
  • 1 hour 2 minutes
    #248: The Extreme Side Effects of Contest Prep

    Brad, Alberto, and Jeff discuss the weird and sometimes scary things that happen when we push our body to the extreme. The coaches share crazy things they have seen and had happen to them during prep.

    What happened to Jeff when he was vitamin K deficient during one of his preps? What is sleep eating and what are the potential causes? How did being too extreme lead to Jeff’s heart skipping beats and him having to take a month off of lifting and work? What else besides mysterious rashes and skin aches after refeeds have the coaches seen or heard about from athletes during prep? What are Brad's fears around prepping this year after not having prepped for 10 years?

    The answers to these questions and many more are covered in this episode.


    0:00- Introduction
    2:30- What happened when Jeff was vitamin K deficient during one of his preps
    19:55- A time when Jeff's dedication and discipline were too extreme
    28:43- You can do everything right and still have issues
    36:26- Brad's fears around prepping this year after not having prepped for 10 years
    46:02- Why Brad and Alberto want to prep this year
    57:51- Final thoughts

    Selected Links From This Episode

    The Physique Photo Guide (Vault Course)- https://www.3dmjvault.com/courses/physique-photo-guide

    The Vault- https://www.3dmjvault.com/bundles/vip

    Monthly Applications In Strength Sport (MASS)- https://www.3dmusclejourney.com/mass

    Thanks for listening to The 3D Muscle Journey Podcast

    SIGN UP FOR ONE-ON-ONE COACHING SERVICES – https://3dmusclejourney.com/coaching/

    TAKE OUR VIDEO COURSES FOR SERIOUS LIFTERS – https://www.3dmjvault.com/bundles/vip

    Watch our show on YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/team3dmj


    The post #248: The Extreme Side Effects of Contest Prep appeared first on 3D Muscle Journey.

    25 January 2024, 12:00 pm
  • 1 hour 16 minutes
    #247: Why Do I Keep Cheating On My Plan?

    Brian, Jeff, and Brad discuss how to be compliant with your plan so you can achieve your goals.

    How do the coaches navigate food prepared by family when they're prepping? Do the coaches find it easier to eat the foods they really enjoy in small amounts or completely cut them out when prepping? How did Brad's perfect preps almost lead to him never competing again? How can you view hunger as a positive thing? What advice do the coaches have for those who want to compete, but are afraid to because conditions aren't perfect?

    The answers to these questions and many more are covered in this episode.


    0:00- Introduction
    1:53- How to navigate food prepared by family when prepping
    8:46- The importance of a good setup
    20:41- Have the coaches ever been perfectly compliant with their plan for an entire prep?
    38:59- Things the coaches have seen that can lead to underreporting
    43:46- Working with someone who is serious, but not that serious
    52:46- Working with athletes who are overzealous
    1:03:18- Lowering volume
    1:06:32- Working with athletes who want to compete, but are afraid to because conditions aren't perfect

    Selected Links From This Episode

    Injury Reduction & Management Q&A Collection (Vault Course)- https://www.3dmjvault.com/courses/injury

    Thanks for listening to The 3D Muscle Journey Podcast

    SIGN UP FOR ONE-ON-ONE COACHING SERVICES – https://3dmusclejourney.com/coaching/

    TAKE OUR VIDEO COURSES FOR SERIOUS LIFTERS – https://www.3dmjvault.com/bundles/vip

    Watch our show on YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/team3dmj


    The post #247: Why Do I Keep Cheating On My Plan? appeared first on 3D Muscle Journey.

    11 January 2024, 12:00 pm
  • 47 minutes 1 second
    #246: What You Actually Need From Bodybuilding

    Jeff and Alberto discuss how they've helped and pushed each other, how they go about their bodybuilding differently, and how to get the most out of your bodybuilding journey.

    How long have the coaches been lifting? How does Jeff go about his bodybuilding? How does Alberto go about his bodybuilding? How do the coaches think they could benefit from the other's approach? Why might Alberto follow a meal plan during his next prep? Why is making sure your bodybuilding is internally rewarding so important? What else can bodybuilding do for you besides give you a good physique?

    The answers to these questions and more are covered in this episode.


