Wendy's Way

Wendy's Way is a podcast dedicated to helping you on your daily journey through Life.

  • 7 minutes 12 seconds
    WAY 92: Seasons Greetings and Goodbye from Me

    Welcome to Episode 92 and my last podcast episode on The Wellness Couch.  It has been a pleasure to bring my podcast to you over the last three years, thank you for inviting me to be part of your lives.  In this Episode I offer you my best wishes and greetings for the Festive season, share a few tips and hints to get through this time of year and then I take a few moments to say goodbye and my thank you’s to everyone that has helped me bring my episodes to you.  Thank you to all of you for listening to my podcast, It has been a great pleasure to podcast for you.  I look forward to continuing to empower and inspire you through Wendy’s Way in the future.  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and Thank you again. 

    Love Wendy 🙂

    The post WAY 92: Seasons Greetings and Goodbye from Me appeared first on The Wellness Couch.

    18 December 2019, 6:00 pm
  • 13 minutes 45 seconds
    WAY 91: Fabulous 50 – Another Milestone Trip around the Sun

    Welcome to Episode 91 of my podcast.  In this solo show, I have the pleasure of bringing you my thoughts on turning 50.  It has been a milestone birthday and a magic, memorable time celebrating this life event. I share my feelings on achieving this milestone and all the lessons I have learnt.  Thank you so much for listening. 

    Love Wendy

    The post WAY 91: Fabulous 50 – Another Milestone Trip around the Sun appeared first on The Wellness Couch.

    28 November 2019, 12:00 am
  • 33 minutes 28 seconds
    WAY 90: Audra Starkey – Too Tired To Cook (The Healthy Shift Worker)

    Welcome to Episode 90 of my podcast.  In this Episode, I have the distinct pleasure of interviewing Audra Starkey – The Healthy Shift Worker.  Audra speaks about her new book,  “Too Tired To Cook”, a book written for Shift Workers by a Shift Worker, why she felt compelled to write it and what her aim is with this book.  Audra shares generously about all things relating to Shift Work, how to best manage it, how loved ones of shift workers can also help navigate this and help everyone live their happiest healthiest lives.  Audra is a wealth of information and it was such a privilege to interview her. I hope you enjoy this Episode.  Love Wendy 🙂

    Audra’s Website: https://healthyshiftworker.com/

    Audra’s Event: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/better-sleep-nutrition-for-shift-workers-brisbane-tickets-79485604583?aff=ebdssbdestsearch

    The post WAY 90: Audra Starkey – Too Tired To Cook (The Healthy Shift Worker) appeared first on The Wellness Couch.

    12 November 2019, 6:00 pm
  • 31 minutes 48 seconds
    WAY 89: Rachael Leahcar – Together for Christmas

    Welcome to Episode 89 of my Podcast.  In this Episode I have the great pleasure of interviewing Rachael Leahcar from Season 1 of The Voice Australia 2012 and chatting about her new album Together for Christmas.  Rachael shares her thoughts and the journey of making a Christmas album, why she wanted to make it and all the highs and lows that came with it.  Rachael shares openly and honestly about everyday living, the story of this album, Christmas and all that it brings.  It was such a distinct pleasure to spend this time with Racheal and go “behind the scenes” so to speak.  I hope you enjoy this Episode.  Love Wendy

    Click link to buy, download or stream Together for Christmas: https://rachael-leahcar.lnk.to/Christmas

    Rachael’s website: http://www.rachealleahcar.com.au

    Rachael’s FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/rachaeleahcar/

    The post WAY 89: Rachael Leahcar – Together for Christmas appeared first on The Wellness Couch.

    29 October 2019, 6:00 pm
  • 36 minutes 52 seconds
    WAY 88: Embracing Change & Facing our fears with Debbie Williams

    Welcome to Episode 88 of my Podcast.  In this Episode I invite Debbie Williams to chat about embracing change and facing our fears.  I have been having lots of these conversations lately and I invited Debbie to explore this further with me.  Debbie is an author, a wife, a mother, a grandmother and an amazing friend.  Listen in as Debbie and I go deep into this topic and share our thoughts.  We hope to inspire, motivate and empower each of you through this episode. 

    Thank you for listening. 

    Love Wendy 🙂

    The post WAY 88: Embracing Change & Facing our fears with Debbie Williams appeared first on The Wellness Couch.

