Bah & The Humbugs Christmas Eve Podcast

Bah & the Humbugs

Bah & the Humbugs, America's premier satiric Christmas rock band, present their annual Christmas Eve podcast for your enjoyment. Sit back with some eggnog and your favorite elf and enjoy the Humbugs' unique brand of holiday cheer and coal-in-your-stocking, laugh-until-you-hurt Humbugs songs.

  • 13 minutes 18 seconds
    Bah & The Humbugs Christmas Eve 2024 Podcast
    Polar Takeover: A cautionary tale about corporate greed and rampant capitalism, with plucky elves saving the day. Includes the new Humbugs song "I'm Just Saying We Could Use a Little Snow Around Here" and Humbugs classics "Here Come the Christmas Zombies" and "Best Christmas Ever."
    21 December 2024, 10:00 pm
  • 18 minutes 9 seconds
    Bah & The Humbugs Christmas Eve 2022 Podcast
    Christmastime Story Hour: Sit back with your wassail generously spiked, and the Yule log burning, and listen to this timeless tale of what happens when a boss tries to cancel Christmas vacation.
    19 December 2022, 10:29 pm
  • 26 minutes 42 seconds
    Bah & The Humbugs Christmas Eve 2021 Podcast
    North Pole Supply Chain Gang: At the North Pole, elves preparing for Christmas are struggling with a shortage of wrapping paper and other supplies. They get a lesson about global supply chain issues and do their best to deliver a normal Christmas. Includes the songs Red-Nose Heroes, Sleigh Riders, Snow Day, The Elves Are Restless, and My Psychic Reindeer.
    17 December 2021, 12:25 pm
  • 27 minutes 27 seconds
    Bah & The Humbugs Christmas Eve 2020 Podcast
    "The Show Must Not Go On": North Pole TV's Christmastravaganza falls victim to pandemic restrictions. How will the elves bring joy to all viewing households, & the charismatic host hang onto his grant money? Includes the songs Christmas 2020, Pantry Clause, Ornamental, Here Comes Skunky Claus and Bang the Yule Gong.
    21 December 2020, 1:40 am
  • 28 minutes 16 seconds
    Bah & The Humbugs Christmas Eve 2019 Podcast
    "Christmas Kickfunder" is a sordid little tale of elves learning to crowdfund, and roasting novelty-packaged artisan coffee. Includes the songs Kickfund My Christmas, Turkey, Christmas Tree from Hell, Santa Pulled Down My Icicle Lights, and Christmas Police.
    19 December 2019, 11:30 pm
  • 25 minutes 18 seconds
    Bah & The Humbugs Christmas Eve 2018 Podcast
    "Supernatural Tales of Magic" relates the chilling and festive cautionary saga of Ebenezer Scrooge and The Magic White Pumpkin. Includes the songs Genetically Modified Gingerbread Man, Christmas Bar, and Christmas In July (in August).
    16 December 2018, 5:33 pm
  • 29 minutes 23 seconds
    Bah & The Humbugs Christmas Eve 2017 Podcast
    "As Seen on North Pole TV" ponders the evil side of the smart appliances you might be thinking of gifting this Christmas. Includes the brand-new Humbugs song Dark Matter, along with Toy of the Year, Christmas List, Holly Danger, and All I Want for Christmas is a Brand New Starship.
    19 December 2017, 3:00 am
  • 29 minutes 23 seconds
    Bah & The Humbugs Christmas Eve 2016 Podcast
    Santa's Big Brother: Bah & The Humbugs expose the true extent of Yuletide surveillance! Follow the saga as North Polar whistleblower Edward Snowman airs all of Santa's dirty laundry, all in the name of freedom and transparency. Includes the brand-new Humbugs song Man in the Christmas Moon, and favorites Mr. Big Christmas, Authority Man, Cease and Desist, and Judgement Day.
    18 December 2016, 4:00 pm
  • 24 minutes 28 seconds
    Bah & The Humbugs Christmas Eve 2015 Podcast
    St. Nick Visits Philly: Chronicles the historic, traffic-halting, nightmare-inducing visit of a beloved religious figure to the City of Brotherly Love. No, not that beloved religious figure; we're talking about Santa Claus! Follow the elves who are planning this historic event on a merry chase through a plethora of new songs, including Sleigh Boy, Best Christmas Ever, Blow Up Santa, and Plain Red Cup.
    16 December 2015, 11:30 am
  • 29 minutes 10 seconds
    Bah & The Humbugs Christmas Eve 2014 Podcast
    Please Support the Crackernuts School of Christmas: The world-renowned Christmas training academy hosts a telethon to help pay for the school's extravagant new sports arena, the Snow Globe. Includes the songs The First Snowflake, The Crackernuts School of Christmas, Chiller Horror Christmas, Merry or Die, Hurricane Santa, and Million Dollar Christmas.
    17 December 2014, 2:30 am
  • 7 minutes
    Bah & The Humbugs Christmas Eve 2013 Podcast
    The Making of "The Making of 'The Night Before "The Night Before" ' ": A Christmas Eve 2013 behind-the-scenes look at the inception and production of the epic new Bah & the Humbugs feature film and hit song. Included is the new Humbugs song, The Night Before "The Night Before."
    22 December 2013, 5:30 pm
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