    0:00- Introduction
    8:55- The more intrinsically rewarding you keep your bodybuilding the more likely you are to stick around
    26:21- The things bodybuilding helped the coaches figure out about themselves and correct
    38:31- Why Alberto wants to continue competing

    Selected Links From This Episode

    Injury Reduction & Management Q&A Collection (Vault Course)- https://www.3dmjvault.com/courses/injury

    Monthly Applications In Strength Sport (MASS)- https://www.3dmusclejourney.com/mass

    Thanks for listening to The 3D Muscle Journey Podcast

    SIGN UP FOR ONE-ON-ONE COACHING SERVICES – https://3dmusclejourney.com/coaching/

    TAKE OUR VIDEO COURSES FOR SERIOUS LIFTERS – https://www.3dmjvault.com/bundles/vip

    Watch our show on YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/team3dmj


    The post #246: What You Actually Need From Bodybuilding appeared first on 3D Muscle Journey.

    28 December 2023, 12:00 pm
  • 1 hour 3 minutes
    #245: 3 Pro Bodybuilders: 1 Year Out

    Brian, Brad, and Alberto discuss why getting yourself in a good position to prep is so important, what a good starting position looks like, and what they are currently doing to prepare for their 2024 season.

    Why are the coaches planning and preparing for the stage a year out? What are Brad, Brian, and Alberto's plans for their 2024 season? How far above stage weight do the coaches recommend starting prep? Ideally, as you get closer to the stage, should you be losing more or less weight per week compared to when you were further away? Is it possible to spread a season out too far? What new strategies are the coaches thinking about incorporating in their upcoming prep?

    The answers to these questions and many more are covered in this episode.


    0:00- Introduction
    3:28- What Brad is doing to prepare for his 2024 season
    8:42- Brian's plan for his 2024 season
    12:08- Alberto's plan for his 2024 season
    14:56- The importance of getting yourself in a good position to start prep
    35:00- The goal is not to empty the tank
    37:23- Do the coaches plan on competing more often now that they're more experienced?
    41:50- New strategies the coaches are thinking about incorporating in their upcoming prep
    58:53- Advice for those prepping in 2024

    Selected Links From This Episode

    Prep Positioning (Vault Course)- https://www.3dmjvault.com/courses/prep-positioning

    The Default Diet (Vault Course)- https://www.3dmjvault.com/courses/default-diet

    The Vault- https://www.3dmjvault.com/bundles/vip

    Thanks for listening to The 3D Muscle Journey Podcast

    SIGN UP FOR ONE-ON-ONE COACHING SERVICES – https://3dmusclejourney.com/coaching/

    TAKE OUR VIDEO COURSES FOR SERIOUS LIFTERS – https://www.3dmjvault.com/bundles/vip

    Watch our show on YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/team3dmj


    The post #245: 3 Pro Bodybuilders: 1 Year Out appeared first on 3D Muscle Journey.

    14 December 2023, 12:00 pm
  • 1 hour 5 minutes
    #244: Your Default Diet

    Brad, Eric, and Alberto discuss how as a bodybuilder becomes more ingrained in the bodybuilding lifestyle, the structure of their contest preps and the structure of their offseasons start to become more and more similar.

    What did Eric and Alberto's offseasons look like 10+ years ago compared to what they look like now? How does understanding macros work synergistically with having a meal plan? How can you tell if you have a solid structure and if it's working? Where is a good place to start when setting up your default diet? How might variations and amounts of foods change depending on what kind of phase you're in?

    The answers to these questions and many more are covered in this episode.


    0:00- Introduction
    2:51- Where is a good place to start when building your default diet?
    6:17- What Eric and Alberto's offseasons looked like 10+ years ago compared to what they look like now
    16:43- Brad's thoughts on the importance of having structure
    22:22- How you can tell if you have a solid structure and if it's working
    26:05- Does Alberto focus on establishing a good structure when he is working with someone who hasn't competed yet or is a first-time competitor?
    35:23- What your plate should look like
    42:07- Understanding macros works synergistically with having a meal plan
    53:11- Recovery phases should get easier over time
    55:49- Practical takeaways

    Selected Links From This Episode

    The Default Diet (Vault Course)- https://www.3dmjvault.com/courses/default-diet

    The Vault- https://www.3dmjvault.com/bundles/vip

    Thanks for listening to The 3D Muscle Journey Podcast

    SIGN UP FOR ONE-ON-ONE COACHING SERVICES – https://3dmusclejourney.com/coaching/

    TAKE OUR VIDEO COURSES FOR SERIOUS LIFTERS – https://www.3dmjvault.com/bundles/vip

    Watch our show on YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/team3dmj


    The post #244: Your Default Diet appeared first on 3D Muscle Journey.