    16 October 2019, 5:00 am
  • 20 minutes 35 seconds
    WAY 87: My Basecamp Wrap up & Queensland Adventure

    Welcome to Episode 87 of my podcast.  In this episode, I share my stories and thoughts from my recent trip to Brisbane and The Sunshine Coast.  It was such an incredible trip, so many lessons learnt, so much to be grateful for.  I had such a special time with my hubby, friends, my tribe and made so many new friends.  Taking a break and having downtime is so critical for us to recharge, re-energise and give our body and souls a break from our everyday.  I feel nothing but blessed to have had this experience and I wanted to share it with all of you.  I hope you enjoy this episode. 

    Love Wendy

    The post WAY 87: My Basecamp Wrap up & Queensland Adventure appeared first on The Wellness Couch.

    2 October 2019, 9:00 am
  • 47 minutes 36 seconds
    WAY 86: Bronwyn Bennett – Talking 5G and Building Biology

    Welcome to Episode 86 of my podcast.  In this episode I have the pleasure of interviewing Bronwyn Bennet a Building Biologist.  With all the concern about 5G being implemented around Australia, I invited Bronwyn on my show to help us make some sense of it all.  Bronwyn shares practical & informative details about 5G and what we can do to help ourselves and our families cope with this.  Bronwyn also educates us about Building Biology and how we can make our homes and all the spaces we live in everyday healthier and happier to be in. Bronwyn is a wealth of information and I felt so empowered and informed after this conversation.  I hope you enjoy this Episode.  Love Wendy 🙂

    Bronwyn’s FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/creatinghealthyspaces/

    Bronwyn’s Website: https://creatinghealthyspaces.com.au

    The post WAY 86: Bronwyn Bennett – Talking 5G and Building Biology appeared first on The Wellness Couch.

    17 September 2019, 7:00 pm
  • 27 minutes 11 seconds
    WAY 85: Wendy Lake – What happened after The Wellness Summit 2019

    Welcome to Episode 85 of my podcast.  In this Episode I have the pleasure of interviewing Wendy Lake, who recently attended The Wellness Summit in Melbourne.  Wendy had an incredible experience at The Summit, it left a massive impression on her and what has happened in her life since is nothing short of amazing.  Listen as Wendy shares her life journey with us.  Wendy is inspiring, incredible, kind and so honest about all her adventures.  It was such a joy to interview her and listen as she shares her thoughts and wisdom with us.  I hope you enjoy this Episode, Love Wendy 🙂

    Wendy’s FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/lakewendy

    Wendy’s Website:https://www.wendylakeceremonies.com.au

    The post WAY 85: Wendy Lake – What happened after The Wellness Summit 2019 appeared first on The Wellness Couch.

    3 September 2019, 7:00 pm
  • 18 minutes 32 seconds
    WAY 84: 2019 Wellness Summit Wrap Up – Solo Show

    Welcome to Episode 84 of my Podcast.  In this Episode, I share my wrap up of The Wellness Summit 2019.  It was an incredible event and exceeded all my expectations.  I share what I learnt, my takeaways, and why I attend this incredible event every year.  I hope you enjoy this Episode.  Love Wendy

    My Website: http://www.wendysway.com.au

    The post WAY 84: 2019 Wellness Summit Wrap Up – Solo Show appeared first on The Wellness Couch.

    21 August 2019, 2:30 am
  • 43 minutes 19 seconds
    WAY 83: Kathryn Hammond from Action Organising

    Welcome to Episode 83 of my podcast. In this Episode meet Kathryn Hammond from Action Organising. Kathryn passionate about helping people free themselves from clutter and having a space that is clutter free, welcoming and provides a home that gives you a sense of peace. Kathryn shares her journey to creating Action Organising with us and gives so much of herself in this Episode. Kathryn has worked community sector for 30 years now, and loves working with people. Having worked specifically with seniors and people with disabilities over the past 10 years, she has an understanding of the difficulties in downsizing and letting go, this is where her ‘organising with heart’ tagline comes in. Her personal values of kindness and compassion support her in working with clients ensuring they feel nurtured as they make difficult decisions in ‘letting go’ of items. I have known Kathryn for over 20 years and am so proud of what she as created to help others, it was such a huge pleasure to have her on my show and share her with you. I hope you enjoy this Episode. Love Wendy

    Kathryn’s Website: https://actionorganising.com.au/

    Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/action_organising/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/actionorganising

    Email: [email protected]

    The post WAY 83: Kathryn Hammond from Action Organising appeared first on The Wellness Couch.

    30 July 2019, 7:00 pm
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