Dr. Carlson's Science Theater

Dr. Matt J. Carlson

Video podcast of cool science demonstrations. Join Dr. Matt Carlson as he risks life, limb, and dignity to bring you the finest science videos on Earth.

  • New iTunes Icon
    Just a quick post to put up the new icon as demanded by iTunes... has to be larger so I made a new one and hosted it here...

    Just remember, most updates go to YouTube.com/ScienceTheater first!


    23 March 2013, 8:20 pm
  • Gone to YouTube!
    My deepest apologies for letting this languish, but for those seeking more information about the current developments of Science Theater... there really haven't been any. However, what there has been, has been put up on YouTube.

    Consider this blog no longer in service. The "official" Dr. Carlson's Science Theater site is still around, just visit:


    For the most current/recent/updated videos and other comments, visit my YouTube channel:


    7 March 2013, 2:35 am
  • Entropy - Episode 39
    Entropy. It's why everything seems to break down and get messy. It is something that comes about when you have lots and lots of little things (like atoms) that can be in several possible "states" (no, not Florida). The more things or more states you have, the more entropy you're going to have. Dr. Carlson has entirely too much fun playing with coins and blocks while he tries to explain how Chemists think of Entropy. (Stay to the end and you'll even see a rubber band, whee!)

    Science Theater Episode 39: Entropy
    16 November 2009, 8:13 pm
  • Walking on Water - Episode 38
    Winter is in the air, and it's cold out on the lake making it pretty easy to walk on water. Dr. Carlson visits his parents and takes time out to explain some cool science concepts that can occur when your lake freezes over. That's right, Dr. Carlson freezes his tooshie, just so you can expand your mind!

    Science Theater Episode 38: Walking on Water
    16 January 2009, 9:24 pm
  • Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle - Episode 37
    Physics tells us that you can't know exactly where you are and where you are going at the same time! Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle explains that you can't measure a particle's exact velocity and location, Dr. Carlson takes on the challenge of explaining it all in this special, third anniversary, episode of...

    Science Theater Episode 37:Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle
    22 December 2008, 1:24 am
  • A Particle Experiment - Episode 36
    Pity the poor high energy particle physicists. In order to perform an experiment, they have to destroy whatever they're looking at. Dr. Carlson explains how experiments on tiny particles are tricky. It's not easy to run experiments on things that are smaller than your tools.

    Science Theater Episode 36:A Particle Experiment
    20 October 2008, 1:48 am
  • Quantum Mechanics - Episode 35
    Can you change reality just by looking at it? Dr. Carlson says no! Watch on to see just what we mean when scientists talk about observers determining reality in this down-to-earth explanation of Quantum Mechanics.

    Science Theater Episode 35: Quantum Mechanics
    7 May 2008, 10:56 pm
  • Brainteaser 02 - A Straight Line
    Is the best path between two points a straight line? The second video in our brainteaser series challenges the viewer (you) to predict and explain any differences in the path of two rolling balls. Can you figure it out before the episode is over?

    Science Theater Brainteaser 02: A Straight Line
    3 April 2008, 11:31 pm
  • Brainteaser 01 - Rolling Uphill
    Do you have what it takes to explain science? Try to explain how this object actually rolls uphill in this episode. This video is the first of several Brainteaser episodes where you, the viewer, are presented with a problem and are challenged to explain the science behind the solution by the end of the episode.

    Science Theater Brainteaser 01: Rolling Uphill
    20 March 2008, 3:12 am
  • The Sweat Episode - Episode 34
    Yes, he's done freezing by boiling before, but this time Dr. Carlson uses liquid nitrogen, a special tube, and a little water to demonstrate the power of sweat!

    Science Theater Episode 34: The Sweat Episode
    3 March 2008, 3:41 am
  • Making Clouds - Episode 33
    How to make a cloud in a bottle in four easy steps. Dr. Carlson takes on a giant glass ball of green liquid in an attempt to eplain how clouds are formed. In a never-before seen feature, this episode even includes Director's Commentary for the first segment. Yes, it's a feature, not a bug.

    Science Theater Episode 33: Making Clouds

    Feel free to drop by our home page at www.ScienceTheater.net!

    Note, technically this episode is 33b, as it takes the place of The Sweet Spot - Episode 33, removed due to a few mistakes in the science of hitting balls with bats.
    4 February 2008, 4:18 am
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