    30 November 2023, 12:00 pm
  • 1 hour 31 minutes
    #243: All About Range Of Motion

    Eric, Brian, and Nick have an in-depth discussion around purposefully altering range of motion to get bigger, stronger, and rehab an injury.

    Is more range of motion always better? How can one use isometric contractions to increase a joint's range of motion? What is neuromechanical matching? Do we need to get into the extreme end range of motion to get any benefit from training at longer muscle lengths? What strategies does Nick use to get injured powerlifters back on the platform? When and why might one modify their range of motion on the big three to enhance their performance?

    The answers to these questions and many more are covered in this episode.


    0:00- Introduction
    2:22- Is more range of motion always better? Does increasing range of motion guarantee a reduction in joint pain?
    11:23- Modifying range of motion for powerlifting
    23:25- Modifying range of motion for bodybuilding
    39:18- Lengthened partials
    1:06:19- Strategies Nick uses to get injured powerlifters back on the platform
    1:16:03- Manipulating range of motion to enhance performance in powerlifting

    Selected Links From This Episode

    The Default Diet (Vault Course)- https://www.3dmjvault.com/courses/default-diet

    Nick's Website- https://www.strengthtogetheronline.com

    Nick's Instagram- @nicklicameli

    Nick's YouTube Channel- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAWFe5BmaJ_WFAh2aqsOg8g/featured

    Thanks for listening to The 3D Muscle Journey Podcast

    SIGN UP FOR ONE-ON-ONE COACHING SERVICES – https://3dmusclejourney.com/coaching/

    TAKE OUR VIDEO COURSES FOR SERIOUS LIFTERS – https://www.3dmjvault.com/bundles/vip

    Watch our show on YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/team3dmj


    The post #243: All About Range Of Motion appeared first on 3D Muscle Journey.

    16 November 2023, 12:00 pm
  • 1 hour 20 minutes
    #242: Improving As An Advanced Athlete

    Jeff and Eric discuss what they have had to do to continue to improve their physiques as advanced athletes. The coaches also share strategies other advanced athletes can use to continue making progress as well.

    What percentage of gains do the coaches feel like a person reaches after 5 years of lifting? What did Eric do between his last bodybuilding season and the one he is currently in to improve his delts? How much more progress does Eric think he can make now that he's 40? How did Jeff make the biggest changes in his physique as an advanced athlete? Why is the *majority* of Eric's training at this point done on machines? Does your testosterone really start decreasing in your 30s? What can you do to keep your testosterone from going down?

    The answers to these questions and many more are covered in this episode.


    0:00- Introduction
    6:40- Eric had to wait 3.5 years to see if what he was doing was working
    13:08- What Eric did between his last bodybuilding season and the one he is currently in to improve his delts
    27:56- How Eric is going to improve the muscles he wants to improve while keeping his joints healthy and managing overall fatigue
    31:31- The importance of working on your posing
    36:55- How Jeff made the biggest changes in his physique as an advanced athlete
    49:59- How much more progress does Eric think he can make now that he's 40?
    54:04- Experience gives you confidence
    58:09- Why the majority of Eric's training is done on machines
    1:00:55- Does an advanced athlete need to be in a large surplus to make progress?
    1:10:23- Misconceptions related to age

    Selected Links From This Episode

    Bodybuilding Program Design (Vault Course)- https://www.3dmjvault.com/courses/bodybuilding-program-design

    Coaching By Team 3DMJ- https://3dmusclejourney.com/coaching/

    Monthly Applications In Strength Sport (MASS)- https://www.3dmusclejourney.com/mass

    Thanks for listening to The 3D Muscle Journey Podcast

    SIGN UP FOR ONE-ON-ONE COACHING SERVICES – https://3dmusclejourney.com/coaching/

    TAKE OUR VIDEO COURSES FOR SERIOUS LIFTERS – https://www.3dmjvault.com/bundles/vip

    Watch our show on YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/team3dmj


    The post #242: Improving As An Advanced Athlete appeared first on 3D Muscle Journey.

