One Sixty Metre Crossband Radio

Mr Stu

An insight into a small group of Radio Hams in Melbourne who (since the 1970's) have conducted rambling and inane conversations until the early hours of the morning via complex multiplex radio connections that even the Oz Govt Radio Authorities have yet to figure out.

    Strange as it seems it is quicker to just put audio up on youtube
  • Russian Missions pt2
    Part 2 of above(68min 28Meg)
  • Branch Tower Climb
    A nice tour around the Branch shack and a climb up the unsafe tower(54min 22Meg)
  • 1975 Political
    Well would you belive it is 30 years since the dismissal?. This was recorded the night before the following election that was the product that event and things get quite heated(103mins 43Meg) 1975
  • History Of Glenhuntly
    Very early Stu Bek missions and a difinitive description of Glenhuntly in 1975(62min 11Meg)
  • D Cells
    During an electricty strike when it is illegal to use more than two light bulbs and a toaster in each house, Mr Branch runs the missions off d cells (10min 4Meg)
  • Father John
    The Maize takes some serious calls (20min 9Meg)
  • Soak Cape York
    Mr Soak talks about his travels around Australia(37min 15Meg)
  • More callback from Mr Wetsdale
    Callbacks on social issues and Mr Wets as well (26min 11Meg)
  • Jim Payne
    An afternoon crossband with the Branch and Agr.A listener drops in to find out how it all works. (67min 12Meg)
  • Telegalore
    A big night with lots of talkback calls. 1975 (18min 7Meg)
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