    2 November 2023, 11:00 am
  • 48 minutes 40 seconds
    #241: What’s Our Coaching Style?

    Jeff and Alberto discuss common and unique scenarios they see when working with athletes. The coaches talk about how they work with athletes as well as the motives and mindsets they like to see.

    Do the coaches normally add to someone's to-do list or take away from it? How is it beneficial to acknowledge that you have a breaking point? What is Alberto's mission with all of the athletes he works with? What are some of the negative consequences the coaches have seen when someone pushes themself too hard? Can a contest prep permanently change someone? What common mistake did Jeff make that significantly delayed his attainment of his pro card?

    The answers to these questions and more are covered in this episode.


    0:00- Introduction
    11:10- Taking things off people's to-do list
    14:10- Helping people work on the things they aren't good at
    20:38- The hardest athletes for the coaches to work with
    29:36- The importance of being coachable
    32:01- Competing for the challenge of the process and what you will learn
    46:30- Final thoughts

    Selected Links From This Episode

    Coaching By Team 3DMJ- https://3dmusclejourney.com/coaching/

    Bodybuilding Program Design (Vault Course)- https://www.3dmjvault.com/courses/bodybuilding-program-design

    Thanks for listening to The 3D Muscle Journey Podcast

    SIGN UP FOR ONE-ON-ONE COACHING SERVICES – https://3dmusclejourney.com/coaching/

    TAKE OUR VIDEO COURSES FOR SERIOUS LIFTERS – https://www.3dmjvault.com/bundles/vip

    Watch our show on YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/team3dmj


    The post #241: What’s Our Coaching Style? appeared first on 3D Muscle Journey.

    19 October 2023, 11:00 am
  • 1 hour 16 minutes
    #240: Q&A Session 24

    Andrea, Brian, and Eric conduct an audience-supplied Q and A session. Question topics range from supplementation, to bulking, exercise technique, diet breaks, rest-period length, and more.

    Do you still get benefits from supplementing with creatine if you don't take it consistently? What is a good ratio of fat to muscle gained during a bulk? Does this ratio change as someone gets older? How long should a diet break be? What are the coaches' thoughts on using your heart rate to determine the length of your rest periods? What are the coaches' thoughts on training 7 days per week?

    The answers to these questions and more are covered in this episode.


    0:00- Introduction
    2:32- Do you still get benefits from supplementing with creatine if you don't take it consistently? How much of a difference does supplementing with creatine make?
    14:49- What's a good ratio of fat to muscle gained on a bulk? Does this ratio change as someone gets older?
    26:16- What is the highest number of compound exercises you should do per muscle group in one training session?
    36:59- What are the coaches' thoughts on long-term gaintaining vs. bulk and cut cycles?
    46:14- Romanian deadlift vs. Stiff leg deadlift
    54:05- How long should a diet break be?
    58:54- What are the coaches' thoughts on using your heart rate to determine the length of your rest periods?
    1:04:18- What are the coaches' thoughts on training 7 days per week?

    Selected Links From This Episode

    Bodybuilding Program Design (Vault Course)- https://www.3dmjvault.com/courses/bodybuilding-program-design

    3DMJ Instagram Account- @Team3DMJ

    3DMJ Podcast Episode #193: Programming Considerations- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-dSXTO_5L8I&t=1s

    The Lifting Library (Vault Course)- https://www.3dmjvault.com/courses/lifting-library

    3DMJ Podcast Episode #239: How To Build Your Meal Plan- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DBpRR45blL0

    Sustainable Fat Loss (Vault Course)- https://www.3dmjvault.com/courses/sustainable-fat-loss

    Thanks for listening to The 3D Muscle Journey Podcast

    SIGN UP FOR ONE-ON-ONE COACHING SERVICES – https://3dmusclejourney.com/coaching/

    TAKE OUR VIDEO COURSES FOR SERIOUS LIFTERS – https://www.3dmjvault.com/bundles/vip

    Watch our show on YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/team3dmj


    The post #240: Q&A Session 24 appeared first on 3D Muscle Journey.

    5 October 2023, 11:00 am
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